先貼上來,When I get around to it, I'll sort them out.
over-the-top adj.
the normal bounds; immoderate; extravagant: The hotel pours it on. You're in
for an over-the-top experience
pour it on
AmE informal to try very hard in order to do something, especially in order to win a game
Raiders really poured it on in the second quarter.
AmE informal to try very hard in order to do something, especially in order to win a game

demean to do something that makes people lose respect for someone or something
language that demeans women
demean yourself (by doing sth)
I wouldn't demean myself by begging him for a job.
an off-the-cuff remark, reply etc is one that you make without thinking about it first→degrade
language that demeans women
demean yourself (by doing sth)
= spontaneous
He moderates a round table of panellists who deliver off-the-cuff musings and crack jokes about a wide range of topics from the worlds of news, entertainment and sports.
mus·ing adj.
Deep in thought; contemplative.
n. Contemplation; meditation.
A product of contemplation; a thought.
panelist AmE /ˈpænəl-ɪst/
one of a group of well-known people who answer questions on a radio or television programme
poke fun at sb
to make fun of someone in an unkind way
The panellists continued by joking about soldiers needing a break for "manicures and pedicures," how Canada should be invaded and poked fun at the RCMP.
Boorish--- behaviour is rough, uneducated, and rude.
You describe someone as a party pooper when you think that they spoil other people's fun and their enjoyment of something. (INFORMAL)
down time
informal a period of time when you have finished what you were doing, and you can relax or do something that you had not originally planned to do
Watching Korea and Japan play Monday night in the rubber match of what was essentially a five-game series during the WBC was like watching a seamless Broadway show that had been rehearsed by the cast so often they could do it in their sleep.
rubber match--The tie-breaking game between two baseball teams in a series.
billy club A short stick or club, especially a police officer's club.
A pick-me-up is something that you have or do when you are tired or depressed in order to make you feel better. (INFORMAL)