The term "Ponzi scheme" is a widely known description of any scam that pays early investors returns from the investments of later investors. He promised clients a 50% profit within 45 days, or 100% profit within 90 days, by buying discounted postal reply coupons in other countries and redeeming them at face value in the United States as a form of arbitrage. Ponzi was probably inspired by the scheme of William F. Miller, a Brooklyn bookkeeper who in 1899 used the same pyramid scheme to take in $1 million.
CNN Larry King今天訪問Trump
Trump: Well, the economy kept him going. Because people were stupid enough or foolish enough to just keep pouring money into his accounts. So, as other people wanted their money, he would take the new money coming in. It was the ultimate Ponzi. They'll probably change the name of Ponzi to Madoff. It was really the ultimate scheme.
2009年2月28日 星期六
what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
今天在cbc看到一篇有關巴菲特坦承投資錯誤的文章中,有一篇回文引了一句, 我一直很喜歡的俚語,在此和大家一起分享。
seriously how do these forums get filled up so fast? and seriously, why is there so much whining? nothings ever good enough hey, even when the ceo comes out and says 'yeah, we made mistakes last year'. well what happens when you make mistakes at your work? you expect to be forgiven if you apologize and strive to change/get better. well seems whats good for the goose isn't always good for the gander. quit b'n moaning and get back to work.
whats good for the goose isn't always good for the gander.
what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
used to say that if one person is treated in a particular way, other people should be treated in the same way
seriously how do these forums get filled up so fast? and seriously, why is there so much whining? nothings ever good enough hey, even when the ceo comes out and says 'yeah, we made mistakes last year'. well what happens when you make mistakes at your work? you expect to be forgiven if you apologize and strive to change/get better. well seems whats good for the goose isn't always good for the gander. quit b'n moaning and get back to work.
whats good for the goose isn't always good for the gander.
what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
used to say that if one person is treated in a particular way, other people should be treated in the same way
2009年2月27日 星期五
plumb any depth
It seems Ryanair is prepared to plumb any depth to make a fast buck and, once again, is putting profit before the comfort of its customer
似乎Ryanair 已經準備好無所不用其極,打算再一次的把利益放在乘客的舒適度之上。
police and drug traffickers have waged pitched battles using automatic weapons and grenades.
But there are parts of Mexico off the beaten path … where there have been incidents lately, and they're itemized on the [departmental] website.
Both the RCMP and the local search and rescue team have been under fire because a search for the couple was never organized, despite two reports of SOS signs stamped in the snow.
plumb any depth---to use to an extreme degree不擇手段
pitched battle----a big battle between armies or large groups of people(發動戰爭,常用的動詞wage)
off the beaten path--a place that is off the beaten track is not well known and is far away from the places that people usually visit
似乎Ryanair 已經準備好無所不用其極,打算再一次的把利益放在乘客的舒適度之上。
police and drug traffickers have waged pitched battles using automatic weapons and grenades.
But there are parts of Mexico off the beaten path … where there have been incidents lately, and they're itemized on the [departmental] website.
Both the RCMP and the local search and rescue team have been under fire because a search for the couple was never organized, despite two reports of SOS signs stamped in the snow.
plumb any depth---to use to an extreme degree不擇手段
pitched battle----a big battle between armies or large groups of people(發動戰爭,常用的動詞wage)
off the beaten path--a place that is off the beaten track is not well known and is far away from the places that people usually visit
A slight digression: who in baseball had the bright idea of sending the Yankees on the road for the first game of the season, when they could have started in their new ball park?
A slight digression--------(小小的離題一下)
A slight digression: who in baseball had the bright idea of sending the Yankees on the road for the first game of the season, when they could have started in their new ball park?
A slight digression--------(小小的離題一下)
15mins of fame
今天我看到一篇蠻有意思的報導Young 'Slumdog' stars back in Mumbai slums
這篇文章本身很簡單,但是有一篇回文提到了15mins of fame,我覺得蠻有意思的。
I totally agree with fraustrated American's comment,it is so disgustng to know that these kids were paid sooooooo little and to have to return to the slums after being treated like royalty. I guess this is the true defination of the term 15mins of fame.
15mins of fame----15分鐘的名氣
當然看表面字義就知道意思,但是,因為最近剛有Andy Warhol展(2009/1/1~2009/3/29. 地點:中正紀念堂第一展廳),所以,我就覺得有點巧。
這句話其實Andy Warhol說的或者說創造的。(創造字詞英文用coin,千萬不要用create哦!)
The expression is a paraphrase of Andy Warhol's 1968 statement: "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes." In 1979 Warhol reiterated his claim: "...my prediction from the sixties finally came true: In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes."
這篇文章本身很簡單,但是有一篇回文提到了15mins of fame,我覺得蠻有意思的。
I totally agree with fraustrated American's comment,it is so disgustng to know that these kids were paid sooooooo little and to have to return to the slums after being treated like royalty. I guess this is the true defination of the term 15mins of fame.
15mins of fame----15分鐘的名氣
當然看表面字義就知道意思,但是,因為最近剛有Andy Warhol展(2009/1/1~2009/3/29. 地點:中正紀念堂第一展廳),所以,我就覺得有點巧。
這句話其實Andy Warhol說的或者說創造的。(創造字詞英文用coin,千萬不要用create哦!)
The expression is a paraphrase of Andy Warhol's 1968 statement: "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes." In 1979 Warhol reiterated his claim: "...my prediction from the sixties finally came true: In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes."
Free Hat!
Free Hat!
由 myannao 發表於 2009-02-27, 22:51
Man accused of Belgian daycare killings charged in death of elderly woman
http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2009/02/2 ... arges.html
A Belgian man accused of stabbing two babies and a nursing attendant at a daycare in January has been charged in the slashing death of an elderly woman.
後來在comment section看到有人留言 Free Hat! But seriously, he needs a padded room.
Free Hat! ---在這裡的意思是釋放這個殺人兇手。當然啦!!
他只是開玩笑的,他其實是建議應該把他關在精神病院的房間裡(padded room)。
其中有一集就叫做 Free Hat!
在這集裡面,Hat是一個baby killer,有一群人為了要救他,就集結在一起,
並呼口號Free Hat!Free Hat!
Man accused of Belgian daycare killings charged in death of elderly woman
http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2009/02/2 ... arges.html
A Belgian man accused of stabbing two babies and a nursing attendant at a daycare in January has been charged in the slashing death of an elderly woman.
後來在comment section看到有人留言 Free Hat! But seriously, he needs a padded room.
Free Hat! ---在這裡的意思是釋放這個殺人兇手。當然啦!!
他只是開玩笑的,他其實是建議應該把他關在精神病院的房間裡(padded room)。
其中有一集就叫做 Free Hat!
