2009年8月12日 星期三

a real good bead

''I saw it off the bat good, went back good,'' Inglett said. ''I felt I had a real good bead on it and it just went over my glove.''
draw/get a bead on
To take careful aim at.

The Yankees held their second Kangaroo Court before the game with Rivera serving as judge, complete with a gavel and robe.

gavel /ˈgævəl/ n [C]
a small hammer that the person in charge of a meeting, court of law, auction etc hits on a table in order to get people's attention

If you refer to a court or a meeting as a kangaroo court, you disapprove of it because it is unofficial or unfair, and is intended to find someone guilty.

And so Rivera fined teammate after teammate for a host of transgressions, the details of which he would not reveal. The event was closed to the media, who were left guessing as to who incurred the heftiest fines.

transgress ----to do something that is against the rules of social behaviour or against a moral principle

if you incur a cost, debt, or a fine, you have to pay money because of something you have done, or you do not make money

It was all an exercise in team unity for the Yankees, who howled with laughter at their first kangaroo court, as well, back in May.
