pretty please with a cherry on top 這是在Freddy讀到的
pretty please with sugar on top這是在Rusell and Elisa讀到的
you can even time me.
megalodon tooth.
Suzue butted in.
right down the drain.
stick her nose in places where it doesn't belong.
chime in
to say something in a conversation, especially to agree with what someone has just said
you have been at each other's throats all afternoon.
tell me already.
a spoiled brat
out of your cast
before you know it
what's the catch
slowpoke---someone who moves or does things too slowly
you can't just go around accusing someone of something
have them dust for fingerprints
you could hear a pin drop
2009年7月29日 星期三
Pinkie swear
Pinkie swear
we already pinkied it.
lock pinkies
she is such a drama queen.
stand up to Max
call out
No "buts".
because I said so.
I make the rules.
A doily is a small, round piece of paper or cloth that has a pattern of tiny holes in it. Doilies are put on plates under cakes and sandwiches.
that's going to take forever!
neak freak
don't get glue on the rug.
It's crooked.
medicine dropper.
you are so busted.
you're making a big scene.
whipped cream
he batted his eyelashes
stop sopying me.
those are lame.
what a bummer.
get a time-out.
we already pinkied it.
lock pinkies
she is such a drama queen.
stand up to Max
call out
No "buts".
because I said so.
I make the rules.
A doily is a small, round piece of paper or cloth that has a pattern of tiny holes in it. Doilies are put on plates under cakes and sandwiches.
that's going to take forever!
neak freak
don't get glue on the rug.
It's crooked.
medicine dropper.
you are so busted.
you're making a big scene.
whipped cream
he batted his eyelashes
stop sopying me.
those are lame.
what a bummer.
get a time-out.
2009年7月26日 星期日
Teixeira's tater
But things went awry as Pettitte's strong afternoon quickly came unhinged and the Yankees' normally-sound bullpen faltered.
go awry
if something goes awry, it does not happen in the way that was planned
Teixeira's tater-- A home run.
go awry
if something goes awry, it does not happen in the way that was planned
Teixeira's tater-- A home run.
pants on fire
I'm toast.
be toast informal
to be in trouble because of something you have done
pants on fire
sb puts his pants on one leg at a time
AmE spoken used to say that someone is just like everyone else
beat the pants off sb----AmE spoken to defeat someone very easily in a game or competition
let up phr v
to become less severe or harmful
to be less severe, unkind, or violent towards someone
under the weather----slightly ill
for crying out loud-----spoken used when you feel annoyed or impatient with someone
be toast informal
to be in trouble because of something you have done
pants on fire
Liar Liar Pants On Fire is a phrase that children like to scream at each other whenever they think the other is lying. They also like to scream it at adults who tell them stories about fairies.
sb puts his pants on one leg at a time
AmE spoken used to say that someone is just like everyone else
beat the pants off sb----AmE spoken to defeat someone very easily in a game or competition
let up phr v
under the weather----slightly ill
for crying out loud-----spoken used when you feel annoyed or impatient with someone
2009年7月23日 星期四
feed off each other
“The chemistry in here is growing and growing,” Burnett said.
Girardi said the starters “pass the baton” and “feed off each other.” He added: “They don’t want to be the one who stops the streak. They compete with each other. That’s a great situation.”
feed off [feed off sth] phr v

to use something to increase, become stronger, or succeed - sometimes used to show disapproval
fad diets that feed off our desire to be thin
Girardi said the starters “pass the baton” and “feed off each other.” He added: “They don’t want to be the one who stops the streak. They compete with each other. That’s a great situation.”
feed off [feed off sth] phr v

He really knows how to push Dad's buttons
Nick Swisher does not need blaring music to be loud. He doesn’t even need to say much. The décor around his dressing stall and even his haircut speak for him.