在這集裡面,Hat是一個baby killer,有一群人為了要救他,就集結在一起,
並呼口號Free Hat!Free Hat!
Police say they have received more than 5,000 tips and feel this case will be solved. But at this point, they have not named a person of interest or a suspect.
The FBI says it's also looking at several persons of interest in those same three Florida cities.
Person of interest is a phrase used by law enforcement when announcing the name of someone involved in a criminal investigation who has not yet been arrested or formally accused of a crime. It is often used as a euphemism for suspect,
Investigators are reaching out to the public in hopes of sparking any additional information about Wiles to "close the loop," Couvertier said.
I don't think you can put a dollar on his head," said Pamela Wiles. "We want to provide them with security and a new life, if that's what they need," she added.(我不認為你們可以直接給他錢)
the FBI has zeroed in on a suspect in the case of missing Florida pilot
zero in on / [zero in on sb/sth] phr v
to direct all your attention towards a particular person or thing
Tent cities housing the jobless, and now homeless, have sprung up in Japanese parks.
The term tent city is used to describe a variety of temporary housing facilities made using tents.
If something springs up, it suddenly appears or begins to exist.
Obviously, these people's rights were violated; Put yourself in their shoes: how would you feel if, say, the Iraqi authorities did this to you? (for the record, I'd be up in arms!)
If people are up in arms about something, they are very angry about it and are protesting strongly against it.
for the record
spoken used to tell someone that what you are saying should be remembered or written down
The FBI says it's also looking at several persons of interest in those same three Florida cities.
Person of interest is a phrase used by law enforcement when announcing the name of someone involved in a criminal investigation who has not yet been arrested or formally accused of a crime. It is often used as a euphemism for suspect,
Investigators are reaching out to the public in hopes of sparking any additional information about Wiles to "close the loop," Couvertier said.
I don't think you can put a dollar on his head," said Pamela Wiles. "We want to provide them with security and a new life, if that's what they need," she added.(我不認為你們可以直接給他錢)
the FBI has zeroed in on a suspect in the case of missing Florida pilot
zero in on / [zero in on sb/sth] phr v
Tent cities housing the jobless, and now homeless, have sprung up in Japanese parks.
The term tent city is used to describe a variety of temporary housing facilities made using tents.
If something springs up, it suddenly appears or begins to exist.
Obviously, these people's rights were violated; Put yourself in their shoes: how would you feel if, say, the Iraqi authorities did this to you? (for the record, I'd be up in arms!)
If people are up in arms about something, they are very angry about it and are protesting strongly against it.
for the record
spoken used to tell someone that what you are saying should be remembered or written down
Sorry, but once again it appears they dropped the ball.
flabbergasted---extremely surprised or shocked
The more you talk, the more you have an opportunity to make a mistake.'"
n [singular]
the process of making small changes to an engine so that it works as well as possible
larger than life adj.
Very impressive or imposing
more interesting and more exciting than an ordinary person or thing
A 13-year-old boy apparently hot-wired a public bus and took it on a joyride in downtown Beijing.
flabbergasted---extremely surprised or shocked
The more you talk, the more you have an opportunity to make a mistake.'"
n [singular]
larger than life adj.
Very impressive or imposing
more interesting and more exciting than an ordinary person or thing
A 13-year-old boy apparently hot-wired a public bus and took it on a joyride in downtown Beijing.
A whirlwind event or action happens or is done much more quickly than normal.
He got married after a whirlwind romance.
... a whirlwind tour of France.
Red-carpet formalities done, the children were given a whirlwind tour of Los Angeles.
The first thing Azharuddin did when he returned to Garib Nagar was to dig into a plate of biryani, a traditional Indian meal of meat and rice, at a restaurant.
also dig into sth
informal to start eating food that is in front of you
Go in - dig in!
He was already digging into his pie and chips.
be in the black
to have money in your bank account
≠ be in the red
He got married after a whirlwind romance.
... a whirlwind tour of France.
Red-carpet formalities done, the children were given a whirlwind tour of Los Angeles.
The first thing Azharuddin did when he returned to Garib Nagar was to dig into a plate of biryani, a traditional Indian meal of meat and rice, at a restaurant.
also dig into sth
informal to start eating food that is in front of you
par·a·phrase1 /ˈpærəfreɪz/ v [T]
to express in a shorter, clearer, or different way what someone has said or written
To paraphrase Finkelstein, mathematics is a language, like English.
Those fat cats in Hollywood make an obscene amount of money and are always running on at the mouth about helping others. Well, here's a golden opportunity. Do something.
If you refer to a businessman or politician as a fat cat, you are indicating that you disapprove of the way they use their wealth and power. (INFORMAL BUSINESS)
...the fat cats who run the bank.
to express in a shorter, clearer, or different way what someone has said or written
Those fat cats in Hollywood make an obscene amount of money and are always running on at the mouth about helping others. Well, here's a golden opportunity. Do something.
If you refer to a businessman or politician as a fat cat, you are indicating that you disapprove of the way they use their wealth and power. (INFORMAL BUSINESS)
...the fat cats who run the bank.
the unpleasant parts of a place or society that are normally hidden
These kids are awesome and they deserve a better life. Every city has its underbelly just like mumbai. literary
be in the black
to have money in your bank account
≠ be in the red
2009年2月26日 星期四
weekday 該做的事
3。下載cnn student
3。下載cnn student
To gut a building means to destroy the inside of it so that only its outside walls remain.
To jump-start a system or process that has stopped working or progressing means to do something that will make it start working quickly or effectively.
Making sure the nation's lending industry is strong is crucial to jump-starting its economy, Obama said, even as he acknowledged anger over the government banking bailout Congress approved last year.
If you take your cue from someone or something, you do something similar in a particular situation.
She appeared to be in her first trimester
A period or term of three months.
To level or smooth to a desired or horizontal gradient: bulldozers graded the road.
A woman walking her dog discovered the graves about two and a half weeks ago on the 92-acre property that had been graded in preparation for development.
A culvert is a water pipe or sewer that crosses under a road or railway.
The speech audience skewed about 8 to 10 points more Democratic than the general public.
exonerate---To state officially that someone who has been blamed for something is not guilty
Do you think now in retrospect that this was a frightened man?
That's why there are good ones, bad ones, and a spectrum in between.
Re|pug|nant /rɪp'ʌgnənt/
If you think that something is horrible and disgusting, you can say that it is repugnant. (FORMAL)
If there is no basis for criminal charges, I believe each should be meticulously assessed for discharge from the force, with scrutiny dictated by rank and involvement. We can't afford to cut any slack for anyone here.
cut/give sb some slack
spoken to allow someone to do something without criticizing them or making it more difficult
A cameo is a short description or piece of acting which expresses cleverly and neatly the nature of a situation, event, or person's character.
