Ramazan Bashardost is , a distant third with 108,156 votes.
any hints of possible violence are ginned up by what he calls left-wing groups and the liberal media.
flare up----to suddenly begin to burn, or to burn more brightly for a short time
Girl gorillas go ape for French pinup hunk
Finally there's 10-year-old Mjukuu, or "Jookie." Dan Simmonds, a keeper at the zoo's Gorilla Kingdom, says she "has this 'butter wouldn't melt look' to her, and she gets away with murder."
pinup---A picture, especially of a sexually attractive person, that is displayed on a wall. A person considered a suitable model for such a picture.
Something intended to be affixed to a wall.
get away with murder informal
to do anything you want, even things that are wrong, without being punished
2009年8月28日 星期五
2009年8月27日 星期四
rapporteur ----One who is designated to give a report, as at a meeting.
entrenched--strongly established and not likely to change - often used to show disapproval
entrenched--strongly established and not likely to change - often used to show disapproval
2009年8月23日 星期日
/ ˈkɔːzweɪ; ˋkɔzˏwe/ n raised road or path, esp across low or wet ground
hoard also hoard up v [T] 屯積
to collect and save large amounts of food, money etc, especially when it is not necessary to do so
corner the market
gy·rate /dʒaɪˈreɪt US ˈdʒaɪreɪt/ v
---to turn around fast in circles
a scrawny person or animal looks very thin and weak
halter-neck) style of woman's dress with the top held up by a strap passing round the back of the neck, leaving the back and shoulders bare (用帶繞過頸後的)袒肩露背連衣裙.
a loose fitting halter top
She begins to feel the slightest hint of wetness in her knickers
hoard also hoard up v [T] 屯積
to collect and save large amounts of food, money etc, especially when it is not necessary to do so
corner the market
gy·rate /dʒaɪˈreɪt US ˈdʒaɪreɪt/ v
---to turn around fast in circles
a scrawny person or animal looks very thin and weak
halter-neck) style of woman's dress with the top held up by a strap passing round the back of the neck, leaving the back and shoulders bare (用帶繞過頸後的)袒肩露背連衣裙.
a loose fitting halter top
She begins to feel the slightest hint of wetness in her knickers
le·o·tard /ˈliːətɑːd US -ɑːrd/ n [C]
a tight piece of clothing that looks a little like a woman's swimsuit and is worn for exercise or dancing, especially by women
a tight piece of clothing that looks a little like a woman's swimsuit and is worn for exercise or dancing, especially by women
2009年8月21日 星期五
square one---the situation from which you started to do something
go back to square one----used when you start something again because you were not successful the first time
幾天前在哥哥家看HBO,其中有一部電影叫做the core.
Let's start from square one.
結果,字幕上居然翻成 "讓我們從一的平方開始" 差點把我笑死。
a rude awakening----a situation in which you suddenly realize something unpleasant
有一次 DISCOVERY 也有一次嚴重的翻譯錯誤。
居然把這句話翻成 "粗魯的驚醒",實在是有夠 "粗魯" 的。
Chien-Ming Wang's day started with a rude awakening, the discovery of a stiff neck from sleeping wrong. He ended it right, pitching as though he was in a dream.
altitude meter
居然把 altitude meter翻成 "態度儀",帥吧,真是有夠厲害。
go back to square one----used when you start something again because you were not successful the first time
幾天前在哥哥家看HBO,其中有一部電影叫做the core.
Let's start from square one.
結果,字幕上居然翻成 "讓我們從一的平方開始" 差點把我笑死。
a rude awakening----a situation in which you suddenly realize something unpleasant
有一次 DISCOVERY 也有一次嚴重的翻譯錯誤。
居然把這句話翻成 "粗魯的驚醒",實在是有夠 "粗魯" 的。
Chien-Ming Wang's day started with a rude awakening, the discovery of a stiff neck from sleeping wrong. He ended it right, pitching as though he was in a dream.
