2013年8月23日 星期五

Zack Files S1 Episode 2 You Don't Say

high notes without going hoarse? - 


今天在看Zack Files S1 E2 You Don't Say 裡面,
Gwen是個小女生,卻來到Horace High(男生學校), 
所以Zack 問Gwen,
How did you swing that?
spoken to arrange for something to happen, although it takes a lot of effort to do this
 We managed to swing it so that they we'll travel together.

Just remember if you get into trouble, nod and agree, agree and nod. Got it?
nod and agree
When you just nod your head yes, acting as if you care or understand what someone is telling you just to get them to shut up and go away

ventriloquism   / venˈtrɪləkwɪzəm; vɛnˋtrɪləˏkwɪzəm/ n [U]

art of producing voice-sounds so that they seem to come from a person or place at a distance from the speaker 腹語術

flat·u·lence /ˈflætjʊləns/ n [U]
the condition of having too much gas in the stomach

Aftershave is a liquid with a pleasant smell that men sometimes put on their faces after shaving.

If you believe that someone is psychic or has psychic powers, you believe that they have strange mental powers, such as being able to read the minds of other people or to see into the future.

co-ed  adj.
Of or relating to an education system in which both men and women attend the same institution or classes
