2009年8月18日 星期二

toss and turn

toss and turn
to keep changing your position in bed because you cannot sleep
I've been tossing and turning all night.

My DS just turned 1 and he has just started waking throughout the night, tossing and turning.

I've never bought a box of Goldfish. They are crap. My dcs (I have a 7 yo and a 3.6 yo) have enough of them at lessons and school. At home, they happily eat healthy foods. Right now, they like cucumber slices and berries and peaches for snacks.

Goldfish are American snack crackers manufactured by Pepperidge Farm.
Otherwise, you're going to be a short order cook or have a kid who will only eat snack x (because he knows he runs the show).

run the show---to be in charge; to be in command.

if material shows the dirt or a mark, it is easy to see the dirt or mark on it
Light-coloured clothes tend to show the dirt.

grain·y /ˈgreɪni/ adj
a photograph that is grainy has a rough appearance, as if the images are made up of spots

he also refused most baby food. hated and spit out almost everything offered. woudnt eat solids until well over 19 months. texture is a huge issue.

don't sweat it
AmE spoken used to tell someone not to worry about something

I only have about two friends....Too many is too much maintenance.

DH - dear husband
DS - dear son
DD - dear daughter
DC - dear child