altitude meter
居然把 altitude meter翻成 "態度儀",帥吧,真是有夠厲害。
2009年8月19日 星期三
有關 "笑" 的單字
titter ---to laugh quietly in a high voice, especially because you are nervous
beam---to smile very happily
grin---to smile widely
chuckle---to laugh quietly
laugh---to make sounds with your voice, usually while you are smiling, because you think something is funny
smile---to make your mouth curve upwards, in order to be friendly or because you are happy or amused
giggle--to laugh quickly, quietly, and in a high voice, because something is funny or because you are nervous or embarrassed
sneer----an unkind smile or remark that shows you have no respect for something or someone
snicker---AmE to laugh quietly and in a way that is not nice at something which is not supposed to be funny
snigger---BrE to laugh quietly in a way that is not nice at something which is not supposed to be funny
jeer---to laugh at someone or shout unkind things at them in a way that shows you do not respect them
risible --- fit to be laughed at; ridiculous
If you describe something as risible, you mean that it is ridiculous and does not deserve to be taken seriously. (FORMAL)
glee---a feeling of satisfaction and excitement, often because something bad has happened to someone else
delight---a feeling of great pleasure and satisfaction
happy---having feelings of pleasure, for example because something good has happened to you or you are very satisfied with your life
pleasure--the feeling of happiness, enjoyment, or satisfaction that you get from an experience
enjoy---to get pleasure from something
beam---to smile very happily
grin---to smile widely
chuckle---to laugh quietly
laugh---to make sounds with your voice, usually while you are smiling, because you think something is funny
smile---to make your mouth curve upwards, in order to be friendly or because you are happy or amused
giggle--to laugh quickly, quietly, and in a high voice, because something is funny or because you are nervous or embarrassed
sneer----an unkind smile or remark that shows you have no respect for something or someone
snicker---AmE to laugh quietly and in a way that is not nice at something which is not supposed to be funny
snigger---BrE to laugh quietly in a way that is not nice at something which is not supposed to be funny
jeer---to laugh at someone or shout unkind things at them in a way that shows you do not respect them
risible --- fit to be laughed at; ridiculous
If you describe something as risible, you mean that it is ridiculous and does not deserve to be taken seriously. (FORMAL)
glee---a feeling of satisfaction and excitement, often because something bad has happened to someone else
delight---a feeling of great pleasure and satisfaction
happy---having feelings of pleasure, for example because something good has happened to you or you are very satisfied with your life
pleasure--the feeling of happiness, enjoyment, or satisfaction that you get from an experience
enjoy---to get pleasure from something
Emily then calls Clifford over and tells him that he's too big to roughhouse like that anymore.
原來是影片中的字幕打錯了,把roughhouse打成rob house.
今天 看過了tv.com 大紅狗的第一季第四集
roughhouse /ˈrʌfhaus/ v [I]
AmE to play roughly or pretend to fight
原來是影片中的字幕打錯了,把roughhouse打成rob house.
今天 看過了tv.com 大紅狗的第一季第四集
Clifford's Carnival / Clifford's Doggy Reunion
劇情介紹後,終於晃然大悟。roughhouse /ˈrʌfhaus/ v [I]
AmE to play roughly or pretend to fight
voy·eur /vwɑːˈjəː US -ˈjəːr/ n [C]
someone who gets sexual pleasure from secretly watching other people's sexual activities
Between skipping lunch and drinking too much coffee during the day, I was thoroughly wired.
wired /waɪəd US waɪrd/ adj
AmE informal feeling very active and excited, especially because you have drunk a lot of coffee or taken a drug
As he bundled me off to the shower, I had to admit he had a point.
bundle off [bundle sb⇔off] phr v
to send someone somewhere quickly without asking them if they want to go
I showered and toweled off
This was gut-check time - I could always cry "Uncle!" and run away, but I decided to brazen it out.
tit·ter /ˈtɪtə US -ər/ v [I]
to laugh quietly in a high voice, especially because you are nervous
I began to wonder if my lover had not gone a little "over the top" with my costume -
he could down a six pack and not fall over but, as soon as he started with the shots, he got drunk real quick.