He played a cameo role, that of a young Aids patient in hospital.
If you grouse, you complain.
cut the cord 變得獨立,切掉擠帶
People aren't yet cutting the cord en masse — the Leichtman survey found that people who watch recent TV shows online every week are not more likely to give up TV service than other people.(整個放棄)
adults who go online at home watch videos over the Internet at least every week
It's a delicate dance for those involved (很微妙的行動、動則有人受傷害)
There still seems to be plenty of robust interest in deploying on Windows, but Linux is still very key
Though her titillating and often penetrating look at the New York social scene may be gone from tabloid pages, Smith will continue to publish,
speak volumes-----Fig. [for something that is seen] to reveal a great deal of information.
Mardi Gras (狂歡節--法語油膩的星期二)
To jump-start a system or process that has stopped working or progressing means to do something that will make it start working quickly or effectively.
Making sure the nation's lending industry is strong is crucial to jump-starting its economy, Obama said, even as he acknowledged anger over the government banking bailout Congress approved last year.
If you take your cue from someone or something, you do something similar in a particular situation.
She appeared to be in her first trimester
A period or term of three months.
To level or smooth to a desired or horizontal gradient: bulldozers graded the road.
A woman walking her dog discovered the graves about two and a half weeks ago on the 92-acre property that had been graded in preparation for development.
A culvert is a water pipe or sewer that crosses under a road or railway.
The speech audience skewed about 8 to 10 points more Democratic than the general public.
exonerate---To state officially that someone who has been blamed for something is not guilty
Do you think now in retrospect that this was a frightened man?
That's why there are good ones, bad ones, and a spectrum in between.
Re|pug|nant /rɪp'ʌgnənt/
If you think that something is horrible and disgusting, you can say that it is repugnant. (FORMAL)
If there is no basis for criminal charges, I believe each should be meticulously assessed for discharge from the force, with scrutiny dictated by rank and involvement. We can't afford to cut any slack for anyone here.
cut/give sb some slack
spoken to allow someone to do something without criticizing them or making it more difficult
A cameo is a short description or piece of acting which expresses cleverly and neatly the nature of a situation, event, or person's character.
He played a cameo role, that of a young Aids patient in hospital.
If you grouse, you complain.
cut the cord 變得獨立,切掉擠帶
People aren't yet cutting the cord en masse — the Leichtman survey found that people who watch recent TV shows online every week are not more likely to give up TV service than other people.(整個放棄)
adults who go online at home watch videos over the Internet at least every week
It's a delicate dance for those involved (很微妙的行動、動則有人受傷害)
There still seems to be plenty of robust interest in deploying on Windows, but Linux is still very key
Though her titillating and often penetrating look at the New York social scene may be gone from tabloid pages, Smith will continue to publish,
speak volumes-----Fig. [for something that is seen] to reveal a great deal of information.
Mardi Gras (狂歡節--法語油膩的星期二)
with a grain of salt
However, she told CNN, any saber-rattling by North Korea toward South Korea should be taken with a grain of salt, since "South Korea basically keeps the North Korean economy going with all of the subsidies of food and fuel and medical supplies."
But I knew we were riding our luck and we wouldn't be able to go on for much longer," Davison added.
But the early advance quickly petered out, as the worries of the last few weeks returned.
saber-rattling -----A flamboyant display of military power.
A threat or implied threat to use military force.(武力威脅恫嚇)
with a grain of salt-----With reservations; skeptically(持懷疑的態度)
riding our luck ------ To avoid failure only by good fortune.(運氣好才沒有失敗)
peter out ----to gradually become smaller, less, weaker etc and then come to an end
However, she told CNN, any saber-rattling by North Korea toward South Korea should be taken with a grain of salt, since "South Korea basically keeps the North Korean economy going with all of the subsidies of food and fuel and medical supplies."
But I knew we were riding our luck and we wouldn't be able to go on for much longer," Davison added.
But the early advance quickly petered out, as the worries of the last few weeks returned.
saber-rattling -----A flamboyant display of military power.
A threat or implied threat to use military force.(武力威脅恫嚇)
with a grain of salt-----With reservations; skeptically(持懷疑的態度)
riding our luck ------ To avoid failure only by good fortune.(運氣好才沒有失敗)
peter out ----to gradually become smaller, less, weaker etc and then come to an end
ride one's luck僥幸,也可以有別的說法。
Clooney: I could tell you a million stories about how it actually affects you personally. But I don't think people should be going there and coming back and saying how it affected them. I think somehow we should all know that these people are hanging on by the skin of their teeth.
by the skin of their teeth-----if you do something by the skin of your teeth, you only just succeed in doing it, and very nearly failed to do it(這個也可以翻作僥幸,或是很勉強)
在這裡,他是指Darfur region of Sudan的人生活很艱難,非常非常的勉強,簡直活不下去了。
另外關於Darfur region of Sudan的人民生活非常非常的勉強,他又說了一段話。
Clooney: It was rough. You know, it's always rough over there. You feel terrible for them. They're hanging on by a thread.
hanging on by a thread-----If you say that something is hanging by a thread, you mean that it is in a very uncertain state and is unlikely to survive or succeed.
ride one's luck僥幸,也可以有別的說法。
Clooney: I could tell you a million stories about how it actually affects you personally. But I don't think people should be going there and coming back and saying how it affected them. I think somehow we should all know that these people are hanging on by the skin of their teeth.
by the skin of their teeth-----if you do something by the skin of your teeth, you only just succeed in doing it, and very nearly failed to do it(這個也可以翻作僥幸,或是很勉強)
在這裡,他是指Darfur region of Sudan的人生活很艱難,非常非常的勉強,簡直活不下去了。
另外關於Darfur region of Sudan的人民生活非常非常的勉強,他又說了一段話。
Clooney: It was rough. You know, it's always rough over there. You feel terrible for them. They're hanging on by a thread.
hanging on by a thread-----If you say that something is hanging by a thread, you mean that it is in a very uncertain state and is unlikely to survive or succeed.
Martin Niemller一段很有意義的詩
Martin Niemller(馬丁·尼莫拉)是德國纳粹受害者,他的這首短詩被刻在美國波士頓猷太人屠殺纪念碑上。
"They came first for the Communists,
And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;
And then they came for the Jews,
And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;
And then they came for the trade unionists,
And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;
And then they came for the trade Catholics,
And I didn’t speak up because I was a trade Protestant;
And then they came for me . . .
And by that time there was no one left to speak up."
