Ten co-workers from New Jersey say they will split a $216 million Mega Millions jackpot, thanks to the five bucks they each kicked into a pool.
Space went to work as usual on Wednesday morning, playing it coy.
Space played hardball with co-worker Oscar Oviedo, who hadn't paid him yet for his share of the lottery tickets.
It also gives a nice cushion to be able to help the people we want to help
I feel incredibly blessed. I can't even absorb it at this point.
If you hit the jackpot, you have a great success, for example by winning a lot of money or having a piece of good luck. (INFORMAL)
If someone plays hardball, they will do anything that is necessary to achieve or get what they want, even if this involves being harsh or unfair. (mainly AM)
play coy ----- to tease, to lead someone on.
If someone leads you on, they encourage you to do something, especially by pretending that something is true.
a pool---a number of things or an amount of money that is shared by a group of people
kicks in-----
If someone kicks in a particular amount of money, they provide that amount of money to help pay for something. (AM)