im·per·ti·nent /ɪmˈpəːtɪnənt US -əːr-/ adj
rude and not respectful, especially to someone who is older or more important
= cheeky
a can of worms---A source of unforeseen and troublesome complexity.
If you open a can of worms, you do something that will cause a lot of problems and is, on balance, probably going to cause more trouble than it's worth.
let the cat is out of the bag---Disclose a secret.
get some chow
i am a soft touch.----One who is easily persuaded or taken advantage of.
this is a witch hunt.----An investigation carried out ostensibly to uncover subversive activities but actually used to harass and undermine those with differing views.
ex·on·e·rate /ɪgˈzɔnəreɪt US ɪgˈzɑː-/ v [T]
to state officially that someone who has been blamed for something is not guilty
To zero in on a target means to aim at it or move towards it.
He raised the binoculars again and zeroed in on an eleventh-floor room.
an insidious change or problem spreads gradually without being noticed, and causes serious harm
2009年5月19日 星期二
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
Mount Rushmore National Memorial, near Keystone, South Dakota, is a monumental granite sculpture by Gutzon Borglum (1867–1941), located within the United States Presidential Memorial that represents the first 150 years of the history of the United States of America with 60-foot (18 m) sculptures of the heads of former United States presidents (left to right):
George Washington (1732–1799),
Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826),
Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919),
and Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865).
The entire memorial covers 1,278.45 acres and is 5,725 feet (1,745 m) above sea level.
It is managed by the National Park Service, a bureau of the United States Department of the Interior.
The memorial attracts approximately two million people annually.
The carving started in 1927, and ended in 1941 with some injuries and no fatalities.
George Washington (1732–1799),
Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826),
Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919),
and Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865).
The entire memorial covers 1,278.45 acres and is 5,725 feet (1,745 m) above sea level.
It is managed by the National Park Service, a bureau of the United States Department of the Interior.
The memorial attracts approximately two million people annually.
The carving started in 1927, and ended in 1941 with some injuries and no fatalities.
2009年5月18日 星期一
Something old, something new
Something borrowed, something blue
And a silver sixpence in her shoe.
Each item in this poem represents a good-luck token for the bride.
If she carries all of them on her wedding day, her marriage will be happy.
"Something old" symbolizes continuity with the bride's family and the past.
"Something new" means optimism and hope for the bride's new life ahead.
"Something borrowed" is usually an item from a happily married friend or family member, whose good fortune in marriage is supposed to carry over to the new bride.
The borrowed item also reminds the bride that she can depend on her friends and family.
As for the colorful item, blue has been connected to weddings for centuries. In ancient Rome, brides wore blue to symbolize love, modesty, and fidelity. Christianity has long dressed the Virgin Mary in blue, so purity was associated with the color. Before the late 19th century, blue was a popular color for wedding gowns, as evidenced in proverbs like, "Marry in blue, lover be true."
And finally, a silver sixpence in the bride's shoe represents wealth and financial security.
Something borrowed, something blue
And a silver sixpence in her shoe.
Each item in this poem represents a good-luck token for the bride.
If she carries all of them on her wedding day, her marriage will be happy.
"Something old" symbolizes continuity with the bride's family and the past.
"Something new" means optimism and hope for the bride's new life ahead.
"Something borrowed" is usually an item from a happily married friend or family member, whose good fortune in marriage is supposed to carry over to the new bride.
The borrowed item also reminds the bride that she can depend on her friends and family.
As for the colorful item, blue has been connected to weddings for centuries. In ancient Rome, brides wore blue to symbolize love, modesty, and fidelity. Christianity has long dressed the Virgin Mary in blue, so purity was associated with the color. Before the late 19th century, blue was a popular color for wedding gowns, as evidenced in proverbs like, "Marry in blue, lover be true."
And finally, a silver sixpence in the bride's shoe represents wealth and financial security.
remote father
thinking carefully about something before doing it, in order to avoid risk
= cautious
touchstone of
something used as a test or standard
Sara was a possessive mother, while James was an elderly and remote father
Theodore and Franklin D. Roosevelt were fifth cousins but were close and Theodore gave away his orphaned niece, Eleanor Roosevelt, in marriage to "cousin Franklin" in 1905.