Martin Niemller(馬丁·尼莫拉)是德國纳粹受害者,他的這首短詩被刻在美國波士頓猷太人屠殺纪念碑上。
"They came first for the Communists,
And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;
And then they came for the Jews,
And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;
And then they came for the trade unionists,
And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;
And then they came for the trade Catholics,
And I didn’t speak up because I was a trade Protestant;
And then they came for me . . .
And by that time there was no one left to speak up."
chimp attack
chimp attack
由 myannao 發表於 2009-02-18, 14:00
Woman's life in danger after chimp attack
http://edition.cnn.com/2009/US/02/17/ch ... index.html
"The thing about chimpanzees is, we sort of look at them through our rose-colored cultural glasses of the cute little chimp in the 'Tarzan' movie. Those are very young chimps. Chimps grow up, they become very powerful. They are very complex in their behavior. They have a whole range of emotions, including violence and anger."
through rose-colored glasses
With an unduly cheerful, optimistic, or favorable view of things
Woman's life in danger after chimp attack
http://edition.cnn.com/2009/US/02/17/ch ... index.html
"The thing about chimpanzees is, we sort of look at them through our rose-colored cultural glasses of the cute little chimp in the 'Tarzan' movie. Those are very young chimps. Chimps grow up, they become very powerful. They are very complex in their behavior. They have a whole range of emotions, including violence and anger."
through rose-colored glasses
With an unduly cheerful, optimistic, or favorable view of things
put a spin
Its people like you that try to put a spin on tragedies like these to benefit your own cause. Grow up and have some respect.
別幼稚了!! 尊重別人吧!
“The idea is to put a contemporary spin on Dickens, using his work as a starting point to provide inspiration for teens today,” said the British Council’s Alexandra Dimsdale.
put a spin
the way someone, especially a politician or business person, talks about information or a situation, especially in order to influence the way people think about it
別幼稚了!! 尊重別人吧!
“The idea is to put a contemporary spin on Dickens, using his work as a starting point to provide inspiration for teens today,” said the British Council’s Alexandra Dimsdale.
put a spin
the way someone, especially a politician or business person, talks about information or a situation, especially in order to influence the way people think about it
由 myannao 發表於 2009-02-20, 14:06
這兩天筆記很亂,我把需要注意的記下來( 都是有關棒球和藍球的新聞),太容易就刪掉了。
Ellsbury is penciled in as the Red Sox's leadoff man
I think we'll peel off an onion and get more and more truth over time,
Hicks expressed his displeasure that Rodriguez "kind of threw the Texas Rangers under the bus, and he said that wasn't his intention at all."
When they spoke last week, Hicks encouraged Rodriguez to come clean.
Cavaliers superstar LeBron James, the NBA's leading scorer, flirted with a triple-doubleas he finished with 20 points, nine rebounds and nine assists before taking a seat at the bench with three minutes remaining.
They gave me an opportunity to dish out to my teammates in the first half.
"We knew we had a size advantage with these guys.They looked for me early in the post and we were able to succeed."
be penciled in ----to make an arrangement for a meeting or other event, knowing that it might have to be changed later(暫定)
leadoff man----第一棒
peel off an onion ----剝洋蔥是一種比喻,你只能一層一層的剝,然後,慢慢地去體認、發現。
To throw (someone) under the bus ----to scapegoat or reject.
come clean ---- informal to finally tell the truth about something you have been hiding(坦白承認)
flirted with a triple-doubleas差一點就大三元
dish out ----distribute it among a number of people. (INFORMAL)分發,發送
size advantage 身高優勢
fly under the radar a little bit (不引人注意)( 今天我就讀到兩次)
Ellsbury is penciled in as the Red Sox's leadoff man
I think we'll peel off an onion and get more and more truth over time,
Hicks expressed his displeasure that Rodriguez "kind of threw the Texas Rangers under the bus, and he said that wasn't his intention at all."
When they spoke last week, Hicks encouraged Rodriguez to come clean.
Cavaliers superstar LeBron James, the NBA's leading scorer, flirted with a triple-doubleas he finished with 20 points, nine rebounds and nine assists before taking a seat at the bench with three minutes remaining.
They gave me an opportunity to dish out to my teammates in the first half.
"We knew we had a size advantage with these guys.They looked for me early in the post and we were able to succeed."
be penciled in ----to make an arrangement for a meeting or other event, knowing that it might have to be changed later(暫定)
leadoff man----第一棒
peel off an onion ----剝洋蔥是一種比喻,你只能一層一層的剝,然後,慢慢地去體認、發現。
To throw (someone) under the bus ----to scapegoat or reject.
come clean ---- informal to finally tell the truth about something you have been hiding(坦白承認)
flirted with a triple-doubleas差一點就大三元
dish out ----distribute it among a number of people. (INFORMAL)分發,發送
size advantage 身高優勢
fly under the radar a little bit (不引人注意)( 今天我就讀到兩次)
No Kissing Allowed
No Kissing Allowed
由 myannao 發表於 2009-02-18, 13:51
No Kissing Allowed At British Rail Station
The goal is to stop departing passengers from pulling up in their cars at a crowded drop-off point and pausing to kiss each other farewell.
No Kissing Allowed At British Rail Station
The goal is to stop departing passengers from pulling up in their cars at a crowded drop-off point and pausing to kiss each other farewell.
Nip it in the bud.
Ex-Boyfriend Begs For Another Chance
http://www.thepittsburghchannel.com/fam ... etail.html
This man and I have dated off and on for about seven years. He has cheated on me, called me names and also played with my heart by postponing marriage plans.
Nip it in the bud. Then go have some fun.
You have to go cold turkey to get rid of this guy.
when people use unpleasant words to describe someone in order to insult or upset them
Nip it in the bud
to prevent something from becoming a problem by stopping it as soon as it starts
cold turkey
Immediate, complete withdrawal from something on which one has become dependent, such as an addictive drug.
Ex-Boyfriend Begs For Another Chance
http://www.thepittsburghchannel.com/fam ... etail.html
This man and I have dated off and on for about seven years. He has cheated on me, called me names and also played with my heart by postponing marriage plans.
Nip it in the bud. Then go have some fun.
You have to go cold turkey to get rid of this guy.
when people use unpleasant words to describe someone in order to insult or upset them
Nip it in the bud
to prevent something from becoming a problem by stopping it as soon as it starts
cold turkey
Immediate, complete withdrawal from something on which one has become dependent, such as an addictive drug.
由 myannao 發表於 2009-02-17, 13:57
http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/baseb ... s_mar.html
There was something a little off about his appearance. That's because Sabathia was sporting a close-cropped beard, one that violated the team's rule regarding facial hair.
