2013年8月16日 星期五


astigmatism   / əˈstɪgmətɪzəm; əˋstɪɡməˏtɪzəm/ n [U] 
defect in an eye or a lens that prevents correct focusing 
(眼睛)散光, 亂視; 
cataract   / ˈkatərakt; ˋkatəˏrakt/
large steep waterfall
(medical ) (a) disease in which the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, causing partial or total blindness 白內障. 
glaucoma   / glɔːˈkəumə; ɡlɔˋkomə/ n [U] 
eye disease causing gradual loss of sight 青光眼
nearsighted    adj especially AmE
unable to see things clearly unless they are close to you
especially AmE able to see or read things clearly only when they are far away from you
