there's some WiFi available for those looking for a place to loiter around.
Japan may be home to the Windows 7 Whopper, and the US has the less edible contents of the very first Microsoft Store, but it looks like Paris may be the real place to be for out and about Windows fans, as it can now claim the only Windows Cafe in the world as its own alongside all those other little tourist attractions you might be interested in. Better still, it looks like the cafe serves up at least as many types of drinks as Windows editions, and there's some WiFi available for those looking for a place to loiter around. Hit up the link below for a peek inside courtesy of Le Journal du Geek.
So when they close at night, do the room lights and/or front windows turn blue??
No, but if too many people place their orders at once, service slows to a crawl.
The WiFi won't accept iPhone connections though, move along.
"I'm sorry you cannot PEEK inside the coffee cup. All of our cups are unibody. No flavors, extra sugar, or unauthorized, unapproved cremes can be pour in" (Don't worry, I heard someone by the corner can jailbreak your coffee"
Loitering FTW