I, uhm, just need another drink. I'm parched.
be parched informal to be very thirsty
bikini wax
someone who gets sexual pleasure from secretly watching other people's sexual activities
Between skipping lunch and drinking too much coffee during the day, I was thoroughly wired.
wired /waɪəd US waɪrd/ adj
AmE informal feeling very active and excited, especially because you have drunk a lot of coffee or taken a drug
As he bundled me off to the shower, I had to admit he had a point.
bundle off [bundle sb⇔off] phr v
to send someone somewhere quickly without asking them if they want to go
I showered and toweled off
This was gut-check time - I could always cry "Uncle!" and run away, but I decided to brazen it out.
tit·ter /ˈtɪtə US -ər/ v [I]
to laugh quietly in a high voice, especially because you are nervous
I began to wonder if my lover had not gone a little "over the top" with my costume -
he could down a six pack and not fall over but, as soon as he started with the shots, he got drunk real quick.
I, uhm, just need another drink. I'm parched.
be parched informal to be very thirsty
bikini wax
有關 tell 的口語
tell on sb
These late nights are really beginning to tell on him.
spoken I/I'll tell you what also tell you what
a) used when you are suggesting or offering something
I tell you what - let's have a picnic in the park.
b) AmE used in order to emphasize what you are really saying
I tell you what, I'm not looking forward to standing up in court tomorrow.
spoken to tell (you) the truth
used to emphasize that you are being very honest
I don't really want to go out, to tell the truth.
spoken I can tell you/I'm telling you
used to emphasize that what you are saying is true even though it may be difficult to believe
I'm telling you, Sheila, I've never seen anything like it in my life.
spoken tell me
used before asking a question
Tell me, do you think this dress goes with these shoes?
So tell me, how was it in Argentina?
spoken I told you so
used when you have warned someone about a possible danger that has now happened and they have ignored your warning
I suppose you've come to say 'I told you so.'
spoken I'll tell you sth/one thing/another thing also let me tell you sth/one thing/another thing
used to emphasize what you are saying
I'll tell you one thing - you'll never get me to vote for him.
Let me tell you something - if I catch you kids smoking again, you'll be grounded for a month at least.
spoken you can tell him from me
used to ask someone to tell another person something, when you are annoyed or determined
Well, you can tell him from me that I'm going to make a complaint.
spoken I couldn't tell you
used to tell someone that you do not know the answer to their question
'How much would a rail ticket cost?' ' I couldn't tell you; I always drive.'
spoken I can't tell you
a) used to say that you cannot tell someone something because it is a secret
'Where are you taking me?' 'I can't tell you; it would spoil the surprise.'
b) used to say that you cannot express your feelings or describe something properly
I can't tell you how/why/what etc
I can't tell you how worried I've been.
spoken don't tell me
used to interrupt someone because you know what they are going to say or because you want to guess - used especially when you are annoyed
'I'm sorry I'm late but ...' 'Don't tell me - the car broke down again?'
spoken sb tells me (that)
used to say what someone has told you
Mike tells me you've got a new job.
spoken you're telling me
used to emphasize that you already know and agree with something that someone has just said
'He's such a pain to live with.' 'You're telling me!'
spoken tell me about it
used to say that you already know how bad something is, especially because you have experienced it yourself
'I've been so tired lately.' 'Yeah, tell me about it!'
spoken you never can tell/you can never tell
used to say that you cannot be certain about what will happen in the future
The boy might turn out to be a genius. You never can tell.
spoken there's no telling what/how etc
used to say that it is impossible to know what has happened or what will happen next
There's no telling what she'll try next.
spoken that would be telling
used to say that you cannot tell someone something because it is a secret
spoken tell sb where to go/where to get off
used to tell someone angrily that what they have said is insulting or unfair
'Andy started criticizing the way I was dressed.' 'I hope you told him where to get off!'
spoken tell it like it is
AmE to say exactly what you think or what is true, without hiding anything that might upset or offend people
Don always tells it like it is.
spoken I'm not telling (you)
used to say that you refuse to tell someone something
'Mum, what are you getting me for my birthday?' 'I'm not telling you - you'll have to wait and see.'
spoken tell me another (one)
used when you do not believe what someone has told you
These late nights are really beginning to tell on him.
spoken I/I'll tell you what also tell you what
a) used when you are suggesting or offering something
I tell you what - let's have a picnic in the park.
b) AmE used in order to emphasize what you are really saying
I tell you what, I'm not looking forward to standing up in court tomorrow.
spoken to tell (you) the truth
used to emphasize that you are being very honest
I don't really want to go out, to tell the truth.
spoken I can tell you/I'm telling you
used to emphasize that what you are saying is true even though it may be difficult to believe
I'm telling you, Sheila, I've never seen anything like it in my life.
spoken tell me
used before asking a question
Tell me, do you think this dress goes with these shoes?
