2013年8月31日 星期六

Good Luck Charlie S2E01

in the pound

in the hopper
Fig. in process; in line to be processed.

Still thinking. Noodling.
to improvise, experimentor think creatively: 
The writers noodled for a week and came up with a better idea 
for the ad campaign.
If you improvise, you make or do something using whatever you have or without having planned it in advance.

ground rules [plural]
the basic rules or principles on which future actions or behaviour should be based
knock your socks off
Sl. to surprise someone thoroughly.

You're really tying my hands here.

Put the cart before the horse.
Fig. to have things in the wrong order

shamrock   / ˈʃamrɔk; ˋʃamrɑk/ n [C, U] 
clover-like plant with three leaves on each stem, the nationalemblem of Ireland 

I got a bit carried away.
Fig. to be overcome by emotion or enthusiasm (in one's thinking or actions)

There is a mini horse in our garage.
Do you really think I wouldn't take advantage of that?
to utilize someone or something to the fullest extent.

You can't text while you are riding a mini horse?
to send someone a written message on a mobile phone

Go downtown to the piedmont hotel.
An area of land formed or lying at the foot of a mountain or mountain range.

on a diet
a limited range and amount of food that you eat when you want to get thinner

You have any sides?

We have been rustled
(US) steal (cattle or horses that are grazing in the wild)
Dag nabbit!

Time to kick it up a notch.
To make things more intense, exciting, or interesting. 

she is an intern.
someone, especially a student, who works for a short time in a particular job in order to gain experience

to make someone's life unpleasant, for example by frequently saying offensive things to them or threatening them

post bail
law especially AmE to pay a specific amount of money in order to be allowed to leave prison before your trial
went to Yale
an old and respected US university,

I was busted
caught doing something wrong and likely to be punished

You have been bailed out.
if someone is bailed, they are let out of prison to wait for their trial after they have left a sum of money with the court

take Charlie out for a spin
【CAR】 [singular] informal
a short trip in a car for pleasure
= drive


今天在查 Zack Files 的字幕,結果到處都找不到。
結果有一個網站叫我試試 subtitle crawler。

A crawler is a computer program that visits websites and collects information when you do an Internet search.

The Zack Files Season 1 - Episode 8 crypt seeker

a thirtysomething single man

we hockey practice every morning, movies on the weekends, we're going to see serial killer crime at 7 Friday night.

It's after 5 o'clock. I'm history.
Good-bye, I am leaving.

take a detour

investment purpose

double date

2013年8月30日 星期五

Kindle 大集合


新買的兩台Kindle DXG終於漂洋過海從美國來到台灣,

2013年8月29日 星期四

The Zack Files Season 1 - Episode 7 Loose Lips a Dogs Story

There is no more putting off for the true destiny.
If you put something off, you delay doing it.

In former times, a samurai was a member of a powerful class of fighters in Japan.日本武士

My dad said there is some stuff he might have to censor.
to examine books, films, letters etc to remove anything that is considered offensive, morally harmful, or politically dangerous etc

the wind changes our lips so we can talk

You are suffering from delusion.
a false belief about yourself or the situation you are in

Subject Greenburg has 40 contacts with two talking canines.
Allegedly talking, please!
Canine means relating to dogs.
allegedly--used when reporting something that people say is true, although it has not been proved

code red-a very serious security warning; a warning about a very serious threat
nice dog, purebred
a purebred animal has parents that are both the same breed

he has the gift
a natural ability= talent 
gift for --- a gift for languages

Morocco, in the 60's, I was in the back working on in my novel, 
One day this large crossbreed dog insisted on hopping on my motorcycle.
I think he just wanted to be delivered somewhere, but
once we got going,oh the stories he had to tell me, soon we're spending all our time together.
I must confess that a good part of that novel was actually written by the dog.

The talking dog, ok, so, basicly what you’re saying is your father is the only sane person in your family.

get mugged and left for dead
mug--to attack someone and rob them in a public place

a dog house or an airplane hangar
A hangar is a large building in which aircraft are kept.

