2009年8月19日 星期三

有關 tell 的口語

tell on sb
These late nights are really beginning to tell on him.
spoken I/I'll tell you what also tell you what
a) used when you are suggesting or offering something
I tell you what - let's have a picnic in the park.
b) AmE used in order to emphasize what you are really saying
I tell you what, I'm not looking forward to standing up in court tomorrow.
spoken to tell (you) the truth
used to emphasize that you are being very honest
I don't really want to go out, to tell the truth.
spoken I can tell you/I'm telling you
used to emphasize that what you are saying is true even though it may be difficult to believe
I'm telling you, Sheila, I've never seen anything like it in my life.
spoken tell me
used before asking a question
Tell me, do you think this dress goes with these shoes?
So tell me, how was it in Argentina?
spoken I told you so
used when you have warned someone about a possible danger that has now happened and they have ignored your warning
I suppose you've come to say 'I told you so.'
spoken I'll tell you sth/one thing/another thing also let me tell you sth/one thing/another thing
used to emphasize what you are saying
I'll tell you one thing - you'll never get me to vote for him.
Let me tell you something - if I catch you kids smoking again, you'll be grounded for a month at least.
spoken you can tell him from me
used to ask someone to tell another person something, when you are annoyed or determined
Well, you can tell him from me that I'm going to make a complaint.
spoken I couldn't tell you
used to tell someone that you do not know the answer to their question
'How much would a rail ticket cost?' ' I couldn't tell you; I always drive.'
spoken I can't tell you
a) used to say that you cannot tell someone something because it is a secret
'Where are you taking me?' 'I can't tell you; it would spoil the surprise.'
b) used to say that you cannot express your feelings or describe something properly
I can't tell you how/why/what etc
I can't tell you how worried I've been.
spoken don't tell me
used to interrupt someone because you know what they are going to say or because you want to guess - used especially when you are annoyed
'I'm sorry I'm late but ...' 'Don't tell me - the car broke down again?'
spoken sb tells me (that)
used to say what someone has told you
Mike tells me you've got a new job.
spoken you're telling me
used to emphasize that you already know and agree with something that someone has just said
'He's such a pain to live with.' 'You're telling me!'
spoken tell me about it
used to say that you already know how bad something is, especially because you have experienced it yourself
'I've been so tired lately.' 'Yeah, tell me about it!'
spoken you never can tell/you can never tell
used to say that you cannot be certain about what will happen in the future
The boy might turn out to be a genius. You never can tell.
spoken there's no telling what/how etc
used to say that it is impossible to know what has happened or what will happen next
There's no telling what she'll try next.
spoken that would be telling
used to say that you cannot tell someone something because it is a secret
spoken tell sb where to go/where to get off
used to tell someone angrily that what they have said is insulting or unfair
'Andy started criticizing the way I was dressed.' 'I hope you told him where to get off!'
spoken tell it like it is
AmE to say exactly what you think or what is true, without hiding anything that might upset or offend people
Don always tells it like it is.
spoken I'm not telling (you)
used to say that you refuse to tell someone something
'Mum, what are you getting me for my birthday?' 'I'm not telling you - you'll have to wait and see.'
spoken tell me another (one)
used when you do not believe what someone has told you
