It seems Ryanair is prepared to plumb any depth to make a fast buck and, once again, is putting profit before the comfort of its customer
似乎Ryanair 已經準備好無所不用其極,打算再一次的把利益放在乘客的舒適度之上。
police and drug traffickers have waged pitched battles using automatic weapons and grenades.
But there are parts of Mexico off the beaten path … where there have been incidents lately, and they're itemized on the [departmental] website.
Both the RCMP and the local search and rescue team have been under fire because a search for the couple was never organized, despite two reports of SOS signs stamped in the snow.
plumb any depth---to use to an extreme degree不擇手段
pitched battle----a big battle between armies or large groups of people(發動戰爭,常用的動詞wage)
off the beaten path--a place that is off the beaten track is not well known and is far away from the places that people usually visit