May he got rabies?
a very dangerous disease that affects dogs and other animals, and that you can catch if you are bitten by an infected animal狂犬病

I'm a retired bomb sniffing dog.

there is a very large bomb that is going to go off  very soon at 
To undergo detonation; explode.
detonation-to explode or to make something explode

I'm sorry. I haven't hanged out the way you used to.
hang out phr v
informal to spend a lot of time in a particular place or with particular people

It's definitely ticking.
definitely-without any doubt

A dog is color blind.

To evacuate someone means to send them to a place of safety, away from a dangerous building, town, or area.

I guess it's just the way it is.
Kids and dogs would never be taking as serious as they should be.
So, you have something to say. Speak up and make sure they hear you.
And a little advice.
If you ever get caught in situation like I did today.
And you have something really important to say,
leave that part about the talking dog.

2013年8月28日 星期三


Doing the same thing over and over again
but expecting a different result. 

The Zack Files Season 1 - Episode 6: Total Rewind

state of the `art current state of development of a subject, technique, etc 
 ie the most advanced one available 

high/low resolution
(=how clear or unclear the picture is)

Cam : how did you dad spring for that?
to pay for something

if it is in someone's power to do something, they have the authority or ability to do it

a machine you use to record television programmes or play videotapes

take one's breath away
to be extremely beautiful or exciting
 The view from the top will take your breath away.

Vernon has set his heart on it
set your heart on sth
to want something very much
 His father bought him the bike he had set his heart on.
 She had set her heart on becoming a hairdresser.

trade in
 Trade in ivory has been banned since 1990.

 program AmE v
to set a machine to operate in a particular way

you boys might enjoy the fun of program this yourselves

I thought you can program a NASA Mars landing 
 a US government organization that controls space travel and the scientific study of space

TRANSMIT---to send out electronic signals, messages etc using radio, television, or other similar equipment

mother|board /m'ʌðərbɔːrd/ (motherboards)
In a computer, the motherboard is the main electronic circuit board to which the microchips that perform important functions are attached.

brochure  /ˈbrəuʃə, -ʃuə US brouˈʃur/ n [C]
a thin book giving information or advertising something

Cam, please hook me up!
hook sb up with sth
to help someone get something that they need or want
= fix up with
 Do you think you can hook me up with some tickets for tonight?

to enter a country, town, or area using military force, in order to take control of it

Bill Gates--a very rich person

Gobi Desert - 

The Gobi is a large desert region in Asia. It covers parts of northern and northwestern China, and of southern Mongolia. 

Inca--an empire from northern Ecuador to central Chile before the Spanish conquest(500 years ago)

ET will drop by soon.
the alien will come to visit  us soon
drop by
to visit someone you know, usually without arranging a particular time
 I just dropped by to see how you were getting on.
intercept the signal with the VCR you bought.
If you intercept someone or something that is travelling from one place to another, you stop them before they get to their destination.

to send out radio or television programs

sci-fi show 科幻表演節目

whatever happened to the minister in the movie

stash n [C]
an amount of something that is kept in a secret place, especially money, weapons, or drugs

What do you propose?

to try to get as much as you can out of a situation, sometimes unfairly

I learn something important from these aliens.
Always to be happy with what you have.
And you can't bluff a girl with a death ray.

A bluff is an attempt to make someone believe that you will do something when you do not really intend to do it.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

2013年8月27日 星期二

The Zack Files Season 1 - Episode 5: Sock World

That's because your Mom is organized.
ordered; orderly; efficient : 

a highly organized person ,; well-organized office

A tragedy is an extremely sad event or situation.

fashion statement

the state of being known about by a lot of people because of your achievements

No·bel, Al·fred
(1833-96) a Swedish engineer and chemist who invented dynamite (=a powerful explosive substance) and became very wealthy from his factories that produced explosives. When he died, he left all his money to establish the Nobel prizes.
A Nobel Prize is one of a set of prizes that are awarded each year to people who have done important work in science, literature, or economics, or for world peace.

the dryer would grind your hands off
If you grind a substance such as corn, you crush it between two hard surfaces or with a machine until it becomes a fine powder.

