2009年3月6日 星期五

Pluto's Timeline--翻譯文章

Pluto's Timeline


1906: A search for Planet X was on because of Neptune's orbit.

1906年, 由於海王星的軌道,人類開始對一個不知名的行星展開搜尋。

Feb. 18, 1930: Planet X is discovered by Clyde Tombaugh

這個不知名的行星在1930年二月18號被Clyde Tombaugh(美國伊利諾州人)所發現。

March 24, 1930: Planet X is named Pluto, the suggestion of an 11-year-old girl. Pluto was an alternative name for Hades, a Greek god of the underworld.

1930年三月24號,大家採用一個年僅11歲的小女孩(Venetia Burney)的建議,將這顆不知名的行星取名為Pluto。因為這個名字是希臘的掌管地獄的冥神同名。

1931: Disney names Mickey Mouse's dog Pluto in honor of the new planet.


1978: Discovery of Pluto's moon, Charon, allows for measurements. That casts doubt of whether Pluto is big enough to be a planet.

1978年發現了冥王星的衛星,Charon, 因此我們得以測量它的大小。這為冥王星是不是大到足以成為一個行星投下了陰影。

1989: NASA flyby of Neptune shows Planet X may not have been necessary. This leads to even more questions of Pluto's status as a planet. The discovery of Pluto where Planet X would have been is considered a coincidence by many.




1992: The Kuiper belt, comprised of objects similar to Pluto's shape and size are discovered.

1992年發現The Kuiper belt,構成它的大小和形狀剛好和冥王星的差不多。

2006: International Astronomical Union (IAU) defines the requirements for a 'planet.' Pluto no longer qualifies.

Approximately one ounce of his ashes are being carried on the New Horizons spacecraft, launched in 2006 for a flyby of Pluto in 2014.


一艘名為New Horizons 的太空船於2006年二月19號發射前往冥王星,據報導這枚火箭帶著一盎斯Tombaugh的骨灰,將會在2014年到達冥王星。

Thursday, Aug. 24, 2006: Pluto stripped of its title of planet. Now considered a dwarf planet.


2007: Plutoed: to demote or devalue someone or something becomes term of the year as voted on by the American Dialect Society.


February 26, 2009: Illinios senate declares Pluto a planet.


March 13, 2009: First 'Pluto Day' in Illinois.