So tell me, how was it in Argentina?
spoken I told you so
used when you have warned someone about a possible danger that has now happened and they have ignored your warning
I suppose you've come to say 'I told you so.'
spoken I'll tell you sth/one thing/another thing also let me tell you sth/one thing/another thing
used to emphasize what you are saying
I'll tell you one thing - you'll never get me to vote for him.
Let me tell you something - if I catch you kids smoking again, you'll be grounded for a month at least.
spoken you can tell him from me
used to ask someone to tell another person something, when you are annoyed or determined
Well, you can tell him from me that I'm going to make a complaint.
spoken I couldn't tell you
used to tell someone that you do not know the answer to their question
'How much would a rail ticket cost?' ' I couldn't tell you; I always drive.'
spoken I can't tell you
a) used to say that you cannot tell someone something because it is a secret
'Where are you taking me?' 'I can't tell you; it would spoil the surprise.'
b) used to say that you cannot express your feelings or describe something properly
I can't tell you how/why/what etc
I can't tell you how worried I've been.
spoken don't tell me
used to interrupt someone because you know what they are going to say or because you want to guess - used especially when you are annoyed
'I'm sorry I'm late but ...' 'Don't tell me - the car broke down again?'
spoken sb tells me (that)
used to say what someone has told you
Mike tells me you've got a new job.
spoken you're telling me
used to emphasize that you already know and agree with something that someone has just said
'He's such a pain to live with.' 'You're telling me!'
spoken tell me about it
used to say that you already know how bad something is, especially because you have experienced it yourself
'I've been so tired lately.' 'Yeah, tell me about it!'
spoken you never can tell/you can never tell
used to say that you cannot be certain about what will happen in the future
The boy might turn out to be a genius. You never can tell.
spoken there's no telling what/how etc
used to say that it is impossible to know what has happened or what will happen next
There's no telling what she'll try next.
spoken that would be telling
used to say that you cannot tell someone something because it is a secret
spoken tell sb where to go/where to get off
used to tell someone angrily that what they have said is insulting or unfair
'Andy started criticizing the way I was dressed.' 'I hope you told him where to get off!'
spoken tell it like it is
AmE to say exactly what you think or what is true, without hiding anything that might upset or offend people
Don always tells it like it is.
spoken I'm not telling (you)
used to say that you refuse to tell someone something
'Mum, what are you getting me for my birthday?' 'I'm not telling you - you'll have to wait and see.'
spoken tell me another (one)
used when you do not believe what someone has told you
highlight-reel performance
OAKLAND -- CC Sabathia has waited for years to compile his own highlight-reel performance under the lights at the Oakland Coliseum, the kind of shows he used to cheer on as a paying customer in the cheap seats.
He has done a great job in that leadoff spot. He sparks so many things."
stifle a yawn/smile/grin etc
to stop a feeling from being expressed
He stifled an urge to hit her.
Cabrera tried his best to stifle a grin.
spot starter----A pitcher who starts an occasional game (perhaps only one game) who is not a regular starter in the rotation. This is a pitcher who is already on a team's roster and usually works as a relief pitcher. In contrast to a spot starter, who is already on the roster, an emergency starter is typically a player who is brought up from the minor leagues on very short notice because a regular starter is injured. Sometimes, however, even a player who is already on the roster may be referred to as an emergency starter if his starting role arises because the regularly scheduled starter has been injured.
He has done a great job in that leadoff spot. He sparks so many things."
stifle a yawn/smile/grin etc
to stop a feeling from being expressed
He stifled an urge to hit her.
Cabrera tried his best to stifle a grin.
spot starter----A pitcher who starts an occasional game (perhaps only one game) who is not a regular starter in the rotation. This is a pitcher who is already on a team's roster and usually works as a relief pitcher. In contrast to a spot starter, who is already on the roster, an emergency starter is typically a player who is brought up from the minor leagues on very short notice because a regular starter is injured. Sometimes, however, even a player who is already on the roster may be referred to as an emergency starter if his starting role arises because the regularly scheduled starter has been injured.