The Yankees forbid any growth below the lip, although some players - most notably Jason Giambi - have taken liberties with the rule in recent years, showing off a "soul patch" under the lower lip.
close-cropped grass or hair is cut very short
be sporting sth
to be wearing something or have something on your body and show it to people in a proud way
http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/baseb ... s_mar.html
There was something a little off about his appearance. That's because Sabathia was sporting a close-cropped beard, one that violated the team's rule regarding facial hair.
The Yankees forbid any growth below the lip, although some players - most notably Jason Giambi - have taken liberties with the rule in recent years, showing off a "soul patch" under the lower lip.
close-cropped grass or hair is cut very short
be sporting sth
to be wearing something or have something on your body and show it to people in a proud way
way high on the cheese-o-meter
way high on the cheese-o-meter
由 myannao 發表於 2009-02-16, 16:09
在這裡和大家一起分享Awful Valentine's Day -- how to avoid it
http://edition.cnn.com/2009/LIVING/pers ... index.html
V-Day proposals rate way high on the cheese-o-meter and you can hardly
blame him for not wanting to be part of a real-life Diamonds R Us commercial.
cheese-o-meter "俗"(聳)的指數,越高越俗(聳)
所以way high on the cheese-o-meter 就是實在是太"俗"(聳)了
"R Us" ----這是抄襲玩具反斗城英文名字的後半部。
The "R Us" name was derived as a pun on the founder's first name, Lazarus. The "R Us" name has been imitated by many other businesses.
所以 Diamonds R Us commercial 就是鑽石商的電視廣告
在這裡和大家一起分享Awful Valentine's Day -- how to avoid it
http://edition.cnn.com/2009/LIVING/pers ... index.html
V-Day proposals rate way high on the cheese-o-meter and you can hardly
blame him for not wanting to be part of a real-life Diamonds R Us commercial.
cheese-o-meter "俗"(聳)的指數,越高越俗(聳)
所以way high on the cheese-o-meter 就是實在是太"俗"(聳)了
"R Us" ----這是抄襲玩具反斗城英文名字的後半部。
The "R Us" name was derived as a pun on the founder's first name, Lazarus. The "R Us" name has been imitated by many other businesses.
所以 Diamonds R Us commercial 就是鑽石商的電視廣告
Re: way high on the cheese-o-meter
由 myannao 發表於 2009-02-16, 19:13
I totally agree with you that the book and the movie should be in no way compared to one another, at risk of serious disappointment. That movie rated very high on the cheese-o-meter. The book was splendid.
I totally agree with you that the book and the movie should be in no way compared to one another, at risk of serious disappointment. That movie rated very high on the cheese-o-meter. The book was splendid.
"bush league"
學習分享"bush league"
由 myannao 發表於 2009-02-16, 15:48
did away with---to get rid of (someone or something)(拋棄)
clear customs---通關、結關、清關(海關)
bush league---Of inferior or unprofessional quality; second-rate(第二流)
toonie---the Canadian 2 dollar coin(加拿大兩元硬幣)
Isnt it about time we did away with the toonie service charge for a baggage cart in arrivals.How in hells name is a visitor to this country supposed to come up with a toonie or ANY canadian currency before they ever clear customs.
We are so bush league its pathetic!
did away with---to get rid of (someone or something)(拋棄)
clear customs---通關、結關、清關(海關)
bush league---Of inferior or unprofessional quality; second-rate(第二流)
toonie---the Canadian 2 dollar coin(加拿大兩元硬幣)
Isnt it about time we did away with the toonie service charge for a baggage cart in arrivals.How in hells name is a visitor to this country supposed to come up with a toonie or ANY canadian currency before they ever clear customs.
We are so bush league its pathetic!
由 myannao 發表於 2009-02-15, 20:56
這裡有一篇新聞Mexico City sets kissing record on Valentine's Day
http://www.philly.com/philly/news/weird ... esday.html
Mexico City puckered up to set a new record Saturday as nearly 40,000 people locked lips in the city center for the world's largest group kiss.
As soon as the kissing stopped, participants started chanting "Cente!" the nickname for Mexico's most popular ranchera singer, Vicente Fernandez, who followed the smooch-fest with a free concert.
[V] (informal) to kiss and hold sb closely, especially when you are dancing slowly
[N]possibly imitative of the sound of kissing
fest---- an informal occasion when a lot of people do a fun activity together, such as drinking beer, singing songs, or eating food
lip-lock, lock their lips
就是kiss 啦
http://www.philly.com/philly/news/weird ... esday.html
Mexico City puckered up to set a new record Saturday as nearly 40,000 people locked lips in the city center for the world's largest group kiss.
As soon as the kissing stopped, participants started chanting "Cente!" the nickname for Mexico's most popular ranchera singer, Vicente Fernandez, who followed the smooch-fest with a free concert.
[V] (informal) to kiss and hold sb closely, especially when you are dancing slowly
[N]possibly imitative of the sound of kissing
fest---- an informal occasion when a lot of people do a fun activity together, such as drinking beer, singing songs, or eating food
lip-lock, lock their lips
就是kiss 啦
Keep your head in the game
這裡有一篇文章Keep your head in the game
http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/f ... aspx?guid={60CE6935-E9F9-4CC5-A822-C5FFF7D66E4F}
這裡還有另一篇文章Unemployed workers heading back to school
http://edition.cnn.com/2009/LIVING/02/1 ... index.html
其中很巧的是,第一篇文中有Five ways to stay professionally relevant when taking time off,
第 二篇文中有Our goal is that these students want to come back and be lifelong learners -- that they understand that in today's economy, you have to continue to keep your job skills relevant and up to date," Stoudt said. "None of us can be complacent about our own learning."
spike---if the number or rate of something spikes, it increases quickly and by a large amount
However, the spike in applications has put a burden on some schools that already are struggling to keep tuition low and upgrade their facilities.
http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/f ... aspx?guid={60CE6935-E9F9-4CC5-A822-C5FFF7D66E4F}
這裡還有另一篇文章Unemployed workers heading back to school
http://edition.cnn.com/2009/LIVING/02/1 ... index.html
其中很巧的是,第一篇文中有Five ways to stay professionally relevant when taking time off,
第 二篇文中有Our goal is that these students want to come back and be lifelong learners -- that they understand that in today's economy, you have to continue to keep your job skills relevant and up to date," Stoudt said. "None of us can be complacent about our own learning."
spike---if the number or rate of something spikes, it increases quickly and by a large amount
However, the spike in applications has put a burden on some schools that already are struggling to keep tuition low and upgrade their facilities.
fleet sale
學習分享"fleet sale"
由 myannao 發表於 2009-02-04, 11:42
今天我讀到一篇文章"Auto sales worst in 26 years"
http://money.cnn.com/2009/02/03/news/co ... 2009020314
其中,我學到這個新名詞"fleet sale"
我找不到它的正解,我覺得fleet 就是a group of vehicles ,
hit a chord(打動人心,我不會翻,反正就是打動你的心,讓你買他們的車就對了)
buck the trend (you obtain different results from others in the same area, 和趨勢相反)
今天cnn中 strike a chord又出現了。
The appeal struck a chord across the nation -- a homeless woman in Florida telling President Barack Obama of her troubles earlier this week.
