2009年3月29日 星期日
brave the river
beige (of a) very light yellowish brown
She received 151,676 votes - almost three times as many as her nearest competitor - on the job ad's website, which featured the video applications. Nearly 35,000 people from across the world applied for the gig.
gig --AmE informal a job, especially one that does not last for a long time
Compromised Computer-被hacker控制的電腦 Doctors said the bacteria are not normally lethal, but because the premature babies have compromised immune systems, they are at greater risk.
Some of those people brave the river for measurements of volume, flow and temperatures. They also use computer models for mathematical and statistical analyses.
But even with improved forecasting methods, the river's record levels and the volatile temperatures don't allow anyone to be certain, and the weather service continued to hedge its prediction Saturday.
Illegal Immigrants Brave Toxic River
brave the river---跳進河裡
brave----to deal with a difficult, dangerous, or unpleasant situation
I decided to take the train to work rather than brave the traffic.
brave the elements/weather etc
(=go out in bad weather)
More than 100 people braved the elements and attended the rally.
hedge----to avoid giving a direct answer to a question
blather--to talk for a long time about unimportant things
2009年3月28日 星期六
先貼上來,When I get around to it, I'll sort them out.
AmE informal to try very hard in order to do something, especially in order to win a game

language that demeans women
demean yourself (by doing sth)
= spontaneous
He moderates a round table of panellists who deliver off-the-cuff musings and crack jokes about a wide range of topics from the worlds of news, entertainment and sports.
mus·ing adj.
Deep in thought; contemplative.
n. Contemplation; meditation.
A product of contemplation; a thought.
panelist AmE /ˈpænəl-ɪst/
one of a group of well-known people who answer questions on a radio or television programme
poke fun at sb
to make fun of someone in an unkind way
The panellists continued by joking about soldiers needing a break for "manicures and pedicures," how Canada should be invaded and poked fun at the RCMP.
Boorish--- behaviour is rough, uneducated, and rude.
You use so-and-so instead of a word, expression, or name when you are talking generally rather than giving a specific example of a particular thing. (INFORMAL)
down time
informal a period of time when you have finished what you were doing, and you can relax or do something that you had not originally planned to do
Watching Korea and Japan play Monday night in the rubber match of what was essentially a five-game series during the WBC was like watching a seamless Broadway show that had been rehearsed by the cast so often they could do it in their sleep.
rubber match--The tie-breaking game between two baseball teams in a series.
billy club A short stick or club, especially a police officer's club.
A pick-me-up is something that you have or do when you are tired or depressed in order to make you feel better. (INFORMAL)
gag law
這一篇報導,是有關於quail吃了omega-3 fats之後,坐著就可以健身了。
Gorging on lets birds get fit without exercise: study
If you gorge on something or gorge yourself on it, you eat lots of it in a very greedy way.
fritter away [fritter sth⇔away] phr v
to waste time, money, or effort on something small or unimportant
So what. Another million or so tax dollars frittered away.
這個用語是從cbs學來的,報導上提到最近美國加州有很多房子牆壁開始crumple down.
dry wall n [U] AmE
a type of board made of two large sheets of cardboard with plaster between them, used to cover walls and ceilings
B.C. Supreme Court strikes down election gag law
gag law n.
A law intended to limit freedom of the press, as by instituting censorship or restricting access to information.
strikes down- to say that a law, decision etc is illegal and officially end it
2009年3月26日 星期四
work up
to make yourself feel interested, brave etc
I'm trying to work up enough courage to go to the dentist.
to make yourself hungry or thirsty, or make yourself sweat, especially by doing physical exercise
You can work up a really big thirst playing tennis.
to make someone very angry, excited, or upset about something
work yourself up
You're working yourself up again.
She had worked herself up into a state .
to develop and improve something such as a project or a piece of writing
Jack took notes which he would work up into a report later.
work up to [work up to sth]
to gradually prepare yourself to do something difficult
work up to doing sth
He'd been working up to asking her for a date all week.
2009年3月24日 星期二
When Economy Sours, Tootsie Rolls Soothe Souls
The recession seems to have a sweet tooth. As unemployment has risen and 401(k)’s have shrunk, Americans, particularly adults, have been consuming growing volumes of candy, say candy makers, store owners and industry experts.
Theories vary on exactly why. For many, sugar lifts spirits dragged low by the languishing economy. For others, candy also provides a nostalgic reminder of better times. And not insignificantly, it is relatively cheap.
“People may indulge themselves a little bit more when times are tough,” “These are low-cost items that people can afford pretty easily.”Many of her customers tell her that even though they are living on less, they’re setting aside cash for candy.
Candy companies are relatively recession-proof,
Candy has become her affordable escape.“Apples and oatmeal only go so far,” she wrote later in an e-mail message. “It’s so tempting to pick up an 88-cent pack of Skittles as a little pick-me-up. So I won’t feel so deprived.”
