skinny-.dipping n [U] informal
swimming with no clothes on
Span·dex /ˈspændeks/ n [U] trademark
a material that stretches, used especially for making tight-fitting sports clothes
a material that stretches, used especially for making tight-fitting sports clothes
tone--technical how firm and strong your muscles or skin are
she was still tanned and toned.
exposing her tight abs
six pack abs---六塊肌
in tow
Under close guidance; in one's charge
boner n. Vulgar Slang---An erection of the penis.
a big boner is no way to greet your family.
hunk·y /ˈhʌŋki/ adj
a man who is hunky is sexually attractive and has a big strong body
She bounced across the room while I watched her braless tits stretch the thin material for all it was worth.
I opened my eye a slita big boner is no way to greet your family.
hunk·y /ˈhʌŋki/ adj
a man who is hunky is sexually attractive and has a big strong body
She bounced across the room while I watched her braless tits stretch the thin material for all it was worth.
I had to shift so that my boxers wouldn't tent.
scoot over phr v
to move to one side, especially in order to make room for someone or something else
She nuzzled into me.
to gently rub or press your nose or head against someone to show you like them
you'll find Prince Charming one of these days.
It was sorta the other way around
then looked down and saw his shaft clearly outlined.
Will you spot me?
orb-literary a bright ball-shaped object, especially the sun or the moon
celibate ---not married and not having sex, especially because of your religious beliefs
lilt /lɪlt/ n [singular] a pleasant pattern of rising and falling sound in someone's voice or in music
You can use dilettante to talk about someone who seems interested in a subject, especially in art, but who does not really know very much about it.
flaunt--to show your money, success, beauty etc so that other people notice it - used to show disapproval
Although the sun's glare was impeding my view, I could see Cindy wearing a very sexy bikini.
inordinate--far more than you would reasonably or normally expect
lithe--having a body that moves easily and gracefully
I was being neighborly.
agoraphobia---fear of crowds and open spaces
"Oh, you want a beaver shot, huh?" I giggled.
beaver ---Vulgar Slang. The female genitals