2009年10月10日 星期六

get amped up

“I like the atmosphere,” he said. “I really just get amped up for games like that where you have a crowd just all over you and just kind of just being in a territory that you’re really not comfortable in.”

Red Sox starter Clay Buchholz(notes) must avoid getting too amped up for his first postseason start.

Adjective for getting really excited about something--as in using "juice" for electricity--as in "amps."

Dietitian營養師we didn’t play to a certain level,”

that will be among the most memorable.
"Certainly, you've got to put that one right at the top,"
"That's what home-field advantage does for you. Last night was a classic example of [how] 103 games makes a difference. Being the last to hit was a huge advantage for us."
That set the tone for things to come,
we should be up for the challenge." 

Many fans called to proclaim their unbending allegiance and discuss the plethora of "Can you believe it?" moments still fresh in the minds of millions following the Yankees' 4-3 win in 11 innings.
"I'm just finally glad he got the monkey off his back," said longtime Yankees fan Tim May after watching Rodriguez go 2-for-4 with a game-tying two-run homer in the ninth inning. "Because once it's off, it's off for good. And personally, he's been tortured [in the media] and living in Jeter's shadow. I'm really happy for him." 

A plethora of something is a large amount of it, especially an amount of it that is greater than you need, want, or can cope with. (FORMAL)

a monkey on your back
AmE informal a serious problem that makes your life very difficult, especially being dependent on drugs