He’s a big reason why guys are loosened up around here.”
blare-to make a very loud unpleasant noise
loosen up phr v
to stop worrying and become more relaxed, or to make someone do this
She loosened up after she'd had a drink.
loosen sb⇔up
His welcoming smile helped loosen her up.
if your muscles loosen up, or if something loosens them up, they stop feeling stiff
loosen sth⇔up
A massage will loosen up your joints.
risqué----a joke, remark etc that is risqué is slightly shocking, because it is about sex
buttoned-down ---Conservative
someone who is buttoned-up is not able to express their feelings, especially sexual feelings; reserved
décor ---Decoration
He really knows how to push Dad's buttons.
to make someone angry by doing or saying something that annoys them
He’s a big reason why guys are loosened up around here.”
blare-to make a very loud unpleasant noise
loosen up phr v
loosen sb⇔up
loosen sth⇔up
A massage will loosen up your joints.
risqué----a joke, remark etc that is risqué is slightly shocking, because it is about sex
buttoned-down ---Conservative
someone who is buttoned-up is not able to express their feelings, especially sexual feelings; reserved
décor ---Decoration
to make someone angry by doing or saying something that annoys them
Jigsaw Jones---class clown
get a little brown on the nose
clap erasers
have a cow
pull a prank
April Fool's joke
chime in
shot back
Dog walked?
up to something
practical jokes
funny how? funny ha-ha ? or funny strange?
rat on
counted as high as I could
I neally died laughing.
call on
DEAR time
in dribs and drabs
get on my nerves
chill out
food coloring
nervous coughs and shuffling feet
let your shoulders droop
the dog hopes for scraps
stifle a yawn
crack up
knock her down with a feather
tell me about it
hit a grand slam
give her a taste of her own medicine
they are hot on the trail
A scavenger hunt
在Jigsaw Jones runaway dog那一集裡,
jones 派一個小男生到偷狗的女生家裡去打聽消息。
這個小男生假裝我在玩A scavenger hunt。
A scavenger hunt is a game in which individuals or teams seek to gather a number of specific items—usually not by purchase—or perform tasks as given by a list. The goal is usually to complete the list first.
jones 派一個小男生到偷狗的女生家裡去打聽消息。
這個小男生假裝我在玩A scavenger hunt。
A scavenger hunt is a game in which individuals or teams seek to gather a number of specific items—usually not by purchase—or perform tasks as given by a list. The goal is usually to complete the list first.
2009年7月16日 星期四
Sleight of hand
Sleight of hand is the deceiving of someone in a skilful way.
was obviously no sleight to the late entertainer.
there was careful nuance in his words.
we know that people are innocent until proven otherwise."
Rodriguez has been on a tear recently, hitting .407 with a double, eight home runs and 22 RBIs in his past 16 games.
Yet for Rodriguez, there is something special about Angel Stadium, where he continues to rake.
You make adjustments as you get more starts under your belt and you try to improve on every start.
That's not as easy as it looks. Joba came on the scene and set the world on fire, and people expect him to be perfect all the time. That's not going to be."
was obviously no sleight to the late entertainer.
there was careful nuance in his words.
we know that people are innocent until proven otherwise."
Rodriguez has been on a tear recently, hitting .407 with a double, eight home runs and 22 RBIs in his past 16 games.
Yet for Rodriguez, there is something special about Angel Stadium, where he continues to rake.
You make adjustments as you get more starts under your belt and you try to improve on every start.
That's not as easy as it looks. Joba came on the scene and set the world on fire, and people expect him to be perfect all the time. That's not going to be."
slug·fest /ˈslʌgfest/ n [C] informal especially AmE
a situation in which people are arguing or fighting in a rude or angry way
a 15-9 slugfest victory
A game in which there are many hits and runs scored.
Pluck a pigeon is slang for to cheat a gullible person out of his money. To fleece a greenhorn.
gul·li·ble /ˈgʌlɪbəl/ adj
too ready to believe what other people tell you, so that you are easily tricked
greenhorn---someone who lacks experience of something
a situation in which people are arguing or fighting in a rude or angry way
a 15-9 slugfest victory
A game in which there are many hits and runs scored.
Pluck a pigeon is slang for to cheat a gullible person out of his money. To fleece a greenhorn.
gul·li·ble /ˈgʌlɪbəl/ adj
too ready to believe what other people tell you, so that you are easily tricked
greenhorn---someone who lacks experience of something
2009年7月11日 星期六
Play with Handicap
victory lap
AmE (=a lap to celebrate winning)
The entire team took a victory lap in front of their cheering fans.
catch out [catch sb out] phr v
to make someone make a mistake, especially deliberately and in order to prove that they are lying
The interviewer may try to catch you out.
if something unexpected catches you out, it puts you in a difficult situation because you were not expecting it or not fully prepared for it
Even the best whitewater rafters get caught out by the fierce rapids here.
He was caught out while lapping a slower rider.
pal·at·a·ble /ˈpælətəbəl/ adj
palatable food or drink has a pleasant or acceptable taste
that's the way of thing.