Spencer 跟爸爸借了一很酷的機器,Cam 問他是不是 Geiger counter
a Geiger counter, is a type of particle detector that measures ionizing radiation. It detects the emission of nuclear radiation

With this I should be able to download any data generated by the device

To generate a form of energy or power means to produce it.

a hole that connects one part of the universe with another part far away

to carry out a particular activity or process, especially in order to get information or prove facts
conduct a survey/investigation/review etc
conduct an experiment/a test
conduct a campaign
conduct an interview

think, what would Captain Kirk do in my situation He would go back to his ship.

what you gonna do, give me a blister
bubble-like swelling under the skin, filled with watery liquid (caused by rubbing, burning, etc) 水泡

it's not working, it's jammed.
stuck and impossible to move

if you cut the power, you may release the hatch
A hatch is an opening in the deck of a ship, through which people or cargo can go. You can also refer to the door of this opening as a hatch.艙門

a stick or handle on a machine or piece of equipment, that you move to operate it

it's your funeral
A funeral is the ceremony that is held when the body of someone who has died is buried or cremated.

I am talking to the authority 
The authorities are the people who have the power to make decisions and to make sure that laws are obeyed.

Come on, cough up.
informal to give someone money, information etc when you do not really want to

What's that for? bait, this dryer can not resist a single sock.
food used to attract fish, animals, or birds so that you can catch them

good night and drive safe
"Drive safely" is correct - but I think you'll hear "Drive safe" very often in conversation, even though it's theoretically wrong.
an expression used to advise a departing person to be careful while driving.

I talked to the super.
informal a superintendent
AmE someone who is in charge of an apartment building and is responsible for making repairs in it


2013年8月25日 星期日


sweep somebody off their feet
if someone sweeps you off your feet, you fall suddenly and completely in love with them 

You are flat-out, out of your mind, you know that?
flat out informal
a) as fast as possible
 Everyone's working flat out to finish on time.
b) AmE in a direct and complete way
= straight out

Just let it marinate for a second. Trust me.
to put meat or fish in a marinade, or to be left in a marinade for some time (醃)
letting something soak in, leave time for reflection
I´m not ready to decide yet, I´m gonna let it marinate for a while.

A dirty martini requires the use of gin, dry vermouth, olives, and a small amount of olive juice or brine.

I think things aren't gonna snap back, unless I bang her.
To have sexual intercourse with a woman

Hit it and quit it is not my thing.
get in, get off, get out.
having sex with a girl and then never contacting her again

He did it with flair.
a natural ability to do something very well
= talent

He is really tanked.
to decrease quickly or be very unsuccessful
 Not long after the chairman resigned, shares in the company tanked.
  also tank it [T]
to deliberately lose a sports game that you could have won
tank up phr v
especially AmE to put petrol in your car so that the tank is full

touch ups

I just have to go through the photos and see if they need any touch ups.

touch something up
to fix up the minor flaws in something; to repair a paint job on something.

Zack Files S1 Episode 4:Quiet Please I'm Reading Your Mind

a scramble to signal
to use special equipment to mix messages, radio signals etc into a different form, so that they cannot be understood by other people without the correct equipment

to drive a car for someone as your job

he's waiting for the route to clear


a clearance sale

the head servant in a household 

nobody has the guts to rat
if someone rats on you, they tell someone in authority about something wrong that you have done

blow the lid off his scam
a clever but dishonest way to get money

zoom in
if a camera zooms in, it makes the person or thing that you are taking a picture of seem bigger and closer

Zack File, 268 - Dionne Warwick
a famous singer

A person who is suffering from hysteria is in a state of violent and disturbed emotion as a result of shock.

abuse a god-given talent
To use wrongly or improperly; misuse

If something is to your benefit or is of benefit to you, it helps you or improves your life.

blackmail his shorts off
Blackmail is the action of threatening to reveal a secret about someone, unless they do something you tell them to do, such as giving you money.

disembodied voice

informal someone who is mentally ill and who may behave in a violent or strange way

figure of speech
an expression in which words are used in a nonliteral sense, as in metaphor

to deliberately listen secretly to other people's conversations

walkie us when he is on his way back

use walkie to tell us

a potential menace
something or someone that is dangerous

trespass /ˈtrespəs US -pəs, -pæs/
to go onto someone's private land without their permission

we have a grave handy

turn me in
to give something to a person in authority, especially an illegal weapon or something lost or stolen

I start it off as a hobby, but now it is more of a vocation, Zack.
If you have a vocation, you have a strong feeling that you are especially suited to do a particular job or to fulfil a particular role in life, especially one which involves helping other people.