2009年8月18日 星期二
A slotted spoon
A slotted spoon is a large plastic or metal spoon with holes in it. It is used to take food out of a liquid.
don't try spoon feeding the truth to rich ppl. they love to whine. yet, the top 2 % own over 40% of the wealth.
A shot in the dark
A shot in the dark is simply a hopeful attempt to hit an enemy that you can't see.
True, but the point is, being named as a godparent means nothing legally. There must be something else in place to put some teeth behind the designation.
Senator Warner To Bush On Iraq: "Put Some Teeth Behind Your Words"
media-whore---A person who has a psychological need to get into TV, Film, Radio or Print.toss and turn
toss and turn
to keep changing your position in bed because you cannot sleep
I've been tossing and turning all night.
My DS just turned 1 and he has just started waking throughout the night, tossing and turning.
I've never bought a box of Goldfish. They are crap. My dcs (I have a 7 yo and a 3.6 yo) have enough of them at lessons and school. At home, they happily eat healthy foods. Right now, they like cucumber slices and berries and peaches for snacks.
Goldfish are American snack crackers manufactured by Pepperidge Farm.
Otherwise, you're going to be a short order cook or have a kid who will only eat snack x (because he knows he runs the show).
run the show---to be in charge; to be in command.
if material shows the dirt or a mark, it is easy to see the dirt or mark on it
Light-coloured clothes tend to show the dirt.
DD - dear daughter
DC - dear child
to keep changing your position in bed because you cannot sleep
I've been tossing and turning all night.
My DS just turned 1 and he has just started waking throughout the night, tossing and turning.
I've never bought a box of Goldfish. They are crap. My dcs (I have a 7 yo and a 3.6 yo) have enough of them at lessons and school. At home, they happily eat healthy foods. Right now, they like cucumber slices and berries and peaches for snacks.
Goldfish are American snack crackers manufactured by Pepperidge Farm.
Otherwise, you're going to be a short order cook or have a kid who will only eat snack x (because he knows he runs the show).
run the show---to be in charge; to be in command.
if material shows the dirt or a mark, it is easy to see the dirt or mark on it
Light-coloured clothes tend to show the dirt.
grain·y /ˈgreɪni/ adj
a photograph that is grainy has a rough appearance, as if the images are made up of spots
he also refused most baby food. hated and spit out almost everything offered. woudnt eat solids until well over 19 months. texture is a huge issue.
don't sweat it
AmE spoken used to tell someone not to worry about something
DS - dear sona photograph that is grainy has a rough appearance, as if the images are made up of spots
he also refused most baby food. hated and spit out almost everything offered. woudnt eat solids until well over 19 months. texture is a huge issue.
don't sweat it
AmE spoken used to tell someone not to worry about something
I only have about two friends....Too many is too much maintenance.
DH - dear husbandDD - dear daughter
DC - dear child
clock off
inadvertently ---without realizing what you are doing
He inadvertently left behind the violin and a credit card.
Ryan Abood, owner of New Hampshire-based Gourmetgiftbaskets.com who made the cupcake, told the Detroit Free Press that it clocked in at an estimated 2 million calories.
clock off phr v 下班
informal to leave work at the end of the day
What time do you clock off?
stagger--to arrange people's working hours, holidays etc so that they do not all begin and end at the same time
Because of a staggered schedule to permit him extra rest as the Yankees advance down the stretch in view of October, Chamberlain is not expected to pitch for eight days, next starting on Aug. 25 against the Rangers at Yankee Stadium.
He inadvertently left behind the violin and a credit card.
Ryan Abood, owner of New Hampshire-based Gourmetgiftbaskets.com who made the cupcake, told the Detroit Free Press that it clocked in at an estimated 2 million calories.
clock off phr v 下班
informal to leave work at the end of the day
What time do you clock off?
stagger--to arrange people's working hours, holidays etc so that they do not all begin and end at the same time
Because of a staggered schedule to permit him extra rest as the Yankees advance down the stretch in view of October, Chamberlain is not expected to pitch for eight days, next starting on Aug. 25 against the Rangers at Yankee Stadium.