In a Christian wedding ceremony, if someone gives the bride away, they officially present her to her husband. This is traditionally done by the bride's father.
thinking carefully about something before doing it, in order to avoid risk
= cautious
touchstone of
something used as a test or standard
Sara was a possessive mother, while James was an elderly and remote father
Theodore and Franklin D. Roosevelt were fifth cousins but were close and Theodore gave away his orphaned niece, Eleanor Roosevelt, in marriage to "cousin Franklin" in 1905.
In a Christian wedding ceremony, if someone gives the bride away, they officially present her to her husband. This is traditionally done by the bride's father.
2009年5月14日 星期四
au revoir
au revoir /ˌəu rəˈvwɑː, ˌɔ- US ˌou rəˈvwɑːr/ interjection
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: French; Origin: 'until seeing again']
Au revoir et bonne chance, 再見祝你好運
mon ami ---- MY FRIEND
Someone has to book this creep.
have/take a gander at sth
spoken to look at something
You are a man of my stripe.
sort; kind
這句話出現在STAR TREK 下一代 第11集
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: French; Origin: 'until seeing again']
Au revoir et bonne chance, 再見祝你好運
mon ami ---- MY FRIEND
Someone has to book this creep.
have/take a gander at sth
spoken to look at something
You are a man of my stripe.
sort; kind
這句話出現在STAR TREK 下一代 第11集
2009年5月13日 星期三
複習 vote
take/have a vote (on sth)
Unless anyone has anything to add, we'll take a vote.
Let's have a vote on it.
I vote ...
spoken used to say that you prefer one particular choice or possible action
I vote we go to the movies.
I vote ... for
'What do you want to eat?' 'I vote for Mexican.'
vote with your pocketbook AmE
a) also vote your pocketbook AmE
to vote for someone or something that you think will help you have the most money
People generally vote their pocketbooks against new taxes.
b) also vote with your dollars AmE
to show you like something by choosing to buy it
Readers vote with their wallets every day when they choose a newspaper.
Unless anyone has anything to add, we'll take a vote.
Let's have a vote on it.
I vote ...
spoken used to say that you prefer one particular choice or possible action
I vote we go to the movies.
I vote ... for
'What do you want to eat?' 'I vote for Mexican.'
vote with your pocketbook AmE
a) also vote your pocketbook AmE
to vote for someone or something that you think will help you have the most money
People generally vote their pocketbooks against new taxes.
b) also vote with your dollars AmE
to show you like something by choosing to buy it
Readers vote with their wallets every day when they choose a newspaper.
複習 toe
toe the line
to do what other people in a job or organization say you should do, whether you agree with them or not
You toe the line or you don't stay on the team!
put/dip a toe in the water
to try a little of something or try an activity for a short time to see if you like it
If you say that someone or something keeps you on your toes, you mean that they cause you to remain alert and ready for anything that might happen.
His fiery campaign rhetoric has kept opposition parties on their toes for months.
If you tread on someone's toes, you offend them by criticizing the way that they do something or by interfering in their affairs. (INFORMAL)
to do what other people in a job or organization say you should do, whether you agree with them or not
You toe the line or you don't stay on the team!
put/dip a toe in the water
to try a little of something or try an activity for a short time to see if you like it
If you say that someone or something keeps you on your toes, you mean that they cause you to remain alert and ready for anything that might happen.
His fiery campaign rhetoric has kept opposition parties on their toes for months.
If you tread on someone's toes, you offend them by criticizing the way that they do something or by interfering in their affairs. (INFORMAL)
spin your wheels
spin your wheels
AmE to continue trying to do something without having any success
I felt like I was just spinning my wheels trying to make him understand.
tread water
a) to stay floating upright in deep water by moving your legs as if you are riding a bicycle
b) to make no progress in a particular situation, especially because you are waiting for something to happen
All I could do was tread water until the contracts arrived.
AmE to continue trying to do something without having any success
I felt like I was just spinning my wheels trying to make him understand.
tread water
a) to stay floating upright in deep water by moving your legs as if you are riding a bicycle
b) to make no progress in a particular situation, especially because you are waiting for something to happen
All I could do was tread water until the contracts arrived.
複習 lap
to pass a competitor in a race who is one complete lap behind you
Erik Gomas spun off the track when trying to lap Andrew Scott.
Casey gave up after being lapped twice.