2009年3月23日 星期一
repo man
repo man 就是 repossession agent
informal someone whose job is to repossess (=take away) cars that have not been paid for
就是當你付不出車子的貸款,有人會強行把你的車拖走,這個人就叫做 repo man
small-time crook/gangster etc
a criminal who is not involved in large or serious crimes
hot wire - start (a car engine) without a key by bypassing the ignition interlock;
"The woman who lost the car keys had to hot-wire her van"
letter-high strike
That put the Americans in a big hole against a team that came into the semifinals having outscored its opponents 36-9 in seven games.
Matsuzaka then threw a called third strike past cleanup hitter David Wright before reliever Toshiya Sugiuchi struck out Dunn to end the threat.
松板面對第四棒David Wright投出一個三振的好球在救援投手Toshiya Sugiuchi三振Dunn 之前,結束了這個威脅。
Dunn is called out on a 96 mph fastball on the outside half of the plate.
Dunn 面臨一個96英哩的快速外角球。
Santana made one costly mistake, opening the fifth inning by throwing a 2-0 letter-high strike to Matt Diaz, who drove it to left for a solo homer.
Santana 犯了一個昂貴的錯誤,在第五局在二好球後投出一個齊胸的好球給Matt Diaz,結果他大棒一揮打到左半邊的看台形成了一支陽春全壘打。
Look at pregame practices. The Japanese run the baseball equivalent of a precise three-ring circus, with players taking groundballs and flyballs all over the yard at game speed.
Roy Oswalt was hung out to dry during Japan's five-run 4th, even though Team USA had three lefties in its bullpen at the time.
第四局Roy Oswalt被遺棄在投手丘連續被攻下五分,雖然說在那個時候美國隊牛棚裡還有三個左投手。
Shane Victorino, a switch-hitter, was poised to pinch-hit in the eighth, but Manager Davey Johnson recalled him and used the right-handed-hitting Longoria against the right-handed Mahara. Johnson said he wanted Longoria in that spot because he is “an R.B.I. man.” A two-run homer would have tied the game. The strategy failed.
in a big hole---(複習) in deep trouble
a called third strike---第三球的好球,但卻沒有揮棒
cleanup hitter---第四棒
called out---(站著被三振)
called strike---(A pitch judged by the umpire to be a strike and not swung at by the batter)
letter-high strike--和胸部一樣高的好球
A pitch that crosses the plate at the height of the letters of the team's name on the shirt of the batter's uniform is said to be "at the letters" or "letter-high" or "chest-high."
three-ring circus---(複習) AmE informal a place or situation that is confusing because there is too much activity
Hang out to dry---- (掛在那裡晾乾---開玩笑的)
If you hang someone out to dry, you abandon them when they are in trouble.
switch hitter
Baseball. A player who can bat either right-handed or left-handed.
2009年3月22日 星期日
the onset of sth
the beginning of something, especially something bad
an indiscriminate action is done without thinking about what harm it might cause
put the number of dead at twice the official count.
Or is it an unlimited brown nosing for Israel, as we all know that he helped delivering supplies for left over from what used to be Gaza after the Israeli criminal Attacks.
informal to try to make someone in authority like you by being very nice to them - used in order to show disapproval
Wingnut is used in United States politics as a political epithet referring to people who hold extreme political views.
She did not win the series, but was able to parlay her popularity into a series of reality television and business deals.
British reality TV celebrity Jade Goody did not win the series, but was able to parlay her popularity into a series of reality television and business deals.
parlay sth into sth----AmE to use advantages that you already have, such as your skills, experience, or money, and increase their value by using all your opportunities well
bravado---behaviour that is deliberately intended to make other people believe you are brave and confident
punch line
So punch line is, inexperienced and illegal power hungry greenhorn backed by minority and some foreign elements manages to turn the military against the democracy and majority and becomes dictator. And looks like many around here are happy to see the birth of another Marcos, Pinochet or Musharraf.
What has happened in Madagascar is symptomatic of what is to come in the rest of the world. Through democratic means or simply 'people power', the people of the world are rising up and saying no to the fire sale of their country to foreign corporations.
I think any democratic society should shun this sham .
punch line----the last few words of a joke or story, that make it funny or surprising
greenhorn ---someone who lacks experience of something
a sale of goods at a lower price because they have been slightly damaged by a fire, or of goods that cannot be stored because of a fire
sham---someone or something that is not what they are claimed to be - used to show disapproval
a spit take
說了這句話 I just did a spit take!
當你和女朋友在餐廳裡約會, 談到很高興的時候。
接著呢,滿口coffee全部噴出來,這就叫 a spit take。
cheeky flash
Baggy-trousered Aussie teen fined for cheeky flash
CANBERRA (Reuters) – An Australian teenager wearing baggy trousers and no underwear was fined after his pants fell down just as a female police officer was walking past, a newspaper reported on Thursday.
Trent Joseph Wroe, 19, was fined A$250 (119 pounds), and ordered to wear a belt, after the February 28 incident in Mooloolaba in the northern Queensland state, the Sunshine Coast Daily newspaper reported.
Police told a magistrate's court that Wroe deliberately bared his buttocks, but Wroe said he was wearing a pair of borrowed pants which were too big and fell down in the wrong place at the wrong time.