Torre Must Play with Handicap
on waivers
In a state of being available for claiming by other professional clubs.
alpha male----the man who has the most power and influence and the highest social position in a particular group - used humorously
AmE (=a lap to celebrate winning)
catch out [catch sb out] phr v
The interviewer may try to catch you out.
Even the best whitewater rafters get caught out by the fierce rapids here.
He was caught out while lapping a slower rider.
pal·at·a·ble /ˈpælətəbəl/ adj
that's the way of thing.
Torre Must Play with Handicap
on waivers
In a state of being available for claiming by other professional clubs.
alpha male----the man who has the most power and influence and the highest social position in a particular group - used humorously
2009年7月7日 星期二
He's got it in the bag.
Call in the dogs and put out the fires (because it is over.)
We're gonna crown us a new champion.
call off the dogs---- to stop attacking or criticizing someone
Piss out the fire, call in the dogs, and lets go home.
Down the stretch they come!
stretch ---straight part of a track or racecourse
stretch a point ----go beyond what is usually allowed; make a concession
on our stretch of that road
without gas, we are done for.
I am so not taking you to dinner.
then why you are bringing him up, you lemon
we're gonna hitch you up to Bessie, and you're gonna pull her nice
siphon you gas
giddy-up---Used to command a horse to go ahead or go at a faster pace.
pass out
on-ramp---a road for driving onto a freeway
get a head start. Gives me an edge.
head 'start n [C]
an advantage that helps you to be successful
give sb/get/have a head start
Give your children a head start by sending them to nursery school.
a start in a race in which you begin earlier or further ahead than someone else
we're just peachy.
AmE informal very good or pleasant
we just topped off.
scream it to the world
If someone cuts to the chase, they start talking about or dealing with what is important, instead of less important things.
may Doc have mercy on your soul!
but we are all set.
go out of business
the last thing the town needs
here she goes again
be firing/running on all cylinders informal
to be operating or performing very well
blow a gasket or something
if a vehicle blows a gasket, steam or gas escapes from the engine
mud flaps
drive through
go cruising
local scene
pronto---quickly or immediately
he's got a timeshare there.
What in the blue blazes?
what the blazes/who the blazes etc
old-fashioned spoken used to emphasize a question when you are annoyed
crazy hot-rodder
whay do I have a parking boot on?
Hot rods are typically American cars with large engines modified for linear speed.
you let Harv rock it for you.
we got ourselves a nodder.
saddle up
wise up
a banner year
not on your life---never
oldtimer---An elderly person; A veteran; A vintage car
I'm off to a poor start
better late than never
that looks like fun.
Mater, I got dibs , next turn.
he got a kick out of it
you miss a spot. see it right there?
you're gonna wreck something.
float like a Cadillac, sting like a Beemer
no backstabbing
no lollygagging---To waste time by puttering aimlessly; dawdle.
eat your heart out
If someone tells you to eat your heart out, they are saying they are better than you at something.
and he has something you desire.
head-to-'head adv
competing directly with another person or group
hey, that must be really embarrassing.
but I wouldn't worry about it.
because I didn't do it.
May I use your lavatory I'm bursting!
put out a fire----When one has to urinate very badly!
Call in the dogs and put out the fires (because it is over.)
We're gonna crown us a new champion.
call off the dogs---- to stop attacking or criticizing someone
Piss out the fire, call in the dogs, and lets go home.
Down the stretch they come!
stretch ---straight part of a track or racecourse
stretch a point ----go beyond what is usually allowed; make a concession
on our stretch of that road
without gas, we are done for.
I am so not taking you to dinner.
then why you are bringing him up, you lemon
we're gonna hitch you up to Bessie, and you're gonna pull her nice
siphon you gas
giddy-up---Used to command a horse to go ahead or go at a faster pace.
pass out
on-ramp---a road for driving onto a freeway
get a head start. Gives me an edge.
head 'start n [C]

give sb/get/have a head start
Give your children a head start by sending them to nursery school.

we're just peachy.
AmE informal very good or pleasant
we just topped off.
scream it to the world
If someone cuts to the chase, they start talking about or dealing with what is important, instead of less important things.
may Doc have mercy on your soul!
but we are all set.
go out of business
the last thing the town needs
here she goes again
be firing/running on all cylinders informal
to be operating or performing very well
blow a gasket or something
if a vehicle blows a gasket, steam or gas escapes from the engine
mud flaps
drive through
go cruising
local scene
pronto---quickly or immediately
he's got a timeshare there.