http://money.cnn.com/2009/02/03/news/co ... 2009020314
其中,我學到這個新名詞"fleet sale"
我找不到它的正解,我覺得fleet 就是a group of vehicles ,
hit a chord(打動人心,我不會翻,反正就是打動你的心,讓你買他們的車就對了)
buck the trend (you obtain different results from others in the same area, 和趨勢相反)
今天cnn中 strike a chord又出現了。
The appeal struck a chord across the nation -- a homeless woman in Florida telling President Barack Obama of her troubles earlier this week.
red herring
今天我在外國的comment board裡看到一句話,覺得蠻好玩的。
Your post is a red herring. Try again.
red herring
Something that draws attention away from the central issue, as in Talking about the new plant is a red herring to keep us from learning about downsizing plans.
The herring in this expression is red and strong-smelling from being preserved by smoking. The idiom alludes to dragging a smoked herring across a trail to cover up the scent and throw off tracking dogs.
另外還有 God help us
God help us all if these people are still on the job come the Olympics.
The RCMP must perform millions of investigations daily...so lets all jump on them when one goes wrong and then have a beer and watch Hockey Night in Canada. God help us!
it means that you have negative feelings about the person or situation you are talking about
再來一句a monkey on someone's back
a serious problem that will not go away.
"When you take this gorilla and this monkey off your back, you realize that honesty is the only way," Rodriguez told ESPN's Peter Gammons, 15 months after he told CBS's Katie Couric that he never used a performance-enhancing drug.
Your post is a red herring. Try again.
red herring
Something that draws attention away from the central issue, as in Talking about the new plant is a red herring to keep us from learning about downsizing plans.
The herring in this expression is red and strong-smelling from being preserved by smoking. The idiom alludes to dragging a smoked herring across a trail to cover up the scent and throw off tracking dogs.
另外還有 God help us
God help us all if these people are still on the job come the Olympics.
The RCMP must perform millions of investigations daily...so lets all jump on them when one goes wrong and then have a beer and watch Hockey Night in Canada. God help us!
it means that you have negative feelings about the person or situation you are talking about
再來一句a monkey on someone's back
a serious problem that will not go away.
"When you take this gorilla and this monkey off your back, you realize that honesty is the only way," Rodriguez told ESPN's Peter Gammons, 15 months after he told CBS's Katie Couric that he never used a performance-enhancing drug.
not for the world
"not for the world"
意思是"決不會","not for anything","not at any price"
Chandler: I know it would make me happy, ma’am.(Chandler邀請他媽媽參加他自己的婚禮)
Helena: Well I wouldn’t miss it for the world.(我絕不會錯過的) Oh! I’m getting all misty here! You’d think I was having my legs waxed or something. (Goes back on stage.)
2009年2月9日 星期一
slippery slope
I have arrangements with my other half for help in shuffling off if I need it. I'll do the same for her. We have both seen the cruel endless pain of cancer taking a loved one.(death)
if we are aware of the slippery slope, we can plan arround it.
The Slippery Slope is a fallacy in which a person asserts that some event must inevitably follow from another without any argument for the inevitability of the event in question.
Rick somebody or other, quoting someone equally imbecilic, said:
loosey-goosey -----notably loose or relaxed
ride someone's coattails to use your connection with someone successful to achieve success yourself.
of their ilk ------of that type
if we are aware of the slippery slope, we can plan arround it.
The Slippery Slope is a fallacy in which a person asserts that some event must inevitably follow from another without any argument for the inevitability of the event in question.
Rick somebody or other, quoting someone equally imbecilic, said:
loosey-goosey -----notably loose or relaxed
ride someone's coattails to use your connection with someone successful to achieve success yourself.
of their ilk ------of that type
Obama urges quick passage of stimulus plan
1。 pork barrel politics ---usually refers to spending that is intended to benefit constituents of a politician in return for their political support
例子:During the news conference, Obama defended his program against Republican criticism that the stimulus package is loaded with pork-barrel spending and will not create jobs.(意思就是只是討好特定選民,而不是創造就業機會)
2。in dire straits----be in an extremely difficult or serious situation
例子:Again and again, Obama stressed the U.S. economy is in dire straits.
3。 run-of-the-mill ----ordinary
例子:"This is not your ordinary, run-of-the-mill recession,"
4。Hope for the best and prepare for the worst ----我不會翻,大概類似我們"做最好的準備和最壞的打算"(這句是諺語)
例子:"We can't afford to wait. We can't wait to see and hope for the best," Obama said. (我們不能什麼都不做,只期待會發生最好的結果)
5。soup kitchen---- a place where food is offered to the poor and homeless for free or at a reasonably low price.
例子:Wish yo a good luck in the lineup soon...... in the soup kitchen
1。 pork barrel politics ---usually refers to spending that is intended to benefit constituents of a politician in return for their political support
例子:During the news conference, Obama defended his program against Republican criticism that the stimulus package is loaded with pork-barrel spending and will not create jobs.(意思就是只是討好特定選民,而不是創造就業機會)
2。in dire straits----be in an extremely difficult or serious situation
例子:Again and again, Obama stressed the U.S. economy is in dire straits.
3。 run-of-the-mill ----ordinary
例子:"This is not your ordinary, run-of-the-mill recession,"
4。Hope for the best and prepare for the worst ----我不會翻,大概類似我們"做最好的準備和最壞的打算"(這句是諺語)
例子:"We can't afford to wait. We can't wait to see and hope for the best," Obama said. (我們不能什麼都不做,只期待會發生最好的結果)
5。soup kitchen---- a place where food is offered to the poor and homeless for free or at a reasonably low price.
例子:Wish yo a good luck in the lineup soon...... in the soup kitchen
Six degrees of separation
Six degrees of separation (also referred to as the "Human Web") refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is no more than six "steps" away from each person on Earth. The easier way to understand this is that person A only needs a maximum of five people in between to connect to person B.(Supposing person A and B don't know each other.)