He was caught out while lapping a slower rider.
lap up [lap sth⇔up] phr v
If you say that someone laps up something such as information or attention, you mean that they accept it eagerly, usually when you think they are being foolish for believing that it is sincere.
to enjoy something without worrying about whether it is good, true etc
She's lapping up all the attention she's getting.
The humour was lapped up by an appreciative crowd.
if an animal laps up water, milk etc, it drinks it by putting its tongue into it
The cat began to lap up the milk.
do/run/swim a lap
Every morning she swims 50 laps in the pool.
2009年5月10日 星期日
save one's (own) `hide/`skin
save one's (own) `hide/`skin
(infml usu derog 口, 通常作貶義) escape harm, injury, punishment, loss, etc
save sb's skin/neck/bacon informal
to help someone to escape from an extremely difficult or dangerous situation
He lied in court to save his own skin.
A saving grace is a good quality or feature in a person or thing that prevents them from being completely bad or worthless.
The scintillating conversation was the saving grace of a bad and overpriced meal.
(infml usu derog 口, 通常作貶義) escape harm, injury, punishment, loss, etc
save sb's skin/neck/bacon informal
to help someone to escape from an extremely difficult or dangerous situation
He lied in court to save his own skin.
A saving grace is a good quality or feature in a person or thing that prevents them from being completely bad or worthless.
The scintillating conversation was the saving grace of a bad and overpriced meal.
scin·til·lat·ing /ˈsɪntɪleɪtɪŋ/ adj
interesting, clever, and amusing
scintillating conversation
a scintillating performance
interesting, clever, and amusing
scintillating conversation
a scintillating performance
2009年5月8日 星期五
2009年5月7日 星期四
jog sb's memory
two-tone adj having two different colours or sounds
You've hit the nail on the head here, Doogie1.
to be absolutely correct or accurate
That view ... is flat wrong.
second-guess---AmE to criticize something after it has already happened
bona fide----real, true, and not intended to deceive anyone
it looks like the furry friend just picked up on our habit of eating junk food.
sb's memory is playing tricks on them
spoken used to say that someone is remembering things wrongly
My memory must be playing tricks on me; I'm sure I put that book on the desk.
two-tone adj having two different colours or sounds
You've hit the nail on the head here, Doogie1.
to be absolutely correct or accurate
That view ... is flat wrong.
second-guess---AmE to criticize something after it has already happened
bona fide----real, true, and not intended to deceive anyone
it looks like the furry friend just picked up on our habit of eating junk food.
sb's memory is playing tricks on them
spoken used to say that someone is remembering things wrongly
My memory must be playing tricks on me; I'm sure I put that book on the desk.
jog sb's memory-----to make someone remember something
Perhaps this photo will help to jog your memory.
refresh sb's memory--to make someone remember something
I looked at the map to refresh my memory of the route
Perhaps this photo will help to jog your memory.
refresh sb's memory--to make someone remember something
I looked at the map to refresh my memory of the route
bon appetit/ˌbɔn æpəˈtiː US ˌboun æpeɪ-/
男主角在小男孩吃Lucky Charms之前對他說了這句話。
男主角在小男孩吃Lucky Charms之前對他說了這句話。
said to someone before they start eating a meal, to tell them you hope they enjoy their food
This I know.
A little too bright!?
Shade it back up.
This I know.
A little too bright!?
Shade it back up.
I'm down with kids.
Oh yeah, dude, you're the bomb.
be down with sb
spoken informal to be friends with someone
be the bomb informal
to be very good or exciting
Ice doesn't really help the uncoordinated.
someone who is uncoordinated is not good at physical activities because they cannot control their movements effectively
Old ones were getting pretty bald.
Well, Bella, looks like you took quite a spill. How do you feel?
Bella 車禍之後(幾乎沒有受傷),醫生對她說的話。
a fall from a horse, bicycle etc
Tyson broke a rib when he took a spill on his motorcycle.
You're on my rez, remember.
(slang) Short form of Indian reservation
It'll give your old man some peace of mind.
Oh yeah, dude, you're the bomb.
be down with sb
spoken informal to be friends with someone
be the bomb informal
to be very good or exciting
Ice doesn't really help the uncoordinated.
someone who is uncoordinated is not good at physical activities because they cannot control their movements effectively
Old ones were getting pretty bald.
Well, Bella, looks like you took quite a spill. How do you feel?