We are stalking a weed killer.
to follow a person or animal quietly in order to catch and attack or kill them

You know there a moral to this story, Zack.
The moral of a story or event is what you learn from it about how you should or should not behave.

a thin smooth soft cloth made from very thin thread which is produced by a silkworm; 絲綢

Every week I help the city morgue
a building or room, usually in a hospital, where dead bodies are kept until they are buried or cremated

perhaps it's all for the best
good in spite of the way it seems; better than you think or than it appears to be. (Often said when someone dies after a painful illness.)

Vernon bought a tarantula for the science fair.
A tarantula is a large hairy spider which has a poisonous bite.

take place

a la mode
 (US) (of food) served with ice-cream 

the point is "All's well that ends well!"
All's well that ends well
Prov. Cliché An event that has a good ending is good even if some things went wrong along the way. (This is the name of a play by Shakespeare.) 

beige   / beɪʒ; beʒ/ adj, n [U]
(of a) very light yellowish brown 米黃色

2013年8月24日 星期六

Zack Files S1 Episode 3: It's a Wonderful School

cut to the chase
If someone cuts to the chase, they start talking about or dealing with what is important, instead of less important things.
Hi everyone, we all know why we are here today, so let's cut to the chase.

Because you are the student president, the teachers cut you slack.
cut/give sb some slack
spoken to allow someone to do something without criticizing them or making it more difficult
 Hey, cut me some slack, man, I'm only a few bucks short.

From then on the teachers will listen to me and you will be roadkill.
road·kill  (rdkl)
1. An animal or animals killed by being struck by a motor vehicle.
2. Slang One that has failed or been defeated and is no longer worthy of consideration: 

The whole school will go down the tubes.
go down the tubes informal
if a situation goes down the tubes, it quickly becomes ruined or spoiled
 When Moira turned up, Tess could see all her good work going down the tubes.

A ballot is a secret vote in which people select a candidate in an election, or express their opinion about something.

the part of your mind that tells you whether what you are doing is morally right or wrong

to work with someone else to achieve something that you both want

Vernon's name is gone. We have a clean slate.
clean slate - an opportunity to start over without prejudice
If you start with a clean slate, you do not take account of previous mistakes or failures and make a fresh start.

bribe /braɪb/ v
to illegally give someone, especially a public official, money or a gift in order to persuade them to do something for you

May something.

You are shredding the Zack Files.
If you shred something such as food or paper, you cut it or tear it into very small, narrow pieces.

damage control
something bad happens and you want to control the damage, and make the damage less serious

dance on the edge

The state of being unemployed, especially involuntarily.

to make someone's rank or position lower or less important

ban democracy
not allow to vote

The roe of a large fish, especially sturgeon, that is salted, seasoned, and eaten as a delicacy or relish.

you rock
You are really great.

you try to zap me.
To zap someone  means to kill, destroy, or hit them, for example with a gun or in a computer game. (INFORMAL)

triumph /ˈtraɪəmf/ n 
an important victory or success after a difficult struggle

A receipt is a piece of paper that you get from someone as proof that they have received money or goods from you. 

Influence is the power to make other people agree with your opinions or do what you want.
If you influence someone, you use your power to make them agree with you or do what you want.

as far as I'm concerned
as far as someone is concerned 
from the point of view of someone. 

2013年8月23日 星期五

Zack Files S1 Episode 2 You Don't Say

high notes without going hoarse? - 


今天在看Zack Files S1 E2 You Don't Say 裡面,
Gwen是個小女生,卻來到Horace High(男生學校), 
所以Zack 問Gwen,
How did you swing that?
spoken to arrange for something to happen, although it takes a lot of effort to do this
 We managed to swing it so that they we'll travel together.

Just remember if you get into trouble, nod and agree, agree and nod. Got it?
nod and agree
When you just nod your head yes, acting as if you care or understand what someone is telling you just to get them to shut up and go away

ventriloquism   / venˈtrɪləkwɪzəm; vɛnˋtrɪləˏkwɪzəm/ n [U]

art of producing voice-sounds so that they seem to come from a person or place at a distance from the speaker 腹語術

flat·u·lence /ˈflætjʊləns/ n [U]
the condition of having too much gas in the stomach

Aftershave is a liquid with a pleasant smell that men sometimes put on their faces after shaving.