What in the blue blazes?
what the blazes/who the blazes etc
old-fashioned spoken used to emphasize a question when you are annoyed
crazy hot-rodder
whay do I have a parking boot on?
Hot rods are typically American cars with large engines modified for linear speed.
you let Harv rock it for you.
we got ourselves a nodder.
saddle up
wise up
a banner year
not on your life---never
oldtimer---An elderly person; A veteran; A vintage car
I'm off to a poor start
better late than never
that looks like fun.
Mater, I got dibs , next turn.
he got a kick out of it
you miss a spot. see it right there?
you're gonna wreck something.
float like a Cadillac, sting like a Beemer
no backstabbing
no lollygagging---To waste time by puttering aimlessly; dawdle.
eat your heart out
If someone tells you to eat your heart out, they are saying they are better than you at something.
and he has something you desire.
head-to-'head adv
competing directly with another person or group
hey, that must be really embarrassing.
but I wouldn't worry about it.
because I didn't do it.
May I use your lavatory I'm bursting!
put out a fire----When one has to urinate very badly!
Hey girl, can i call you back in a sec. I have to go put out a fire.
you rock
a coat of poly---
you're looking peaked.
Having a sickly appearance
Ending in a peak; pointed:
you need a little R and R.--------- it means rest and relaxation.
A corvette is a small fast warship that is used to protect other ships from attack.
one of these days we'll get it back on the map.
you name me one time and I'll take it all back.
good riddance (to sb)
spoken a rude way of saying you are glad someone has left
ok, I''ll take a case.
just like its haydays
he is still nearly a lap down.
we're gonna be a lap down.
can he catch up to them?
you rock
a coat of poly---
you're looking peaked.
Having a sickly appearance
Ending in a peak; pointed:
you need a little R and R.--------- it means rest and relaxation.
A corvette is a small fast warship that is used to protect other ships from attack.
one of these days we'll get it back on the map.
you name me one time and I'll take it all back.
good riddance (to sb)
spoken a rude way of saying you are glad someone has left
ok, I''ll take a case.
just like its haydays
he is still nearly a lap down.
we're gonna be a lap down.
can he catch up to them?
star trek 2-5
It's life that throws you for a loop.
knock/throw sb for a loop
AmE informal to surprise and upset someone
knock/throw sb for a loop
AmE informal to surprise and upset someone
BSG 的討論
Adama and Lee sparring in the ship’s gym
I admit it - I am completely obsessed with Battlestar Galactica.
I took the express trip through all 71 episodes in just over a month.
And yes, my mind has turned to jelly.
feel like/turn to jelly
if your legs or knees feel like jelly, they start to shake because you are frightened or nervous
Adama and Lee sparring in the ship’s gym
I admit it - I am completely obsessed with Battlestar Galactica.
I took the express trip through all 71 episodes in just over a month.
And yes, my mind has turned to jelly.
feel like/turn to jelly
if your legs or knees feel like jelly, they start to shake because you are frightened or nervous
2009年7月6日 星期一
star trek 2-4
ruse--a clever trick used to deceive someone
we'll see whose circuits short out?
afoot--being planned or happening
the game is afoot.
Your every silence speaks volumes.
I am sort of the hands-on type.
'hands-on---adj [usually before noun]
doing something yourself rather than just talking about it or telling other people to do it
libido--technical someone's desire to have sex
bloodletting--killing people
extremely surprised or shocked
we'll see whose circuits short out?
afoot--being planned or happening
the game is afoot.
Your every silence speaks volumes.
I am sort of the hands-on type.
'hands-on---adj [usually before noun]
doing something yourself rather than just talking about it or telling other people to do it
libido--technical someone's desire to have sex
bloodletting--killing people
sleaze·bag (slēzbăg)n. Slang
A person regarded as sleazy.
sleazy---relating to sex or dishonest behaviour - used to show disapproval
thun·der·struck /ˈθʌndəstrʌk US -ər-/ adj [not before noun]A person regarded as sleazy.
sleazy---relating to sex or dishonest behaviour - used to show disapproval
extremely surprised or shocked
heads up (hědz)
Used as a warning to watch out for a potential source of danger, as at a construction site.
Used as a warning to watch out for a potential source of danger, as at a construction site.
2009年7月5日 星期日
feel up to
feel up to [feel up to sth] phr v
to have the strength, energy etc to do something
I just didn't feel up to going.