Bella 車禍之後(幾乎沒有受傷),醫生對她說的話。
a fall from a horse, bicycle etc

You're on my rez, remember.
(slang) Short form of Indian reservation
It'll give your old man some peace of mind.
2009年5月6日 星期三
[SPANISH]: Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez.
She just shocks us every day.
She always comes up with something new.
She just really bowls us over every day.
bowl over [bowl sb⇔over]
to accidentally hit someone and knock them down because you are running in a place that is full of people or things
= knock over
to surprise, please, or excite someone very much
= knock out
He was bowled over by her beauty.
She just shocks us every day.
She always comes up with something new.
She just really bowls us over every day.
bowl over [bowl sb⇔over]
to accidentally hit someone and knock them down because you are running in a place that is full of people or things
= knock over
to surprise, please, or excite someone very much
= knock out
He was bowled over by her beauty.
go awry
go awry
if something goes awry, it does not happen in the way that was planned
Let's hope they train their cross hairs where they do the least damage.
train sth on/at sb/sth
to aim something such as a gun or camera at someone or something
She trained her binoculars on the bird.
if something goes awry, it does not happen in the way that was planned
Let's hope they train their cross hairs where they do the least damage.
train sth on/at sb/sth
to aim something such as a gun or camera at someone or something
She trained her binoculars on the bird.
cross hair or cross·hair (krôshâr, krŏs-)n.
Either of two fine strands of wire crossed in the focus of the eyepiece of an optical instrument and used as a calibration or sighting reference.(射擊時,瞄準時出現在鏡頭的十字線)
outsourcing whole swaths of a tech business is old hat.
A few years ago tech companies would have blanched at the idea of outsourcing R&D.
blanch--To turn white or become pale
Tempted to get back into stocks, but still feeling the burn from last year's collapse?
Either of two fine strands of wire crossed in the focus of the eyepiece of an optical instrument and used as a calibration or sighting reference.(射擊時,瞄準時出現在鏡頭的十字線)
outsourcing whole swaths of a tech business is old hat.
A few years ago tech companies would have blanched at the idea of outsourcing R&D.
blanch--To turn white or become pale
Tempted to get back into stocks, but still feeling the burn from last year's collapse?
the butterflies he felt
The winner of the TV program "Britain's Got Talent" in 2007, Potts recalls the butterflies he felt in the lead-up to his audition.
have/get butterflies (in your stomach) informal to feel very nervous before doing something
lead-up /ˈliːd ʌp/ n [singular]
the things that are done in the time before an important event
But just like Boyle, he blew everybody's socks off when he opened his mouth to sing -- in his case, Puccini's "Nessun Dorma."
knock/blow sb's socks off also knock sb dead
spoken to surprise and please someone by being very impressive
if you give someone a makeover, you make them look more attractive by giving them new clothes, a new hair style etc
Much fuss has been made about Susan Boyle's appearance and whether or not she should have a makeover. How do you feel about that?
camaraderie--- feeling of friendship that a group of people have, especially when they work together
Just the camaraderie of the people I worked with.
have any of those bullies come out of the woodwork and tried to contact you?
have/get butterflies (in your stomach) informal to feel very nervous before doing something
lead-up /ˈliːd ʌp/ n [singular]
the things that are done in the time before an important event
But just like Boyle, he blew everybody's socks off when he opened his mouth to sing -- in his case, Puccini's "Nessun Dorma."
knock/blow sb's socks off also knock sb dead
spoken to surprise and please someone by being very impressive
if you give someone a makeover, you make them look more attractive by giving them new clothes, a new hair style etc
Much fuss has been made about Susan Boyle's appearance and whether or not she should have a makeover. How do you feel about that?
camaraderie--- feeling of friendship that a group of people have, especially when they work together
Just the camaraderie of the people I worked with.
have any of those bullies come out of the woodwork and tried to contact you?
come out of the woodwork
to appear or emerge as though out of nowhere, frequently in large numbers or quantity
to appear or emerge as though out of nowhere, frequently in large numbers or quantity
2009年5月4日 星期一
How do you spell vulture?
"How do you spell vulture?" an unidentified person called out at media covering the case.
