2013年8月18日 星期日

A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author (Ron Roy)

Saturday, August 18, 2013, 11:53 PM
he was sweating buckets
sweat buckets  (informal)
to sweat a lot 
I was sweating buckets under my plastic rain jacket.

a bank of elevators

The bed was still made this morning.

paid off the baby-sitter,

My kid sister devours his books!”

Linkletter will have a fit.”
Get angry

go over the facts again?”

I’m feeling a bit peckish,

without peer
unequaled; unrivaled:
he is a goalkeeper without peer.

something is bugging me, but I can’t figure out what it is.

Dink blotted his jeans with a handful of paper napkins.
to make a wet surface become dry by pressing soft paper or cloth on it
vivid memories, dreams, descriptions etc are so clear that they seem real

barrette  /bæˈret/ n [C]
AmE a small metal or plastic object used to keep a woman's hair in place

keep a straight face
to not laugh or smile, even though something is funny

clam up [PHRASAL VERB] V P
If someone clams up, they stop talking, often because they are shy or to avoid giving away secrets. (INFORMAL)
As soon as I told her my name, she clammed up.
