2013年10月4日 星期五

認識NOOK HD+ 按鍵的英文名稱

the screen is susceptible to fingerprints

Sitting alone toward the top of the right edge is a power/sleep button and right above it, on the top edge, are a volume rocker, headphone jack, and microphone pinhole. On the bottom edge are a custom 30-pin charging connector and a microSD card slot covered with a door. The tablet comes with a 30-pin-to-USB cable that plugs into the included AC adapter. Dual speakers sit nestled in the lower back, under a single speaker grille

On the front, right above the bottom bezel, is the hardware home button..

Directly above is a space in which to organize content shortcut icons, and near the top of the screen sits your content carousel.

Proprietary power charger. That's the only real downside I can see with this so far.
/ prəˈpraɪətrɪ; US -terɪ; prəˋpraɪəˏtɛrɪ/ adj
(a) (of goods) manufactured and sold by a particular firm, usu under patent 