He said he would apologise to the police officer, and promised to wear a belt and underwear in future.
If you describe a person or their behaviour as cheeky, you think that they are slightly rude or disrespectful but in a charming or amusing way. (mainly BRIT)
spurious liquor----Something that is spurious seems to be genuine, but is false.
Suspected moonshine kills seven in Indiastrong alcoholic drink that is produced illegally
Watching the South Koreans humiliate Venezuela, 10-2, in the semifinals of the World Baseball Classic on Saturday night was like watching the varsity stomp the junior varsity.
varsity ----team representing a university, college or school, esp in sports competitions
A masseuse is a woman whose job is to give massages.
bouncer --someone whose job is to stand at the door of a club, bar etc and stop unwanted people coming in, or make people leave if they are behaving badly
2009年3月20日 星期五
movies for a wall
Artist uses optical tricks to create 'moving' murals
Rufus B. Seder是全世界唯一的藝術家擁有這樣特別的技巧。
Artist Rufus B. Seder calls these "movies for a wall" Lifetiles. The Massachusetts artist invented the Lifetiles medium and is the only artist in the world using it. He has more than 30 Lifetiles installations around the globe.
At the Taiwan Aquarium, dolphins swim on the wall alongside awestruck children.
Lifetiles don't use electricity, moving parts or tricky lighting -- just an elaborate and painstaking process done out of Seder's Eye Think Inc. studio near Boston.
"I love to watch people react to the work. They don't expect a wall to move," he said. "They'll be walking down the hallway in a museum and walking outdoors through a zoo ... and suddenly they realize, 'Those dolphins are starting to move next to me! How is that possible?' "
hand/give/offer sb sth on a plate
U.S. President Barack Obama told talk show host Jay Leno Thursday he was stunned to hear of bonuses given to AIG employees, and he vouched for embattled Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, saying he's doing an outstanding job.
The president added that the bigger problem is the culture that allowed traders to claim them. He says that's got to change if the economy is to recover.
"He is a smart guy and he's a calm and steady guy. I don't think people fully appreciate the plate that was handed him."
Obama, in California on a two-day swing to promote his economic agenda, is the first sitting U.S. president to appear on the Tonight Show.
vouch for
to say that you firmly believe that something is true or good because of your experience or knowledge of it
hand/give/offer sb sth on a plate
to let someone get or achieve something easily, without much effort from them
I worked hard for what I've got. It wasn't handed to me on a plate.
a two-day swing----swing是什麼意思,我也不知道,我猜是趕場的意思。尚待考證。
the first sitting U.S. president----第一個現任總統
Scholarship handed to hospitality worker on a plate
Marvin Burchall’s customer service gets him the education he wanted but couldn’t afford
on the fly
Mitt Romney: Obama 'is learning on the fly'
Well, this probably isn't the right time for it. I line up with Warren Buffett on this. I prefer to see the president focusing all of his time and energy on the economy.
I'm not going to be taking my time taking pot shots at the entire profession of business or any other profession in this country. Except maybe lawyers -- I'm kidding.
take a pot shot at sb/sth
a) to shoot at someone or something without aiming very carefully
b) to criticize someone or something unfairly without thinking carefully about it
learning on the fly
while dealing with a situation, rather than before dealing with it
註:Mitt Romney是共和黨上次和Macan競選提名失敗的州長
2009年3月19日 星期四
Sleight of hand
enough is enough!!!
Sleight of hand is the deceiving of someone in a skilful way.
the use of quick and skilful movements with your hands when doing a magic trick, so that people cannot understand how you did the trick
the use of skilful tricks and lies in order to deceive someone
put a sock in it
To be quiet; to shut one's mouth; to stop talking
be left holding the bag
"But just as outrageous is the culture that these bonuses are a symptom of, that [has] existed for far too long; a situation where excess greed, excess compensation, excess risk-taking have all made us vulnerable and left us holding the bag."
be left holding the bag AmE
to be left as the only person responsible for dealing with a difficult situation, especially something someone else started
He was left holding the financial bag when his musical partner joined another band.
Tent city
這個tent city出現在美國西雅圖。
Residents call it Nickelsville. The name takes a page from the infamous "Hooverville" shantytowns of the Great Depression that were named for a president many thought did not care about their economic hardships.
居民稱這個tent city為Nickelsville。
Hoo·ver·ville 就是現在的Tent city
A crudely built camp put up usually on the edge of a town to house the dispossessed and destitute during the depression of the 1930s.
Tent city
an area set up with tents, esp. as to house homeless or displaced persons.
take a leaf out of someone's book and take a page from someone's book
to behave or to do something in a way that someone else would.
take a leaf out of somebody's book to copy something that someone else does because it will bring you advantages
early on
Wang learns quickly from poor outing
The suggestion is not a new one for Wang, who was tinkering with his offspeed pitches leading up to a season-ending injury last season.
