2009年11月21日 星期六

Kindle 2 Tip– Navigating within Newspapers and Magazines

Kindle 2 Tip – Navigating within Newspapers and Magazines
  1. 5-way controller to the left – previous article.
  2. 5-way controller to the right – next article.
  3. Press the 5-way – A list of sections within the periodical will appear.
  4. On this Sections List page – Selecting the Number to the right of the Section Title will take you to a list of Articles within a section.

2009年11月20日 星期五

Kindle 2 如何重新開機 ?

剛剛在試 PDF 文件時,不小心把正在讀的 PDF 文件砍掉了,結果當掉了。
Disconnect your Kindle from any power source, and then slide and hold the power switch for 15 seconds before releasing.
It may take up to 30 seconds to reboot.

利用 Kindle 2 讀 PDF 文件

第一步:在主目錄建立一個新目錄 pictures
第二步:將 PDF 文件轉成PNG圖檔,放在書名的目錄。
第三步:將整個書的目錄 copy 到 pictures 的目錄下。
第四步:在 Home 的目錄下,按下 ALT Z。
  1. Zoom In on the Picture – Q key.
  2. Zoom Out – W key.
  3. Reset Zoom Level for the Image – E key.
  4. Toggle Picture to Actual Size – C key.
  5. Toggle Picture to Full Screen Mode – F key.
  6. Pan Photo if its larger than the Kindle 2’s screen – With 5-way controller.
  7. Rotate the Image – R key.

2009年11月11日 星期三

cross hair十字線

cross hair or cross·hair (krôshâr, krŏs-)
Either of two fine strands of wire crossed in the focus of the eyepiece of an optical instrument and used as a calibration or sighting reference.

2009年11月8日 星期日

KINDLE 2 國際版 中文化

Step1:先 jailbreak. 方法為下載 update_freekindle-k2i.bin
            update 就可以了,雖然,它會說update 不成功,不過沒有關係。

Step2: 下載 update_ufh_droid_install-k2i.bin (這會讓 kindle 2 i 認得亞洲字型)
            update 就可以了,這一次,它真的會說成功了。

Step3:現在你的kindle 2 i 可能可以顯示中文書目了,但是一進去還是亂碼。


I'm sorry to say I pre-ordered on the Kindle, loaded it up to listen to on the drive to work, and found that they disabled the "read aloud" feature for the book. What gives, Doubleday? Don't count me among the Kindle buyers on that one--I've returned it.

What gives?---What's going on?