If you believe that someone is psychic or has psychic powers, you believe that they have strange mental powers, such as being able to read the minds of other people or to see into the future.

co-ed  adj.
Of or relating to an education system in which both men and women attend the same institution or classes

pretty hefty discounts on Nook HD and Nook HD+.


Barnes & Noble whipped out some pretty hefty discounts on its Nook HD+.

The real question is whether to buy now or wait and see if B&N drops the prices even further. It's a good bet that at least some of these newly discounted Nooks will get returned (for whatever reason), meaning in a month or two we could see the refurbished Nook HD selling for $99, or even $79. Meanwhile, the Nook HD+ could drop to $129 or even $99. (That kind of thinking makes me swoon with Cheapskate-y glee.)

to be extremely excited and unable to control yourself because you admire someone so much

2013年8月21日 星期三

gate crasher

I came with a friend who knew
one of the gate crashers.

Gate crashing, gatecrashing or party crashing is the act of attending an invite-only event when not invited.
The person doing the gate crashing is known as a gate crasher.

Oh, boy, you really loused up that toast.
louse up [louse sth⇔up] phr v
to make something worse rather than better, or to spoil something

2013年8月19日 星期一

A to Z Mysteries: The Bald Bandit (Ron Roy)

Every now and then she let out a curious squeak.
(every) now and then and (every) now and again; (every) once in a while
occasionally; infrequently.

Ruth Rose pretended to strum a guitar. “I’m Elvis!” she cried.

to play an instrument such as a guitar by moving your fingers up and down across its strings

reward if you hand it over.”
A reward is something that you are given, for example because you have behaved well, worked hard, or provided a service to the community.
hand it over
Give it to me.

That’s quite a set of lungs you’ve got there.”
loud voice

They cut through the park

A million high school kids shoved through the door

twist and turn from side to side while moving somewhere in order to avoid obstructions:
he had to weave his way through the crowds.

Ruth Rose was sitting on the lawn, weaving grass blades together.

Great,” Dink said. “We all struck out.

Beats me.

Ruth Rose was wearing a white suit with sequins everywhere.
a small shiny flat piece of metal, sewn onto clothes for decoration

We have to keep our eyes peeled. Check out tall kids trick-or-treating.”
keep your eyes peeled/skinned
spoken to watch carefully and continuously for something

In his best Count Dracula voice,

The bathroom mirror was fogged up

frizzy rust-colored hair.
Frizzy hair is very tightly curled.

Be thankful it’s Saturday,”

The stupid shoe polish from last night won’t wash out.

Josh dribbled and took a shot.

watching an I Love Lucy rerun on a small TV set.

Mohawk jobbies,

Howard draped a towel around Dink’s shoulders and pinned it in back.

Dink thought for a few seconds, then decided to spill the beans.
to tell something that someone else wanted you to keep a secret

Secret recipe.


a hearing aid

Dink rang the bell. “Keep your fingers crossed,” he said.

he beckoned Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose inside.
to make a signal to someone with your hand, to show that you want them to come towards you or to follow you

Where’d Ruth Rose go?” said Josh. “I can’t believe she ditched us!”

He’ll get away scot-free.
get away/off scot-free informal
to avoid being punished although you deserve to be

Josh pulled Lucky’s video out of his shirt. He dropped it in Loretta’s cage and covered it with shavings.
very thin pieces, especially of wood, cut from a surface with a sharp blade

Mind showing us some identification, sir?”
ID official papers or cards, such as your passport, that prove who you are

My folks would kill me if I blew eight hundred bucks on pizza and ice cream.”
WASTE MONEY [T] informal
to spend a lot of money in a careless way, especially on one thing
 I blew all the money I won on a trip to Hawaii.

On Monday, Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose ran to the high school as soon as Green Lawn Elementary let out.

kids came streaming out of the high school.
to move in a continuous flow in the same direction
stream out/across/past etc
 People streamed past us on all sides.

Lucky blinked. “So you guys nabbed him?”

to catch or arrest someone who is doing something wrong