I screamed and banged my head
against the wall.
Spencer and Dad looked
like I'd gone bananas.
go bananas
to become very angry or excited
to become very angry or excited
If I married you,
people would say I
was robbing the cradle."
rob the cradle
AmE to have a sexual relationship with someone who is a lot younger than you - used humorously
AmE to have a sexual relationship with someone who is a lot younger than you - used humorously
"No, Zack," said Dad. He could tell I was hurt.
"I'm starting to like
it. It's beginning to
grow on me, you know? I'm liking
it more already."
grow on [grow on sb] phr vif something grows on you, you gradually like it more and more

My editor at Wool World gave me her number.
said two bachelors like us need somebody
to do a little
straightening up around here, and
maybe cook us a meal or two.
straighten up ---- to make something tidy
Mum told me to straighten my room.

go/fall into a trance
She went into a deep hypnotic trance.
a state in which you are thinking about something so much that you do not notice what is happening around you

a state in which you are thinking about something so much that you do not notice what is happening around you
A thin wisp of green smoke curled out of the top of the egg.
"put him in the bathtub. Otherwise his skin will get flaky and peel.
Something that is flaky breaks easily into small thin pieces or tends to
come off in small thin pieces.
...a small patch of red, flaky skin.
2 [ADJ]
If you describe an idea, argument, or person as flaky, you mean that they are rather eccentric and unreliable. (INFORMAL)
...a small patch of red, flaky skin.
2 [ADJ]
If you describe an idea, argument, or person as flaky, you mean that they are rather eccentric and unreliable. (INFORMAL)
"Zack, you be quiet or
you're going to have a time-out!"
A short break from work or play.
A corrective measure or punishment for young children in which they are separated from others for a brief period. The place, especially a chair, used for such a measure or punishment.
"Or else you're
to tell someone legally that they must leave the house they are living in
perky /p'ɜːrki/ (perkier
If someone is perky, they are cheerful and lively.
If someone is perky, they are cheerful and lively.
double up phr v
also double over
to suddenly bend over at the waist because you are laughing so much or are in pain
Emilio doubled over, grabbing his leg.
be doubled up/over with laughter/pain etc
Both the girls were doubled up with laughter.

to suddenly bend over at the waist because you are laughing so much or are in pain

be doubled up/over with laughter/pain etc

We both thought my grandma was being a little cuckoo.
a little peppier
pep·py (pěpē)
adj. Informal pep·i·er, pep·i·est
Full of or characterized by energy and high spirits; lively.
zit n. Slang
A pimple.
Grandma Leah has two zits on her chins.
push (the edge of) the envelope
to move beyond the limit of what has usually been done or was the accepted standard
TV shows are really pushing the envelope by showing so much sex and violence.