He made some adjustments in this game," Girardi said. "Early on, his sinker was in the dirt a little bit. Then he got up a little bit and found the right release point. That's what pitchers have to do. Sometimes you're going to be a little bit off and you have to make adjustments."
lead up to [lead up to sth]
if a series of events or a period of time leads up to an event, it comes before it or causes it
to gradually introduce an embarrassing, upsetting, or surprising subject into a conversation
beat about the bush 旁敲側擊, 複習一下,但是完全不一樣,只是聯想到而已。
In the days leading up to her death there were newspaper stories on a hammer-wielding woman getting into her room, the baptism of her sons, her last view of "sun-kissed" fields and final farewells with family.
early on
At an early stage or point
in the first place-----
a) used to talk about the beginning of a situation, or the situation before something happened
b) written used to give the first in a list of reasons or points
kick up your heels
Streets will close for annual mating migration
網址:http://www.philly.com/philly/hp/news_update/20090318__Toads_Gone_Wild___Roxborough-style.htmlRainy weather and a series of warm days are their siren song to burrow out from the loose soil where they have spent the winter in dormancy and kick up their heels.
The Streets Department permit was the outcome of a drive spearheaded by animal activist Lisa Levinson to keep the green-and-brown amphibians - identified by naturalist Doug Wechsler as American toads - from being squashed by cars using the side roads to avoid stoplights on Ridge Avenue.
由於動物倡導者Lisa Levinson的努力,市府街道部門終於許可他們的要求要汽車繞道,來保護這綠棕色的兩棲動物--免於被汽車壓扁。
kick up your heels
to enjoy yourself a lot at a party, event etc
If someone spearheads a campaign or an attack, they lead it.
a road that is smaller than a main road, but is often connected to it
2009年3月18日 星期三
sort out
Police said they are still sorting out what happened, but it appears a group of parents, relatives and friends of the Jefferson team got in an altercation with a similar group from the Sutton team.
sort out [sort sth/sb⇔out]
to arrange or organize something that is mixed up or untidy, so that it is ready to be used
to separate one type of thing from another
If you sort out a problem or the details of something, you do what is necessary to solve the problem or organize the details.
suck it up
最近美國隊時運不濟,一直有人受傷。今天Wright 打了個擦棒球傷到了自己的腳指頭。
If the United States ’ bench was not so thin, Johnson said that he would have replaced Wright.
“I thought the best thing would be to go out there and suck it up,” Wright said.
suck it up
To put up with something; to deal with something, such as pain or misfortune, without complaining
own up
The city doesn't want to own up to fault. They keep covering it up and covering it up," said Lesley Arambula, Tony's wife.
own up phr v
to admit that you have done something wrong, especially something that is not serious

rake over the coals
The CEO for insurance giant AIG is set to be raked over the coals in Washington on Wednesday.
Observers say the verbal flogging Liddy is expected to receive will ring somewhat hollow.
rake over the past/old coals
to keep talking about something that happened in the past that people would prefer you not to mention
ring hollow
if something that someone says rings hollow, you do not feel that it is true or sincere
butter wouldn't melt in sb's mouth
used to say that someone seems to be very kind and sincere but is not really
the buck stops here
It's appalling ... a very big, bad loophole," Commissioner Pat South said.The value of a person's home has never been part of the accounting that goes into determining food stamp eligibility, which lasts for six months at a time.
Therefore, in theory, a person with $1 million in the bank, but no income, can get food stamps."I'm beside myself, I'm so upset over it. It's ridiculous. It's not what America stands for,"
This is absolutely ridiculous and the buck stops here,"
food stamp ----
an official piece of paper that the US government gives to poor people so they can buy food
be beside yourself----
to be feeling so angry, excited etc that you find it difficult to control yourself
the buck stops here---
used to say that a particular person is responsible for something
我覺得應該是I'm responsibe.
Earlier Wednesday, Obama said no one in his administration had been responsible for supervising ailing insurance giant AIG but that ultimately, the buck stops with him.
pass the buck(這一句是我在劉光煒編的美國常用成語及片語學來的)
to make someone else them responsible for something that you should deal with
feel/look like a million bucks
informal especially AmE to feel or look very healthy, happy, and beautiful
more bang for the buck (這一句太常見了)
more effective use of funds
the cat's meow
今天CNN Larry King訪問Trump
其中他們談到Madoff, Trump也說了他對Madoff的看法。
Trump: The man is a total disaster. You know, I was in Palm Beach many times when I got to meet Mr. Madoff, and everybody thought he was like the cat's meow. It was very interesting. So many people invested with this guy.
Trump: Well, the economy kept him going. Because people were stupid enough or foolish enough to just keep pouring money into his accounts. So, as other people wanted their money, he would take the new money coming in. It was the ultimate Ponzi. They'll probably change the name of Ponzi to Madoff. It was really the ultimate scheme.
have someone over a barrel totally control someone
citizen's arrest
有人就說應該進行citizen's arrest。
An arrest made by a citizen, for whom legal authority arises from the fact of citizenship, rather than by an officer of the law.
tax bracket
tax bracket
Under the four-year tax plan, New Brunswick will have two tax brackets by 2012. People earning less than $37,893 will be taxed at a rate of nine per cent and those earning more will be subject to an income tax rate of 12 per cent by the end of the four years.
a particular range of income levels on which the same rate of tax is paid
If you earn more money, it may put you in a higher tax bracket.
burn pits
這個燒垃圾的地方,就叫做Burn pits。
"burn pit" is about the size of a football field. Sound nasty? The people who work in the pits have no protection from the ash or toxic fumes.
