If you hit the roof or go through the roof, you become very angry indeed, and usually show your anger by shouting at someone. (INFORMAL)
If you let off steam, you get rid of your energy, anger, or strong emotions with physical activity or by behaving in a noisy or violent way. (INFORMAL)
If you run out of steam, you stop doing something because you have no more energy or enthusiasm left. (INFORMAL)
mark my words
one of these days
If you tick someone off, you speak angrily to them because they have done something wrong. (BRIT INFORMAL)
Anyone who wanted to run for office had to submit their application by 3:00 p.m. Tuesday.
the position of Treasurer
be yours for the taking also be there for the taking
if something good is yours for the taking, it would be very easy for you to get or achieve
I figure the job is mine for the taking when I sign up for it.
if a group of people huddle together, they stay very close to each other, especially because they are cold or frightened
And if you ever wondered what those bench guys are thinking in the huddle, I can tell you first hand: you guys smell.
pep talk
I was dodging traffic to chase down a ball tat was kicked out of bounds.
He is a cheapskate.
informal someone who spends as little money as possible - used to show disapproval
He bought generic cola for the halftime drink and couldn't even spring for a name brand.
to pay for something

Dad is always knocking Mr. Matthews, saying that if he had a hundred more kids, they'd all be girls.
It might be a kind of awkward thing to lead off with.