To make things even more six-degrees-of-pop-cult-separation serendipitous, RevoLucian, the man behind the remix, claims to be producing RuPaul's new album. And RuPaul, the drag queen legend who convinced an entire generation to wear M.A.C. Viva Glam lipstick, launched a new drag-tastic reality competition show just yesterday.
pop-cult 流行文化
To make things even more six-degrees-of-pop-cult-separation serendipitous, RevoLucian, the man behind the remix, claims to be producing RuPaul's new album. And RuPaul, the drag queen legend who convinced an entire generation to wear M.A.C. Viva Glam lipstick, launched a new drag-tastic reality competition show just yesterday.
pop-cult 流行文化
http://www.cbc.ca/arts/media/blogs/popc ... _cool.html
這篇新聞裡,有用好幾句俚語, 我覺得很有趣。
"go bananas"-----act crazy
The clip, procured by tabloid HQ TMZ, features Bale going completely bananas and lambasting a poor crew member for, uh, interfering with the actor's process.
"short fuse"----------get angry very easily
We at Arts Online were already familiar with Bale's short fuse.
"on cloud 9 "---------blissfully happy
And though the sheer Hulk-style rage of the original clip amused us, it was a hastily-assembled (but still awesome) techno remix version of Bale going rogue that really sent us to cloud 9.
另外有文章記者說他 go berserk, fly off the handle,還有 go ballistic.
"go berserk"----------lose control of oneself and become very angry and violent
"fly off the handle "------------lose one's temper
"go ballistic"----------------become extremely upset or angry
哇塞!! 光生氣發飆,就這麼多說法,連綠巨人浩克都出動了,真有趣。
http://uk.news.yahoo.com/4/20090206/vid ... a0497.html
PS2:另外下面這段vedio,就是第一篇文章裡所指的techno remix version, 也就是把ps1改編成舞曲,超好笑的。
這篇新聞裡,有用好幾句俚語, 我覺得很有趣。
"go bananas"-----act crazy
The clip, procured by tabloid HQ TMZ, features Bale going completely bananas and lambasting a poor crew member for, uh, interfering with the actor's process.
"short fuse"----------get angry very easily
We at Arts Online were already familiar with Bale's short fuse.
"on cloud 9 "---------blissfully happy
And though the sheer Hulk-style rage of the original clip amused us, it was a hastily-assembled (but still awesome) techno remix version of Bale going rogue that really sent us to cloud 9.
另外有文章記者說他 go berserk, fly off the handle,還有 go ballistic.
"go berserk"----------lose control of oneself and become very angry and violent
"fly off the handle "------------lose one's temper
"go ballistic"----------------become extremely upset or angry
哇塞!! 光生氣發飆,就這麼多說法,連綠巨人浩克都出動了,真有趣。
http://uk.news.yahoo.com/4/20090206/vid ... a0497.html
PS2:另外下面這段vedio,就是第一篇文章裡所指的techno remix version, 也就是把ps1改編成舞曲,超好笑的。
tag, vet 認識的字,不知道的用法
tag----------illegally paint your name or sign on a wall, vehicle etc
A street artist famous for his red, white and blue Hope posters of President Barack Obama has been arrested on warrants accusing him of tagging property with graffiti, according to Boston police.
off-the-shelf---------already and available in shops(現成的)
Researchers David Hulton and Steve Muller showed at Black Hat in the U.S. last month how it was possible to break the encryption on a GSM call in about 30 minutes using relatively inexpensive off-the-shelf equipment and software tools.
vet ----------to check someone's past activities in order to make sure they are suitable for a particular job
And now they're planning to commercialize the technique, although Hulton said they will vet buyers.
be game for-----------willing to try something dangerous, new ,or difficult
Hulton and Muller were game for a challenge and wanted to do it more cheaply.
http://www.cbc.ca/arts/artdesign/story/ ... lecomments
http://www.pcworld.com/article/143969/c ... s_say.html
tag----------illegally paint your name or sign on a wall, vehicle etc
A street artist famous for his red, white and blue Hope posters of President Barack Obama has been arrested on warrants accusing him of tagging property with graffiti, according to Boston police.
off-the-shelf---------already and available in shops(現成的)
Researchers David Hulton and Steve Muller showed at Black Hat in the U.S. last month how it was possible to break the encryption on a GSM call in about 30 minutes using relatively inexpensive off-the-shelf equipment and software tools.
vet ----------to check someone's past activities in order to make sure they are suitable for a particular job
And now they're planning to commercialize the technique, although Hulton said they will vet buyers.
be game for-----------willing to try something dangerous, new ,or difficult
Hulton and Muller were game for a challenge and wanted to do it more cheaply.
http://www.cbc.ca/arts/artdesign/story/ ... lecomments
http://www.pcworld.com/article/143969/c ... s_say.html
Reinvent Wheel? Blue Room. Defusing a Bomb? Red Room.
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/06/scien ... ef=science
If a new study is any guide, the color red can make people’s work more accurate, and blue can make people more creative.
“When you feel that the situation you are in is problematic,”“you are more likely to pay attention to detail, which helps you with processing tasks but interferes with creative types of things.”Many people link red to problematic things, like emergencies or X’s on failing tests, experts say. Such “associations to red — stop, fire, alarm, warning — can be activated without a person’s awareness, and then influence what they are thinking about or doing,”Blue seems a weaker effect than red, but blue skies, blue water are calm and positive, and so that effect makes sense too.”
For what it’s worth---------"What I'm saying isn't worth much" or "This may not help, but . . ." or "This may not be relevant, but maybe you can extract some guidance from it" or "This goes partway toward a conclusion but doesn't prove the case.",解釋了一大些,也不知道它在講什麼,我自己把它翻成姑妄聽之,準不準我不負責。
For what it’s worth, many newsroom walls at The New York Times are bright tomato-soup red. The newspaper’s facilities department says there are no blue rooms in the place.
Reinvent Wheel? Blue Room. Defusing a Bomb? Red Room.
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/06/scien ... ef=science
If a new study is any guide, the color red can make people’s work more accurate, and blue can make people more creative.
“When you feel that the situation you are in is problematic,”“you are more likely to pay attention to detail, which helps you with processing tasks but interferes with creative types of things.”Many people link red to problematic things, like emergencies or X’s on failing tests, experts say. Such “associations to red — stop, fire, alarm, warning — can be activated without a person’s awareness, and then influence what they are thinking about or doing,”Blue seems a weaker effect than red, but blue skies, blue water are calm and positive, and so that effect makes sense too.”
For what it’s worth---------"What I'm saying isn't worth much" or "This may not help, but . . ." or "This may not be relevant, but maybe you can extract some guidance from it" or "This goes partway toward a conclusion but doesn't prove the case.",解釋了一大些,也不知道它在講什麼,我自己把它翻成姑妄聽之,準不準我不負責。
For what it’s worth, many newsroom walls at The New York Times are bright tomato-soup red. The newspaper’s facilities department says there are no blue rooms in the place.
