to use special equipment to mix messages, radio signals etc into a different form, so that they cannot be understood by other people without the correct equipment
to drive a car for someone as your job
he's waiting for the route to clear
a clearance sale
the head servant in a household
nobody has the guts to rat
if someone rats on you, they tell someone in authority about something wrong that you have done
blow the lid off his scam
a clever but dishonest way to get money
zoom in
if a camera zooms in, it makes the person or thing that you are taking a picture of seem bigger and closer
Zack File, 268 - Dionne Warwick
a famous singer
A person who is suffering from hysteria is in a state of violent and disturbed emotion as a result of shock.
abuse a god-given talent
To use wrongly or improperly; misuse
If something is to your benefit or is of benefit to you, it helps you or improves your life.
blackmail his shorts off
Blackmail is the action of threatening to reveal a secret about someone, unless they do something you tell them to do, such as giving you money.
disembodied voice
informal someone who is mentally ill and who may behave in a violent or strange way
figure of speech
an expression in which words are used in a nonliteral sense, as in metaphor
to deliberately listen secretly to other people's conversations
walkie us when he is on his way back
use walkie to tell us
a potential menace
something or someone that is dangerous
trespass /ˈtrespəs US -pəs, -pæs/
to go onto someone's private land without their permission
we have a grave handy
turn me in
to give something to a person in authority, especially an illegal weapon or something lost or stolen
I start it off as a hobby, but now it is more of a vocation, Zack.
If you have a vocation, you have a strong feeling that you are especially suited to do a particular job or to fulfil a particular role in life, especially one which involves helping other people.
We are stalking a weed killer.
to follow a person or animal quietly in order to
catch and attack or kill them
You know there a moral to this story, Zack.
The moral of a story or event is what you learn from it about how
you should or should not behave.
a thin smooth soft cloth made from very thin thread which is produced by a
silkworm; 絲綢
Every week I help the city morgue
a building or room, usually in a hospital, where dead bodies are kept until they
are buried or cremated
perhaps it's all for the best
good in spite of the way it seems; better than you think or than it appears to be. (Often said when someone dies after a painful illness.)