2009年8月14日 星期五
window dressing
window dressing n [U]
something that is intended to make people like your plans or activities, and to stop them seeing the true situation - used to show disapproval
Called up earlier in the day from Triple-A Tacoma, Wilson would get to Sabathia for a homer in the fifth inning, but by then it was window dressing with New York holding a 6-1 lead.
Matsui is streaky...can go from great to abysmal in one game.
The problem is, for the playoffs, they have you over a barrel and you really want to go.
something that is intended to make people like your plans or activities, and to stop them seeing the true situation - used to show disapproval
Called up earlier in the day from Triple-A Tacoma, Wilson would get to Sabathia for a homer in the fifth inning, but by then it was window dressing with New York holding a 6-1 lead.
Matsui is streaky...can go from great to abysmal in one game.
The problem is, for the playoffs, they have you over a barrel and you really want to go.
2009年8月13日 星期四
a grounded person
Ricciardi has constructed a bevy of unforgiveable contracts.
bevy of---a large group of people of the same kind, especially girls or young women
what a grounded person he is
someone who is grounded understands their own character and knows what is really important
Simmons says that her family keeps her grounded .
bang up--AmE to seriously damage something
Posada was so banged up that he compared the game to a boxing match.
bevy of---a large group of people of the same kind, especially girls or young women
what a grounded person he is
someone who is grounded understands their own character and knows what is really important
Simmons says that her family keeps her grounded .
bang up--AmE to seriously damage something
Posada was so banged up that he compared the game to a boxing match.
2009年8月12日 星期三
batter up
Batter is a mixture of flour, eggs, and milk that is used in cooking.
dough---a mixture of flour and water ready to be baked into bread, pastry etc
[U] informal ---money
batter up--(baseball) (Used by an umpire to invite the next batter to the batter's box, especially at the beginning of a half-inning.)
dough---a mixture of flour and water ready to be baked into bread, pastry etc
[U] informal ---money
batter up--(baseball) (Used by an umpire to invite the next batter to the batter's box, especially at the beginning of a half-inning.)
go south
"It was great. Everything was perfect, right on track."
And they have cycled back around to the most formidable portion of their rotation, with A.J. Burnett and CC Sabathia set to start on back-to-back days.
Chamberlain pitched well -- except one major hiccup in the third.
You can refer to a small problem or difficulty as a hiccup, especially if it does not last very long or is easily put right.
Girardi did not do so Tuesday, either. But he did offer a crumb.
A crumb of something, for example information, is a very small amount of it.
At last Andrew gave them a crumb of information...
There is NO medical or scientific evidence that this arbitrary innings limit will prevent Joba's arm from going south.
go south
AmE informal if a situation, organization, or set of standards goes south, it becomes very bad although it was once very good
And they have cycled back around to the most formidable portion of their rotation, with A.J. Burnett and CC Sabathia set to start on back-to-back days.
Chamberlain pitched well -- except one major hiccup in the third.
You can refer to a small problem or difficulty as a hiccup, especially if it does not last very long or is easily put right.
Girardi did not do so Tuesday, either. But he did offer a crumb.
A crumb of something, for example information, is a very small amount of it.
At last Andrew gave them a crumb of information...
There is NO medical or scientific evidence that this arbitrary innings limit will prevent Joba's arm from going south.
go south
AmE informal if a situation, organization, or set of standards goes south, it becomes very bad although it was once very good
a real good bead
''I saw it off the bat good, went back good,'' Inglett said. ''I felt I had a real good bead on it and it just went over my glove.''
draw/get a bead on
To take careful aim at.
The Yankees held their second Kangaroo Court before the game with Rivera serving as judge, complete with a gavel and robe.
gavel /ˈgævəl/ n [C]
a small hammer that the person in charge of a meeting, court of law, auction etc hits on a table in order to get people's attention
If you refer to a court or a meeting as a kangaroo court, you disapprove of it because it is unofficial or unfair, and is intended to find someone guilty.
