2009年6月30日 星期二

Bringing home the cat

She is on a scrambled channel (加密)

What are you doing, Starbuck?
Bringing home the cat
, sir.
We can talk about this.

cat 指的她所駕駛的raptor

get under one's skin,

grog·gy /ˈgrɔgi US ˈgrɑːgi/ adj
weak and unable to move well or think clearly because you are ill or very tired

there goes the other shoe.

If it was a snake it woulda bit you.
Rur. It was very close to you.

Bill: I can't find my other shoe. I've looked all over the house. Mary: It's right behind you. If it was a snake it would have bit you.

get under one's skin, Slang.
to irritate; bother: His laugh really gets under my skin.
to affect deeply; impress; penetrate: That sort of music always gets under my skin.

wait for the other shoe to dropFig. to wait for the inevitable next step or the final conclusion.

wait for the other shoe to drop (American) to wait for something bad to happen

If your hands are tied, you are unable to act for some reason.
someone's hands are tiedFig. someone is not able to help or intervene.

2009年6月29日 星期一

兒子筆記 jisaw jones 02

set up shop
Abraham Lincoln
all ears
a box of Kleenex

mirror writing
lickety-split---very quickly
that was fine by me.
that was fine with me.
a joyful racket---noise
treat you to ice cream
bug your sister
spy on my brothers
change the words to songs
there was no way around it.
the idea didn't have me doing cartwheels.
the snaps were wrong on his coat
nose to nose
I didn't back down.
grab bag---a container filled with small presents that you put your hand in to pick one out; lucky dip

off-the -wall--unusual
a Tae Kwon Do demonstration
pull over
numismatist-- a coin collector
now we're talkingThis phrase is generally used to indicate an improvement in a situation. It means that things have gotten better or more interesting. One does not need to be talking about the subject before using this phrase.

go over the facts
throw up
I think that's what gave us up away.
I had a hole in my sock.
feel rotten
call me a grouch---someone who is always complaining

mope---to feel sorry for yourself, without making any effort to do anything or be more happy
do something to turn yourself around today.

we have to measure.
connect the dots
Indy 500
you name it.

You could have knocked him down with a feather.
He was extremely surprised.


I really hammed it up.
ham it up informal
to perform with too much false emotion when acting

in a flash

2009年6月27日 星期六

angels and demons

He couldn’t believe that under the circumstances the man was being a stickler for dress code.
be a stickler for detail/rules/accuracy etc
to think that rules etc are very important and that other people should think so too

A guard in full regalia stood outside
traditional clothes and decorations, used at official ceremonies

conclave---a private and secret meeting
turgid---Swollen or distended, as from a fluid;
distended---to swell or make something swell because of pressure from inside

stubbing out her cigarette
stub out [stub sth⇔out] phr v
to stop a cigarette from burning by pressing the end of it against something

crank calls---A prank call, also known as a crank call, is a form of practical joke committed over the telephone.

Hacks and glory hounds usually whined and pleaded.
fiendish images--cruel and unpleasant
sat silently polishing her glasses.
Bagpipes droned on the water as the wedding party made their unique entrance
. . . across the lake on a barge.
drone on phr v
to speak in a boring way, usually for a long time

“You don’t sound sold,”
Enter the Dolphin
he was in no mood to dawdle.
hunker down
She too was looking tipsy.

did we just kill all those brain cells for kicks?
something that you enjoy because it is exciting

lissome hand

he could hear a nurse making the rounds.
make/go the rounds
To go from place to place, as on business or for entertainment:

infirmary / ɪnˈfɜːmərɪ; ɪnˋfəmərɪ/ n
(in a school or some other institution) room used for people who are ill or injured 醫務室.

Program this number “Now call the number.”
Langdon realized he had put everyone on the line here.
Remind me, Langdon thought to himself, there’s nothing worse than
a gung ho art historian.
No amount of good karma could make her turn the other cheek today.
Macri took the jab in stride.
“An entrance?” Vittoria asked.
Langdon nodded. Actually an exit, but we won’t get technical.

in eclipse---formal less famous or powerful than you should be
his fame eclipsed only by Michelangelo himself.

I'll be damned---spoken not polite used when you are surprised

dapper----a man who is dapper is nicely dressed, has a neat appearance, and is usually small or thin

He was drawing a total blank.
the tower of rickety scaffolding above him
Olivetti leveled his captain with a cold stare.
gunned the car halfway down

To be overprotective and indulgent toward; pamper.

do a double take
to look at someone or something again because you are very surprised by what you saw or heard

skitter---to move very quickly and lightly, like a small animal; scurry

2009年6月23日 星期二


we will catch them with their pants down.
out-of-the-box thinking
spool up
sometimes you have to roll the hard six.
now we play for all the marbles.

so you still might pull this off?
pull sth⇔off informal
to succeed in doing something difficult
The goalkeeper pulled off six terrific saves.

pull off (sth)
to drive a car off a road in order to stop, or to turn into a smaller road
We pulled off the road to get some food.

Out of the box

"Out of the box" is an expression that describes nonconformal, creative thinking.

The term is used as an adverb to describe the thinking or as an adjective to describe the ideas.
The term is said to derive from a famous puzzle created by early 20th century British mathematician Henry Ernest Dudeney, in which someone is asked to interconnect nine dots in a three-by-three grid by using four straight lines drawn without the pencil leaving the paper.
In order to be successful, the puzzle solver has to realize that the boundries of the dot array are psychological. The only way to solve the puzzle is to extend the lines beyond the artificial boundry created by the nine dots.