The pits at Balad were at one point open and burning everything from plastics and food to medical waste, sometimes with jet fuel used as an accelerant.
In later years, incinerators were installed at Balad, but other bases in Iraq and Afghanistan still use the pits without incinerators to burn garbage.have been a concern for troops, especially those who served at Balad Air Force Base in Iraq. Many soldiers who went through Balad became used to "Iraqi crud," as they dubbed the symptom of excessive coughing and black phlegm.
2009年3月17日 星期二
Cafe owner thrives with no-pricing policy
臺灣行得通嗎?? NEVER!!!
Roberts: Yes, so, does anybody try to game the system? You know, they'll get a big meal that would be worth $10, $12 and then give you 50 cents for it?
Lippert: Well, you know, they have to look me in the eye and say that that's what they think is fair. And, you know, that's a big incentive. When someone's at the counter and you say, you get to pay what you think is fair, very few people are going to take advantage of that situation.
Roberts: Now, we should point out to people, too, you're not the typical cafe owner. You' re an engineer by trade. You went to school at MIT. You took all of your 401(k) savings out to buy this cafe. It looked like business might be going under. But since you adopted this no-price menu, how's business been?
401(k) Also called salary reduction plan.
A retirement investment plan that allows an employee to put a percentage of earned wages into a tax-deferred investment account selected by the employer.
game the system
to use rules or laws to get what you want in an unfair but legal way
Team spokesman Nelson Luis said Landry, 25, suffered a flesh wound during a random shooting while getting fast food in the 3000 of Leeland Street in downtown Houston at about 1:30 a.m.Houston police said two men in a vehicle behind Landry's opened fire. Landry exited his vehicle to see what was happening and was wounded in the lower leg.Team officials said Landry was treated at and released from a Memorial Hermann Hospital.Police said the shooters got away.
drive-by shooting/killing
an occasion when someone is shot by someone in a moving car
a booty call
Myspace is for idiots! Its a place for a "booty call"
There are plenty of serious people on MySpace. Facebook is the hang out now.
a booty call is made when the prospect of a traditional romantic date is highly unlikely (e.g., late in the evening, after midnight or in the pre-dawn hours), thus making it obvious that the intent of the call is for the sole purpose of obtaining and engaging in sexual intercourse.
lashes with a wet noodle
"For proponents of capital punishment, this is probably the most compelling reason to not have it. There are, of course, other valid reasons, including that it has not been proven to reduce the number of killings in the U.S. Maybe corporal punishment would work better, possibly 20 lashes with a wet noodle, or, worse still 10 minutes listening to some damn Tory carry on about capital punishment."
How could you say capital punishment does not reduce the number of killings, last time I checked there were no repeat offenders....
lashes with a wet noodle---
Its supposed to be a harmless reprimand; a punishment without any violence or consequences.
a slap on wrist
a punishment that you think is not severe enough
the whole nine yards
the whole nine yards
AmE spoken including everything that is typical of or possible in an activity, situation, set of things etc
Our new apartment complex has a tennis court, swimming pool, playground - the whole nine yards.
Making the victim
Pointing to the public money AIG received, Obama said he has asked Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner "to use that leverage and pursue every legal avenue to block these bonuses and make the American taxpayers whole."
Making the victim whole
means giving back financially enough to counter the damage.
turn the knife
LONDON, England (CNN) -- Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone has written to motor sport officials to reject claims by Max Mosley about his intentions, and turned the knife by suggesting the FIA needs a "credible and respected president."
turn/twist the knife to do or say something unpleasant which makes someone who is already upset feel worse.
(to say something that makes someone more upset about a subject they are already unhappy about)
這個片語讓我想到傷口上灑鹽rubs salt into the wound
If someone or something rubs salt into the wound, they make the unpleasant situation that you are in even worse, often by reminding you of your failures or faults.
I had no intention of rubbing salt into a friend's wounds, so all I said was that I did not give interviews.今天三月18日再補充一下。
美國參議員對AIG分了那麼多的獎金時說了這句話。We're trying to address what I think taxpayers would say is salt in their wounds,"
2009年3月16日 星期一
Meet Gar Ryness, the Batting Stance Guy
Gar Ryness 是一個專門模仿大聯盟打擊的人
Published: March 14, 2009
Gar Ryness said he had the least marketable skill in the United States.
Gar Ryness說他自己是美國最沒有市場的人。
So when he and two friends took a hand-held camcorder into the backyard of his Los Angeles home last year, he hardly expected he would soon become a YouTube celebrity known as Batting Stance Guy.