If you feel up to it, we could walk into town after lunch.
When your children grow up, it frees a lot of energy.
I really feel up for anything.”
if you feel up to it---如果你可以的話(能力)
if you feel up for it---如果你想的話(意願)
where thirty and fortysomething actresses feel the pressure to nip and tuck
it's kind of creepy to walk by a woman who looks 20 from behind and is all pulled in the front.
She was a big influence on me.”
to have the strength, energy etc to do something

If you feel up to it, we could walk into town after lunch.
When your children grow up, it frees a lot of energy.
I really feel up for anything.”
if you feel up to it---如果你可以的話(能力)
if you feel up for it---如果你想的話(意願)
where thirty and fortysomething actresses feel the pressure to nip and tuck
nip and tuck
adv. & adj.
So close that the advantage or lead shifts from one to another and is virtually indeterminable.
adv. & adj.
So close that the advantage or lead shifts from one to another and is virtually indeterminable.
it's kind of creepy to walk by a woman who looks 20 from behind and is all pulled in the front.
She was a big influence on me.”
2009年7月4日 星期六
star trek 2-1
underfoot--under your feet where you are walking
eager beaver
n. Informal
One that is exceptionally, often excessively industrious or zealous
everything is the way it should be, right down the line
down the line---- in all ways; thoroughly; fully
eager beaver
n. Informal
One that is exceptionally, often excessively industrious or zealous
everything is the way it should be, right down the line
down the line---- in all ways; thoroughly; fully
Dark knight
fancy that.
What a surprise!
fiend---a very cruel, evil, or violent person
sb's (main) squeeze
especially AmE informal someone's boyfriend or girlfriend
rack them up
play it (the cards) close to the vest(chest),
to not tell anyone what you plan to do
now, we're talking.
前幾天讀jigsaw jones第二集時,在找銅板時跟工友談話時,工友也說了這句話。
What a surprise!
fiend---a very cruel, evil, or violent person
sb's (main) squeeze
especially AmE informal someone's boyfriend or girlfriend
rack them up
1. Lit. to place something onto or into its rack.
2. Fig. to accumulate something; to collect or acquire something.
3. Sl. to wreck or damage it (the cards) close to the vest(chest),
to not tell anyone what you plan to do
now, we're talking.
前幾天讀jigsaw jones第二集時,在找銅板時跟工友談話時,工友也說了這句話。
2009年7月3日 星期五
haven't you ever seen a dinosaur before?
Not with skin on it.
he is gaining on you.快要追上你了。
who had dibs again?
dibs---pl.n. Slang----A claim; rights
can I open a tab?
have (a) thin/thick skin
to be easily upset or not easily upset by criticism
Not with skin on it.
he is gaining on you.快要追上你了。
who had dibs again?
dibs---pl.n. Slang----A claim; rights
can I open a tab?
have (a) thin/thick skin
to be easily upset or not easily upset by criticism
This is your captain streaking
punch line
the last line of a joke or funny story that gives it its point
with flying colours
if you pass a test with flying colours, you are very successful in it
weigh in phr v
to have your weight measured before taking part in a competition
If you eke out something, you make your supply of it last as long as possible.
rife with sth
full of something bad or unpleasant
to look at someone in a way that shows you think they are sexually attractive - used in order to show disapproval
This is your captain streaking
video shows staff sans clothes
sans---without - usually used humorously
If a judge throws out a case, he or she rejects it and the accused person does not have to stand trial.
with flying colours
if you pass a test with flying colours, you are very successful in it
weigh in phr v

If you eke out something, you make your supply of it last as long as possible.
rife with sth
full of something bad or unpleasant
a taxi driver who didn't have Mace handy when he was attacked by a knife-wielding passenger instead disarmed the man with a can of aerosol deodorant.
Mace n [U] trademark
a chemical which makes your eyes and skin sting painfully. Police officers sometimes carry Mace in cans to defend themselves.
o·gle /ˈəugəl US ˈou-/ v [I and T]Mace n [U] trademark
a chemical which makes your eyes and skin sting painfully. Police officers sometimes carry Mace in cans to defend themselves.
to look at someone in a way that shows you think they are sexually attractive - used in order to show disapproval
This is your captain streaking
video shows staff sans clothes
sans---without - usually used humorously
If a judge throws out a case, he or she rejects it and the accused person does not have to stand trial.
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