And so Rivera fined teammate after teammate for a host of transgressions, the details of which he would not reveal. The event was closed to the media, who were left guessing as to who incurred the heftiest fines.
transgress ----to do something that is against the rules of social behaviour or against a moral principle
if you incur a cost, debt, or a fine, you have to pay money because of something you have done, or you do not make money
It was all an exercise in team unity for the Yankees, who howled with laughter at their first kangaroo court, as well, back in May.
draw/get a bead on
To take careful aim at.
The Yankees held their second Kangaroo Court before the game with Rivera serving as judge, complete with a gavel and robe.
gavel /ˈgævəl/ n [C]
a small hammer that the person in charge of a meeting, court of law, auction etc hits on a table in order to get people's attention
If you refer to a court or a meeting as a kangaroo court, you disapprove of it because it is unofficial or unfair, and is intended to find someone guilty.
And so Rivera fined teammate after teammate for a host of transgressions, the details of which he would not reveal. The event was closed to the media, who were left guessing as to who incurred the heftiest fines.
transgress ----to do something that is against the rules of social behaviour or against a moral principle
if you incur a cost, debt, or a fine, you have to pay money because of something you have done, or you do not make money
It was all an exercise in team unity for the Yankees, who howled with laughter at their first kangaroo court, as well, back in May.
2009年8月11日 星期二
Hang hoof!
Hang hoof!
這句話是在Barn yard裡面看來的。
因為surfing 時,我們會說hang ten, 可是他們是牛,只有hoof,沒有ten toes.
shotgun, piggback.
At my midtown apartment, I piggybacked off the chick next door for months, but when I moved I had to get my own internet service.
Being so broke or just really cheap that you rely on your friends to pay for everything.
He's such a fucking piggybacker, why do i always have to pay for everything!
這句話是在Barn yard裡面看來的。
因為surfing 時,我們會說hang ten, 可是他們是牛,只有hoof,沒有ten toes.
shotgun, piggback.
At my midtown apartment, I piggybacked off the chick next door for months, but when I moved I had to get my own internet service.
Being so broke or just really cheap that you rely on your friends to pay for everything.
He's such a fucking piggybacker, why do i always have to pay for everything!
2009年8月10日 星期一
tar and feather
When you compare the reaction to the pipe line bombing in B.C. and the support the bomber (s) was getting from the blogger's for putting human and animals life in danger and here we have some birds being shot out of season ect. which in a few weeks hunters will buy a license to shoot legally (if they were ducks) and you want to tar and feather them as if they shot the last bird in the world. I'm sure a reasonable fine would suffice.
tar and feather
to cover someone in tar and feathers as a cruel unofficial punishment
So these 3 dingbats were "...handed hefty fines Monday, as well as a three-year ban on acquiring hunting licences.
dingbat---Slang. An empty-headed or silly person.
An object, such as a brick or stone, used as a missile.
Molotov cocktail--Molotov cocktails
big·ot·ed /ˈbɪgətɪd/ adj
having such strong opinions about a group of people that you are unwilling to listen to anyone else's opinions
impostor---someone who pretends to be someone else in order to trick people
tar and feather
to cover someone in tar and feathers as a cruel unofficial punishment
So these 3 dingbats were "...handed hefty fines Monday, as well as a three-year ban on acquiring hunting licences.
dingbat---Slang. An empty-headed or silly person.
An object, such as a brick or stone, used as a missile.
ho·ser (hōzər)
n. Canadian Slang
A clumsy, boorish person, especially an uncouth, beer-drinking man.
Perhaps this is the 21st century version of being put in the stocks in the town square.
n. Canadian Slang
A clumsy, boorish person, especially an uncouth, beer-drinking man.
Perhaps this is the 21st century version of being put in the stocks in the town square.
