If you put something off, you delay doing it.
My dad said there is some stuff he might have to censor.
to examine books, films, letters etc to remove anything that is considered offensive, morally harmful, or politically dangerous etc
the wind changes our lips so we can talk
You are suffering from delusion.
a false belief about yourself or the situation you are in
Subject Greenburg has 40 contacts with two talking canines.
Allegedly talking, please!
Canine means relating to dogs.
allegedly--used when reporting something that people say is true, although it has not been proved
code red-a very serious security warning; a warning about a very serious threat
nice dog, purebred
a purebred animal has parents that are both the same breed
he has the gift
a natural ability= talent
gift for ---

One day this
large crossbreed dog insisted on hopping on my motorcycle.
I think he
just wanted to be delivered somewhere, but
once we got
going,oh the stories he had to tell me, soon we're spending all our time together.
I must confess that a good
part of that novel was actually written by the dog.
The talking dog, ok, so, basicly what
you’re saying is your father is the only sane person in your family.
mug--to attack someone and rob them in a public place
a dog house or an airplane hangar