所以,他和兩個朋友去年在他落杉磯家的後院用手持錄相機拍攝時,他從來也沒有想到他會成為YouTube中的名人-----Batting Stance Guy。
Ryness has a singular talent: an ability to perform comically dead-on impressions of major league baseball hitters upon request. Little Leaguers have been known to try to imitate their favorite ballplayers. Ryness, 35, a married father of two, can do the starting lineups of all 30 teams.
Views of his YouTube videos number more than a million, and he appeared last year on several teams’ pregame shows. Sony also hired him to perform his impressions while wearing movement-tracking electrodes, helping programmers make the company’s MLB 2009: The Show video game look more realistic. Most recently, Ryness has made appearances on MLB Network’s team preview shows, displaying his encyclopedic knowledge of batters past and present. He has archived his body of work on a Web site, battingstanceguy.com.
點閱YouTube 這段視訊的觀眾已經超過100萬,而且他也在去年好幾個球隊的賽前表演中演出。Sony公司也聘請他做一些打擊動作,他必須穿戴一些電子儀器,用來追蹤,使得他的遊戲機上的人物動作可以更真實。
Ryness never misses a habitual fidget or gesture, like David Wright’s ritual of wedging his bat in his armpit while adjusting his batting gloves. He does iconic stances, positioning his derrière the way Ken Griffey Jr. does before mimicking Griffey’s graceful swing and follow-through. Ryness even does impressions of batters taking pitches, like Derek Jeter’s way of sticking his head out and nearly stepping across home plate as he looks an outside pitch into the catcher’s glove.
if a plan or action backfires, it has the opposite effect to the one you intended
A leviathan is something which is extremely large and difficult to control, and which you find rather frightening. (LITERARY)
A tot is a very young child. (INFORMAL)
music to the ears
All had one thing in common: They were hiring. And that was music to the ears of 30-year-old Eric Clardy.
It has been a rough couple of years for Clardy.
He was laid off from his job as a loan processor when the real estate market started to tank.
Being unemployed is hard work, too.
music to someone's ears----
a welcome sound to someone; news that someone is pleased to hear
drunk tank
drunk tank
cell for drunk prisoners: a special cell in a jail or police station where people who have been arrested for public drunkenness are kept ( slang )
The Netherlands contributed the defensive gem of the game. With the bases loaded, Simon fielded a grounder to his right. Spinning as he fell onto his back, he threw a three-hopper to the plate for a forceout and a place in the WBC highlight reel.
highlight reel--精彩片段。
a three-hopper--應該是在地上彈跳了三次。
He's been working on some mechanical stuff with his leg kick," Torre said.
"And this was McDonald's first outing when he got cuffed around a little bit.
As perilous a position as the United States was in Sunday morning, one lopsided victory changed that by Sunday night.
2009年3月15日 星期日
Vazquez belied his rep
Puerto Rico's starting pitcher Javier Vazquez, who's known here as a solid innings eater who supposedly chokes in big games, pitched a solid five innings before four relievers shut down the vaunted U.S. lineup.
Pitching against a lineup of All Stars, Vazquez belied his rep and dominated the U.S. team. He was the pitcher the Braves acquired in trade when they failed to land their top choice, who happened to be Peavy.
If one thing belies another, it hides the true situation and so creates a false idea or image of someone or something.
Vazquez belied his rep 本來想翻做扮豬吃老虎或是洗刷前恥,但是,他並沒有"扮",最後,我還是決定翻成表現超過了預期。
push up daisies
One thing I will say however, is if we wait for the UN to do anything, we will all be pushing up daisies by the time a solution is reached, best to leave that bunch of morons out of it.....
push your luck/push it informal
to do something or ask for something, especially something you have done or asked for before, when this is likely to annoy someone or involves a risk
If she doesn't want to go, don't push it.
It's 26 miles, so you're pushing your luck if you try to hike it in a day.
Maybe it is a moot point.
Said Dunn, "The word that comes to mind is embarrassing. It's inexcusable and uncalled for. It's embarrassing."
a moot point----something that has not yet been decided or agreed, and about which people have different opinions
這個片語,第一次是在 friends學到的,那時候,joey講錯了,把它講成 a moo point.
uncalled for----
If you describe a remark or criticism as uncalled for, you mean that it should not have been made, because it was unkind or unfair.
I'm sorry. That was uncalled for.
take your cue from someone or something
With their backs against the walls, the Italians showed the baseball world that they should not be taken lightly.
with your/its back against the wall also with your/its back to the wall
in a serious situation with few ways to react to it
這個片語讓我想到下面 這個片語
when/if push comes to shove also if it comes to the push spoken if a situation becomes very difficult or action needs to be taken
而 這個片語,又讓我想到下面這句
if worst comes to worst----Also, if worse comes to worst.
In the least favorable situation, if the worst possible outcome occurs. For example, If worst comes to worst and the budget is not approved, the government will shut down, or Go ahead and go to school with a cold; if worse comes to worst the teacher will send you home. This expression is nearly always followed by a solution.
