be a stickler for detail/rules/accuracy etc
to think that rules etc are very important and that other people should think so too
A guard in full regalia stood outside
traditional clothes and decorations, used at official ceremonies
conclave---a private and secret meeting
turgid---Swollen or distended, as from a fluid;
distended---to swell or make something swell because of pressure from inside
stubbing out her cigarette
stub out [stub sth⇔out] phr v
to stop a cigarette from burning by pressing the end of it against something
crank calls---A prank call, also known as a crank call, is a form of practical joke committed over the telephone.
Hacks and glory hounds usually whined and pleaded.
fiendish images--cruel and unpleasant
sat silently polishing her glasses.
Bagpipes droned on the water as the wedding party made their unique entrance
. . . across the lake on a barge.
drone on phr v
to speak in a boring way, usually for a long time
“You don’t sound sold,”
Enter the Dolphin
he was in no mood to dawdle.
hunker down
She too was looking tipsy.
did we just kill all those brain cells for kicks?
something that you enjoy because it is exciting
lissome hand
he could hear a nurse making the rounds.
make/go the rounds
To go from place to place, as on business or for entertainment:
infirmary / ɪnˈfɜːmərɪ; ɪnˋfəmərɪ/ n
(in a school or some other institution) room used for people who are ill or injured 醫務室.
Program this number “Now call the number.”
Langdon realized he had put everyone on the line here.
Remind me, Langdon thought to himself, there’s nothing worse than
a gung ho art historian.
No amount of good karma could make her turn the other cheek today.
Macri took the jab in stride.
“An entrance?” Vittoria asked.
Langdon nodded. Actually an exit, but we won’t get technical.
in eclipse---formal less famous or powerful than you should be
his fame eclipsed only by Michelangelo himself.
I'll be damned---spoken not polite used when you are surprised
dapper----a man who is dapper is nicely dressed, has a neat appearance, and is usually small or thin
He was drawing a total blank.
the tower of rickety scaffolding above him
Olivetti leveled his captain with a cold stare.
gunned the car halfway down
To be overprotective and indulgent toward; pamper.
do a double take
to look at someone or something again because you are very surprised by what you saw or heard
skitter---to move very quickly and lightly, like a small animal; scurry