今天我在這篇文章"NJ disc jockey to part with Jenny's number"
http://www.cbc.ca/cp/Oddities/090201/K020102AU.html (PS.這篇是博君一笑用的)
學到field 的新用法,不過也不能說新,其實是自己無知。
fielding thousands of calls (回了好幾千通電話)
disc jockey Spencer Potter is hanging up on Jenny
disc jockey (就是DJ)
hang up on someone 掛斷電話
因為Tommy Tutone 那首最為人熟知的歌就是 "867-5309/Jenny"
requested the number on a lark for their home phone
on a lark(carefree, happy in a natural way ,在這裡就是好玩啦)
Behind closed doors after his speech, Obama fielded a handful of questions from House Democrats.
chump change -----------A small amount of money.
But Melancon criticized Republicans who focused on only a small fraction of the stimulus bill, calling it "chump change."
http://www.cbc.ca/cp/Oddities/090201/K020102AU.html (PS.這篇是博君一笑用的)
學到field 的新用法,不過也不能說新,其實是自己無知。
fielding thousands of calls (回了好幾千通電話)
disc jockey Spencer Potter is hanging up on Jenny
disc jockey (就是DJ)
hang up on someone 掛斷電話
因為Tommy Tutone 那首最為人熟知的歌就是 "867-5309/Jenny"
requested the number on a lark for their home phone
on a lark(carefree, happy in a natural way ,在這裡就是好玩啦)
Behind closed doors after his speech, Obama fielded a handful of questions from House Democrats.
chump change -----------A small amount of money.
But Melancon criticized Republicans who focused on only a small fraction of the stimulus bill, calling it "chump change."
"fleet sale"
今天我讀到一篇文章"Auto sales worst in 26 years"
http://money.cnn.com/2009/02/03/news/co ... 2009020314
其中,我學到這個新名詞"fleet sale"
我找不到它的正解,我覺得fleet 就是a group of vehicles ,
hit a chord(打動人心,我不會翻,反正就是打動你的心,讓你買他們的車就對了)
buck the trend (you obtain different results from others in the same area, 和趨勢相反)
http://money.cnn.com/2009/02/03/news/co ... 2009020314
其中,我學到這個新名詞"fleet sale"
我找不到它的正解,我覺得fleet 就是a group of vehicles ,
hit a chord(打動人心,我不會翻,反正就是打動你的心,讓你買他們的車就對了)
buck the trend (you obtain different results from others in the same area, 和趨勢相反)
請看以下聯結"Boy trapped in lucky dip game"
在留言裡,還有看到有人叫它"claw game", "crane game", "claw machine", "skill tester machine"可見不同的地域,有不同的名稱。
請看以下聯結"Boy trapped in lucky dip game"
在留言裡,還有看到有人叫它"claw game", "crane game", "claw machine", "skill tester machine"可見不同的地域,有不同的名稱。
blow..... away
blow..... away
overcome easily; defeat decisively
剛剛我看了一篇報導"Kung Fu Panda kicks competition's butt at animation awards"
結果讀者投書一面倒向Wall-e .
"Wall-e blew this movie away."
"Wall-e" 可以輕易打敗"功夫熊貓"
另外還有一篇文章"Fuel explosion kills 113 in Kenya"
Overwhelmed hospitals were packed with the injured, including small children, suffering from horrific burns. Many were lying on the floors, hooked up to drips and moaning in pain as doctors tried to save their lives.
hooked up to drips 身上插著點滴
overcome easily; defeat decisively
剛剛我看了一篇報導"Kung Fu Panda kicks competition's butt at animation awards"
結果讀者投書一面倒向Wall-e .
"Wall-e blew this movie away."
"Wall-e" 可以輕易打敗"功夫熊貓"
另外還有一篇文章"Fuel explosion kills 113 in Kenya"
Overwhelmed hospitals were packed with the injured, including small children, suffering from horrific burns. Many were lying on the floors, hooked up to drips and moaning in pain as doctors tried to save their lives.
hooked up to drips 身上插著點滴
”Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.”
一面出拳一邊唸著”Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.”
"I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. You can't beat the greatest because I am Muhammad Ali"
後來,我在兒子的dvd 汽車總動員(CARS)裡,又聽到二次,不過,
Lighting McQueen和Doc要賽車一較高下的時候,
Lighting McQueen說了這句話 "Float like a Cadillac and sting like a Beemer!"
一面出拳一邊唸著”Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.”
"I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. You can't beat the greatest because I am Muhammad Ali"
後來,我在兒子的dvd 汽車總動員(CARS)裡,又聽到二次,不過,
Lighting McQueen和Doc要賽車一較高下的時候,
Lighting McQueen說了這句話 "Float like a Cadillac and sting like a Beemer!"
"not for the world"
"not for the world"
意思是"決不會","not for anything","not at any price"
Chandler: I know it would make me happy, ma’am.(Chandler邀請他媽媽參加他自己的婚禮)
Helena: Well I wouldn’t miss it for the world.(我絕不會錯過的) Oh! I’m getting all misty here! You’d think I was having my legs waxed or something. (Goes back on stage.)
意思是"決不會","not for anything","not at any price"
Chandler: I know it would make me happy, ma’am.(Chandler邀請他媽媽參加他自己的婚禮)
Helena: Well I wouldn’t miss it for the world.(我絕不會錯過的) Oh! I’m getting all misty here! You’d think I was having my legs waxed or something. (Goes back on stage.)
"All the king's horses and all the king's men "
"All the king's horses and all the king's men "
在star trek : enterprise這部影集中的某一集,
“All the king's horses and all the king's men”
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
這位Humpty Dumpty 是個擬人化的蛋,跌下來摔破了,
所以就算All the king's horses and all the king's men通通都來了,
另外我在分享一首歌Artist: Joss Stone Song: All The Kings Horses
All the king's horses and all the king's men
They couldn't put our two hearts together again
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put our two hearts together again
We sat on a wall of happiness
We sat on a wall of love
We sat on a wall of security...ooooh so high above
Yes we did
在star trek : enterprise這部影集中的某一集,
“All the king's horses and all the king's men”
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
這位Humpty Dumpty 是個擬人化的蛋,跌下來摔破了,
所以就算All the king's horses and all the king's men通通都來了,
另外我在分享一首歌Artist: Joss Stone Song: All The Kings Horses
All the king's horses and all the king's men
They couldn't put our two hearts together again
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put our two hearts together again
We sat on a wall of happiness
We sat on a wall of love
We sat on a wall of security...ooooh so high above
Yes we did
"ride shotgun"
結果他的好朋友就說"I called shotgun."
"It's a party foul." 這樣違反規則
"Bros comes before hoes."(這句話我不知道怎麼翻)不可以重色輕友。
結果他的好朋友就說"I called shotgun."
"It's a party foul." 這樣違反規則
"Bros comes before hoes."(這句話我不知道怎麼翻)不可以重色輕友。
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