to have the strength, energy etc to do something

If you feel up to it, we could walk into town after lunch.
When your children grow up, it frees a lot of energy.
I really feel up for anything.”
if you feel up to it---如果你可以的話(能力)
if you feel up for it---如果你想的話(意願)
where thirty and fortysomething actresses feel the pressure to nip and tuck
nip and tuck
adv. & adj.
So close that the advantage or lead shifts from one to another and is virtually indeterminable.
adv. & adj.
So close that the advantage or lead shifts from one to another and is virtually indeterminable.
it's kind of creepy to walk by a woman who looks 20 from behind and is all pulled in the front.
She was a big influence on me.”