If someone cooks up an explanation or a story, they make it up. (INFORMAL)
This controversy, Wauck said, was also cooked up by the film's marketing department.
joint attention difficulty
iridescent ---showing colours that seem to change in different lights
If someone cooks up an explanation or a story, they make it up. (INFORMAL)
This controversy, Wauck said, was also cooked up by the film's marketing department.
joint attention difficulty
iridescent ---showing colours that seem to change in different lights
citizen science
This "citizen science" movement is not exactly new, but it has grown fresh legs as the Internet and social-networking sites help people with uber-specified and often bizarre interests gang up for a cause.
backyard scientist
When those photos -- from ordinary people all over the world -- are paired with the photographer's location and uploaded to a database, the information would be more valuable than anything scientists could come up with on their own.
It's gaining steam(之前沒有什麼特別,但是現在不一樣了)
But using Twitter more in Apple products could help, especially as the messaging/microblogging service picks up more steam.
Egypt rounds out the list at number 10.(使得這份list變得完整)
round out
to make an experience more thorough or complete
backyard scientist
When those photos -- from ordinary people all over the world -- are paired with the photographer's location and uploaded to a database, the information would be more valuable than anything scientists could come up with on their own.
It's gaining steam(之前沒有什麼特別,但是現在不一樣了)
But using Twitter more in Apple products could help, especially as the messaging/microblogging service picks up more steam.
Egypt rounds out the list at number 10.(使得這份list變得完整)
round out
to make an experience more thorough or complete
steam up
steam up ----to cover something with steam, or to become covered with steam
My glasses are all steamed up.
A pan was boiling on the stove, steaming up the windows.
to surprise or shock someone so much that they do not know what to say or do
A couple of the questions completely floored me.
AmE informal to make a car go as fast as possible
I got into the car and floored it .
When she said money, I thought $10, $15, but the amount of money just kind of floored me, and initially I said, 'Wow!'" said Luis Armendariz, who couldn't help but worry that it might have been a set up.
weld--to join metals by melting their edges and pressing them together when they are hot
The Eagle hatchback was cut in half and then welded around the bottom of the flag pole at Fruita Monument High School in Fruita, Colo.
entail--to involve something as a necessary part or result
This one entailed a lot of planning and execution. It shows a lot of Wildcat pride.
A pan was boiling on the stove, steaming up the windows.
When she said money, I thought $10, $15, but the amount of money just kind of floored me, and initially I said, 'Wow!'" said Luis Armendariz, who couldn't help but worry that it might have been a set up.
weld--to join metals by melting their edges and pressing them together when they are hot
The Eagle hatchback was cut in half and then welded around the bottom of the flag pole at Fruita Monument High School in Fruita, Colo.
entail--to involve something as a necessary part or result
This one entailed a lot of planning and execution. It shows a lot of Wildcat pride.
knock up
A shotgun wedding is a wedding that has to take place quickly, often because the woman is pregnant.
A shotgun wedding is a merger between two companies which takes place in a hurry because one or both of the companies is having difficulties.
knock up---informal not polite to make a woman pregnant
in the club
BrE old-fashioned if a woman is in the club, she is going to have a baby - used humorously
= pregnant
join the club also welcome to the club AmE
spoken used after someone has described a bad situation that they are in, to tell them that you are in the same situation
A shotgun wedding is a merger between two companies which takes place in a hurry because one or both of the companies is having difficulties.
knock up---informal not polite to make a woman pregnant
in the club
BrE old-fashioned if a woman is in the club, she is going to have a baby - used humorously
= pregnant

spoken used after someone has described a bad situation that they are in, to tell them that you are in the same situation
miffed--slightly annoyed or upset
Several members of the Republican National Committee are miffed at Newt Gingrich for claiming that they’re a small bunch of egomaniacs who need to be coddled by the party chairman.
An egomaniac is someone who thinks only of themselves and does not care if they harm other people in order to get what they want.
Adam is clever enough, but he's also something of an egomaniac.
To coddle someone means to treat them too kindly or protect them too much.
She coddled her youngest son madly...
to treat someone in a way that is too kind and gentle and that protects them from pain or difficulty
Don't coddle the child - he's fine!
Gingrich made the assertion on C-SPAN Thursday when asked about a new resolution put forth by some veteran members
assertion --something that you say or write that you strongly believe
entrenched /ɪnˈtrentʃt/ adj
strongly established and not likely to change - often used to show disapproval
That resolution has sparked a fresh round of infighting between Steele loyalists on the committee and entrenched members who backed other candidates for the chairmanship and remain skeptical of his leadership.