2009年6月22日 星期一


tune in saturday
there should be some perks.
you are the spitting image of your mother
you are too easy.(太容易被我驚嚇)
I'm not falling for this.(我不會上當,我不會相信)

tank top

My running has not made me into a stick
sitting out on the sidewalk having beer and casual food.
a tank top t-shirt
thong bottom
tan line
doing some Frisbee tossing
Very nonchalant all the way around
We wanted to offer you lotion so you don't burn.
I had taken the plunge and the world kept spinning.

take the plunge
to decide to do something important or risky, especially after thinking about it for a long time
the sweat beading up and dripping, totally relaxing
doing laps

my water and wine were always topped off(一直都是滿滿的,服務生對我特別好)
he had a lot of tables to cover and therefore could not hover too much.
A couple of guys tried to hit on me.
I walked around a little outside and did some window shopping.
midriff--middle part of the human body, between the waist and the chest; belly
Going nude in the park yesterday had been on an impulse.
poking fun at me.
She did one leg, then the next. I will say Sabine did not miss any spots, but nothing at all too forward.
Let's trade places.
Karl was soaping down Sabine.
two people that were so into each other
But I also felt like a third wheel. "I feel like I am intruding."
ménage a trois


wheedle for their turn--to persuade someone to do or give you something, for example by saying nice things to them that you do not mean - used to show disapproval

not very attentive

petulant---behaving in an unreasonably impatient and angry way, like a child

chortle----to laugh because you are amused or pleased about something

smock---a long, loose shirt or a loose dress

kink---something strange or dangerous in someone's character; a twist in something that is normally straight

his face felt raw

rueful---feeling or showing that you wish you had not done something


verbose---using or containing too many words

lanky---someone who is lanky is tall and thin, and moves awkwardly

lithe---having a body that moves easily and gracefully

conspicuous--very easy to notice

brawny---very large and strong

stark naked

stark naked----not wearing any clothes at all
Ben was standing there stark naked.

"You certainly have sized up your model," she said.
"I don't know if it's more titillating for you to look at me, or more exciting for me to let you look."

size up to look at or consider a person or situation and make a judgment about them
It only took a few seconds for her to size up the situation.

tit·il·late /ˈtɪtɪleɪt/ v --if a picture or a story titillates someone, it makes them feel sexually interested
"No, no," I had to back pedal. "Not so much."

lotus po.sition
a way of sitting, used especially in yoga, in which you sit with your legs crossed and with each foot resting on the top of the opposite leg
monks sitting in the lotus position

2009年6月10日 星期三

Humor Me

When you ask something of someone and they give you a no, usually in the form of raised eyebrows or other body English, you follow up with the expression Humor Me, meaning "I know you're not interested in what I want you to do for me, but do it anyway."

An example. You ask your girlfriend to wear a wig. She says no way. You know she doesn't like the idea, but you say "Humor me." She may relent and do it to keep you in a good humor.

It's medieval English. Shakespeare used the word a lot.


2009年6月4日 星期四


it's an ,ill `wind (that blows nobody any good)
(saying 諺) few things are so bad that they don't offer some good to sb

You can describe an unfortunate event as an ill wind if someone benefits from it.

When you get your second wind, you become able to continue doing something difficult or energetic after you have been tired or out of breath.

take the wind out of sb's sails informal
to make someone lose their confidence, especially by saying or doing something unexpected

see which way the wind is blowing
to find out what the situation is before you do something or make a decision

sth is in the wind
used to say that something is happening or going to happen, but the details are not clear

2009年6月1日 星期一

The chick really digs you.

heinous----very shocking and immoral
 a heinous crime
AmE spoken informal extremely bad
 The food in the cafeteria is pretty heinous.

salacious---showing too much interest in sex

stalwart --someone who is very loyal to a particular organization or set of ideas, and works hard for them
adj.Having or marked by imposing physical strength.Firm and resolute; stout.

He got swings and misses on his sinker, that's how good it was. I think he should be really happy.

dig ----Slang. To understand fully: Do you dig what I mean?
To like, enjoy, or appreciate: “They really dig our music

Okay. I'm game if you are.

We talked and sipped at our straws,
With some friends you haven't seen much of, it sometimes takes a bit to get the awkwardness out of the way and get back on track.
I hadn't really even said ten words to her in months, only "Hi" now and then in passing.
We sat like that for quite awhile, maybe an hour, maybe more. Who knows? Time didn't mean a thing on such a sleepy summer's day.
Don't sell yourself short, Jimbo.
I want to send something to shake that boy up."
For the first time, too, I noticed I was now taller than she was, quite a revelation.
"Then what if we take those last two au natural?" She locked those jade eyes on mine. "You know, go for broke. All the way. I'm game if you are?"

sell sb/sth short
to not give someone or something the praise, attention, or reward that they deserve
 Don't sell yourself short - tell them about all your qualifications.
au naturel--not wearing any clothes, or not wearing make-up, hair products etc that change the way you would naturally look

go for broke informal
to take big risks when you try to achieve something

Okay. I'm game if you are.

willing to try something dangerous, new, or difficult