下面這句話是從cbc的the world at six 聽來的。
He is taking his cue from that science.(Obama, stem cell bill)
take your cue from sb
to use someone else's actions or behaviour to show you what you should do or how you should behave
A splinter group is a group of people who break away from a larger group and form a separate organization, usually because they no longer agree with the views of the larger group.
2009年3月12日 星期四
on the take
on the take----- illegally paid for favors
hard/hot on sb's heels
following someone very closely:
She ran down the steps with a group of journalists hard on her heels.
come/follow hard/hot on the heels of sth
to happen very soon after something:
For Walter, disaster followed hard on the heels of his initial success.
( Iran’s foreign minister made an unannounced visit to Saudi Arabia on Sunday )
Mottaki’s surprise visit comes on the heels of a summit Wednesday in Riyadh to improve relations and overcome contentious issues among Arab countries.
如果只是在一個事件後的話,in the wake of 也是一個很好的選擇。
Earlier Monday, a leading congressional player on financial issues called for a shakeup at AIG in the wake of the bonus disclosures.
chalk it up to the state of the world
這條新聞則是震驚全世界的德國的killing rampage。
Earlier, Heribert Rech, interior minister of the state of Baden-Wurttemberg, quoted the postings attributed to Kretschmer as saying, "Everyone laughs at me. No one recognizes my potential. I mean this seriously."
"I have got a weapon here and tomorrow I am going to go to my former school and give them hell. Maybe I would escape, keep your ear to the ground. You'll hear from me tomorrow morning. Just notice the name of the place, Winnenden. Don't say anything to the police," Rech quoted.
Goldman: I have friends who, kind of, have an ear to the ground in Brazil, and there were some articles that came out in some local Brazilian newspapers and they did some on the Internet and said she'd passed away.
keep an ear to the ground---to devote attention to watching or listening for clues as to what is going to happen.
這條新聞是這震驚全美阿拉巴馬州的killing rampage, 下面這句話,是居民的反應。
Area residents were shocked that such mayhem should occur in their area,
but they chalk it up to the state of the world.
chalk it up to experience informal
to accept a failure or disappointment calmly and regard it as an experience that you can learn something from
to say that something is caused by something else
The idea that Ahmed was radicalized in the United States raised red flags throughout the U.S. intelligence community.
If you refer to something as a red flag, you mean that it acts as a danger signal.
這個片語讓我想到wake up call都是警訊的意思。
2009年3月11日 星期三
one of those days
one of those days ----a bad day not your day
one of these days-----someday; in some situation like this one.
"He really kind of nailed home some points for me," Denorfia said. "It just ended up being one of those days where the ball just hits the barrel. They don't come around very often, and I'm just really happy it came around today."Denorfia was not the only Italian to come up big.
我覺得應該是one of these days 才對。
另外今天沙巴西亞表現不好,教練就說了,one of those days, 就合乎邏輯。
"It's going to happen, and that's why it's Spring Training," Yankees manager Joe Girardi said. "He just wasn't sharp today, that's all. Am I concerned? No. It's one of those days you're going to experience during Spring Training."
"It's kind of six of one and a half-dozen of the other. It's going to be a debate for a while. I'm going to have a bad start and everyone is going to say I should go back to the 'pen. It's going to be one of those things that's probably going to be talked about for a while."
It's just one of those things.
It is something that couldn't have been prevented.; It is an unfortunate thing caused by fate.
something that you say when you are talking about a bad event or situation that you cannot prevent or change
It's not whether you win or lose
"It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game?
查了一下作者,原來是一位體育專欄作家 Grantland Rice
A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows the public opinion.
Does the road wind up-hill all the way? Yes, to the very end. Will the day's journey take the whole long day? From morn to night, my friend.
The crsis does offer us an opportunity.
他說As a Chinese proverb puts it.
A crisis is an opportunity riding the dangerous wind.
The crsis does offer us an opportunity.
He quoted American investor Warren Buffet, who said:
"It is only when the tide goes out that you know who was swimming naked."
The global economic crisis has revealed quite a few skinny-dippers.
You need a kick in the rear end every once in a while.
2009年3月10日 星期二
It really wasn’t my cup of tea.
由 myannao 發表於 2009-03-10, 23:08
Yankees Pitchers Trade Fielding Drills for Putting Practice
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/10/sport ... f=baseball
“Sometimes, it can be counterproductive if you do the same thing every day,” he said. “I just thought, you know, let’s change it up.”
So the pitchers and the coaches were divided into three-man teams to reflect the national teams of the Classic. Monday’s event was won by the Yankees’ version of Team Chinese Taipei, with Chien-Ming Wang leading a triumphant group that included Phil Hughes and the minor league pitching coach Scott Aldred.
“I put us in the hole with my very first shot; I hit it all the way to the outfield from home plate,” Pettitte said, adding, “It really wasn’t my cup of tea.”