Several members of the Republican National Committee are miffed at Newt Gingrich for claiming that they’re a small bunch of egomaniacs who need to be coddled by the party chairman.
An egomaniac is someone who thinks only of themselves and does not care if they harm other people in order to get what they want.
Adam is clever enough, but he's also something of an egomaniac.
To coddle someone means to treat them too kindly or protect them too much.
She coddled her youngest son madly...
to treat someone in a way that is too kind and gentle and that protects them from pain or difficulty
Don't coddle the child - he's fine!
Gingrich made the assertion on C-SPAN Thursday when asked about a new resolution put forth by some veteran members
assertion --something that you say or write that you strongly believe
entrenched /ɪnˈtrentʃt/ adj
strongly established and not likely to change - often used to show disapproval
That resolution has sparked a fresh round of infighting between Steele loyalists on the committee and entrenched members who backed other candidates for the chairmanship and remain skeptical of his leadership.
2009年5月3日 星期日
A straw poll
A straw poll is the unofficial questioning of a group of people to find out their opinion about something.
A straw poll conducted at the end of the meeting found most people agreed with Mr Forth...
Seven hundred people responded, which puts the survey somewhat below what researchers would expect from Gallup, but it is a reasonable straw poll, nonetheless.
A straw poll conducted at the end of the meeting found most people agreed with Mr Forth...
Seven hundred people responded, which puts the survey somewhat below what researchers would expect from Gallup, but it is a reasonable straw poll, nonetheless.
the bulk (of sth)
larceny-law the act or crime of stealing
Mexico had the bulk of the cases, with 397 infected people, and 16 deaths attributed to the virus, WHO said.
the bulk (of sth)
the main or largest part of something
backlog--a large amount of work that you need to complete, especially work that should already have been completed
bur·ro (bûrō, brō, brō)
n. pl. bur·ros
A small donkey, especially one used as a pack animal.
The Utes knocked him off the burro and killed him,
rife--if something bad or unpleasant is rife, it is very common
dysentery ---a serious disease of your bowels that makes them bleed and pass much more waste than usual
rankle--if something rankles, you still remember it angrily because it upset you or annoyed you a lot
As a result, the U.S. military has carried out airstrikes against militant targets in Pakistan, which have rankled relations between the two countries.
Mexico had the bulk of the cases, with 397 infected people, and 16 deaths attributed to the virus, WHO said.
the bulk (of sth)
the main or largest part of something
backlog--a large amount of work that you need to complete, especially work that should already have been completed
bur·ro (bûrō, brō, brō)
n. pl. bur·ros
A small donkey, especially one used as a pack animal.
The Utes knocked him off the burro and killed him,
rife--if something bad or unpleasant is rife, it is very common
dysentery ---a serious disease of your bowels that makes them bleed and pass much more waste than usual
rankle--if something rankles, you still remember it angrily because it upset you or annoyed you a lot
As a result, the U.S. military has carried out airstrikes against militant targets in Pakistan, which have rankled relations between the two countries.
2009年5月1日 星期五
Digsby had a tendency to make my computer lock up for a second or two before displaying incoming IM messages. Now it doesn't.
the way it's run at least.the higher clocks of most intel chips helps alot, even if they'd perform on a par with amd (not clock for clock , but like a 5000+ amd and lower c2d)
be on a par (with sth)
to be at the same level or standard
The C2D/i7 beats the current AMD's clock-for-clock in every test. (一樣的頻率對一樣的頻率)
Specs are in my sig. 配備寫在Signature裡
I was wondering if my E8400 hit the wall already.
hit the wall informal
to reach the point when you are most physically tired when doing a sport
the way it's run at least.the higher clocks of most intel chips helps alot, even if they'd perform on a par with amd (not clock for clock , but like a 5000+ amd and lower c2d)
be on a par (with sth)
to be at the same level or standard
The C2D/i7 beats the current AMD's clock-for-clock in every test. (一樣的頻率對一樣的頻率)
Specs are in my sig. 配備寫在Signature裡
I was wondering if my E8400 hit the wall already.
hit the wall informal
to reach the point when you are most physically tired when doing a sport
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