2009年3月20日 星期五

hand/give/offer sb sth on a plate

U.S. President Barack Obama told talk show host Jay Leno Thursday he was stunned to hear of bonuses given to AIG employees, and he vouched for embattled Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, saying he's doing an outstanding job.
The president added that the bigger problem is the culture that allowed traders to claim them. He says that's got to change if the economy is to recover.
"He is a smart guy and he's a calm and steady guy. I don't think people fully appreciate the plate that was handed him."
Obama, in California on a two-day swing to promote his economic agenda, is the first sitting U.S. president to appear on the Tonight Show.

vouch for
to say that you firmly believe that something is true or good because of your experience or knowledge of it
hand/give/offer sb sth on a plate
to let someone get or achieve something easily, without much effort from them
I worked hard for what I've got. It wasn't handed to me on a plate.
a two-day swing----swing是什麼意思,我也不知道,我猜是趕場的意思。尚待考證。
the first sitting U.S. president----第一個現任總統

Scholarship handed to hospitality worker on a plate
Marvin Burchall’s customer service gets him the education he wanted but couldn’t afford