我第一桿就讓大家陷入困境,我實在太用力了,一桿從本壘打到外野去。Pettitte 又說道。我實在不是很喜歡這種球。
be in a hole ------informal to be in a difficult situation
not be your cup of tea-------spoken to not be the type of thing that you like
2009年3月9日 星期一
Parents Go To Jail For Truant Child
Posted: 5:41 pm EDT March 9, 2009Updated: 8:45 pm EDT March 9, 2009
RICHMOND, Ohio -- A Richmond, Ind., couple will spend time behind bars after their daughter missed an alarming number of school days.Eli and Stephanie Collins pleaded guilty Monday to truancy charges.Prosecutors said their 11-year-old daughter has missed 87 days of school over the past two years and has been late 60 times.Records also show that the fifth grader has changed elementary schools 15 times in the past four years.The judge sentenced Eli Collins to 30 days in jail to be served immediately. When Eli is released, Stephanie Collins will serve 15 days in jail.The judge said this way at least one parent would be home supervising the child and making sure that she goes to school.Above board
I agree fully that ALL officers have and are under the microscope. I also FIRMLY believe, that any officer doing their jobs well and above board, has nothing to hide from the microscope.
I know a person who worked on the show and it is 100% above board. This guy goes out from desert to deep forest with a hand full of things, no food and no water. Then stays alive for a week and has to go to a set spot to be picked up. Glad these hikers had some supplies and made it through. Next time pack a few signal flares or road flares work as well.
above board的意思是honest and legal, Openly - without any trickery.
據說這個board指的是甲板,有一些海盜船會假扮成普通的商船,而海盜躲在甲板下,誘騙人上船後,再來洗劫。 The opposite, 'above board' was considered to symbolize openness and fairness.
也有人說是來自賭博遊戲,如果玩牌的人把手放在桌子(board) 上,那麼大家都會相信你沒有作弊。
而'under hand' 就是 above board 的相反。
"He does it under hand."他不是用正當的方法完成的。
2009年3月8日 星期日
that's a whole other kettle of fish.
that's a whole other kettle of fish.
comparing apples and oranges
another/a different kettle of fish informal
used to say that a situation is very different from one that you have just mentioned
kettle of fish n. pl. kettles of fish
A troublesomely awkward or embarrassing situation.
"I'm proud of my teammates, we showed a lot of heart out there. We weren't expected to beat these guys and we didn't end up beating them, but we gave them a run for their money."但是我們和這麼強的對手也競爭的很激烈。
Having established his bread and butter with a bowling-ball sinker, Wang was able to log consecutive 19-win seasons before the injury cut short his 2008 campaign after eight victories.
give somebody a run for their money ------
to compete very strongly against someone who is expected to win a competition
Something that is the bread and butter of a person or organization is the activity or work that provides the main part of their income.
knockout system----a type of competition in which only the winning players or teams at each stage continue to play until there is only one winner
upset----to defeat an opponent who is considered to be much better than you
A game or contest in which the favorite is defeated.
This was an exciting game that could have gone either way,
A repeat upset wasn't in the cards for Canada at the World Baseball Classic.
2009年3月7日 星期六
press the panic button
The Chinese milk scandal continued to make waves around the world, with a number of countries banning or restricting milk products from China, and companies still discovering high levels of melamine in their products.
The men’s personalities are about as different they can be.Rodriguez tends to generate controversy. He makes himself available to reporters in limited fashion and often refuses to answer specific questions. Rodriguez’s words are often dissected for hints of ulterior meaning. Wang, conversely, makes few waves.
Alou called the defeat surprising, but he also said that he “did not want to press the panic button.
In a dubious decision, Willy Taveras was caught trying to steal third with Ramírez batting and one out in the ninth. Kenley Jansen, a catcher with a laser for an arm, nailed him.
trash talk---- speak ill of others
Making waves ---------to cause a disturbance.
press the panic button----to do something quickly without thinking about it in order to deal with a difficult or worrying situation (often negative)
今天起床,就go online google了一下,到底長什麼樣子,居然這麼貴,
(CBS/AP) In Paris, someone paid an arm and a leg for a chair - almost $28 million. Granted, this is not a chair that could be bought at Ikea and assembled with an Allen wrench - it was designed by someone famous for someone even more famous. Still, it is just a chair, and the record-breaking price tag has tongues wagging in the U.S. and Europe.
an arm and a leg-cost a lot of money
Allen wrench--a special wrench
set tongues (a)wagging-----Fig. to cause people to start gossiping.
mercy rule
A mercy rule, also well known by the slightly less polite term slaughter rule (or, less commonly, knockout rule and skunk rule), brings a sports event to an early end when one team has a very large and presumably insurmountable lead over the other team.
Ichiro Suzuki’s Three Hits Erase Concern as Japan Routs Korea
Suzuki had 3 of his team’s 14 hits and scored three runs in the game, which was called after seven innings because of the tournament’s mercy rule.
AUS 17, MEX 7
Mexico has a lot of soul-searching to do and not a lot of time to do it. After its shocking mercy-rule defeat to Australia, the home team has an elimination game against South Africa set for 10 p.m. ET.
Not only did Australia break through with its first win in Classic history by beating heavily favored Mexico in Mexico City, but the Aussies did it in a mercy-rule inducing rout, winning 17-7 in a game that was stopped after eight innings.