兩年前,在cnn有讀到有關 redshirting的報導,最近聽雨晴在講想讓她的孩子晚讀一年,所以我又把那一篇翻出來讀一讀。順便幾個專有名詞也複習一遍。
Academic redshirting: The practice of postponing an age-eligible child's kindergarten entry by a year, typically one whose birthday is very close to the cut-off date. Academic redshirting is often done in order to provide some extra time for social, intellectual or physical maturation.
In rare cases, a child may be academically redshirted in order to give him the advantage of an extra year's development when playing sports in high school.
Also Known As: holding out a year; delayed school entry; postponed kindergarten entrance
cutoff day
on the cusp
someone who was born on the cusp was born near the time when one star sign ends and another begins