Molotov cocktail--Molotov cocktails
big·ot·ed /ˈbɪgətɪd/ adj
having such strong opinions about a group of people that you are unwilling to listen to anyone else's opinions
impostor---someone who pretends to be someone else in order to trick people
five-knuckle shuffle
dude, instead of whining about what the Yankees "buy", go buy yourself a blow-up doll.
crying about the Yankee payroll, and deep pockets while doing the five-knuckle shuffle just isn't cutting it.
five-knuckle shuffle ----wank, spanking the monkey, jack off
not cut it informal
to not be good enough to do something
monkey business informal
bad or dishonest behaviour
a monkey on your back
AmE informal a serious problem that makes your life very difficult, especially being dependent on drugs
crying about the Yankee payroll, and deep pockets while doing the five-knuckle shuffle just isn't cutting it.
five-knuckle shuffle ----wank, spanking the monkey, jack off
not cut it informal
to not be good enough to do something
monkey business informal
bad or dishonest behaviour
a monkey on your back
AmE informal a serious problem that makes your life very difficult, especially being dependent on drugs
That's Yankee Stadium for you
As Teixeira watched his go-ahead shot off Daniel Bard soar high into the night sky, he carried his bat down to first base, casting it aside when the drive stayed fair. The fourth sellout crowd of the weekend erupted into a frenzy, serenading the falling Red Sox with chants of "Sweep! Sweep!"
"That's Yankee Stadium for you," Teixeira said. "This place hasn't been around as much as the old one, but I remember being a part of a few games as a visitor. It felt like the place was shaking. It was kind of that feeling tonight."
這句話是Jigsaw Jones 最愛講的話,想不到現在居然出現在洋基官網上。
"That's Yankee Stadium for you," Teixeira said. "This place hasn't been around as much as the old one, but I remember being a part of a few games as a visitor. It felt like the place was shaking. It was kind of that feeling tonight."
這句話是Jigsaw Jones 最愛講的話,想不到現在居然出現在洋基官網上。
2009年8月9日 星期日
with aplomb
Boston would have to suffice on this August afternoon, and Sabathia handled the assignment with aplomb, striking out a season-high nine and handcuffing the Red Sox to just two hits in what plays as his signature performance thus far in pinstripes.
with aplomb
in a confident and skilful way, especially when you have to deal with difficult problems or a difficult situation
Still holding a no-hitter intact, the left-hander worked two outs into the sixth inning before Jacoby Ellsbury broke up the bid with a solid single to center.
A phalanx is a group of soldiers or police who are standing or marching close together ready to fight. (FORMAL)
t was a moot point, as Sabathia threw 7 2/3 scoreless innings of two-hit ball to log his 12th victory. In a corresponding roster move, the Yankees optioned right-hander Mark Melancon to Scranton/Wilkes-Barre.
a moot point/question
something that has not yet been decided or agreed, and about which people have different opinions
with aplomb
in a confident and skilful way, especially when you have to deal with difficult problems or a difficult situation
Still holding a no-hitter intact, the left-hander worked two outs into the sixth inning before Jacoby Ellsbury broke up the bid with a solid single to center.
A phalanx is a group of soldiers or police who are standing or marching close together ready to fight. (FORMAL)
t was a moot point, as Sabathia threw 7 2/3 scoreless innings of two-hit ball to log his 12th victory. In a corresponding roster move, the Yankees optioned right-hander Mark Melancon to Scranton/Wilkes-Barre.
a moot point/question
something that has not yet been decided or agreed, and about which people have different opinions
2009年8月8日 星期六
bleary eyes
bleary--unable to see very clearly, because you are tired or have been crying
Red Sox right fielder J.D. Drew used every ounce of his remaining energy to flag the ball with a sensational running grab.
The most clutch Yankee, Melky Cabrera, then spiked emotions with a bid for what would have been his fourth walk-off hit of the year, drilling a Tawaza offering into right field and galloping down the baseline.
bid---effort to do, obtain, achieve, etc sth; attempt
The clubs combined to go a staggering 0-for-19 with runners in scoring position.
staggering---extremely great or surprising
Rodriguez spent most of his postgame media session deflecting attention to the starting pitchers, and with good reason -- it was the only time, A-Rod said, he had seen that many swings and misses in a single contest.
deflect--to do something to stop people paying attention to you, criticizing you etc
swings and misses -----揮棒落空
blacked-out names ---
Red Sox right fielder J.D. Drew used every ounce of his remaining energy to flag the ball with a sensational running grab.
The most clutch Yankee, Melky Cabrera, then spiked emotions with a bid for what would have been his fourth walk-off hit of the year, drilling a Tawaza offering into right field and galloping down the baseline.
bid---effort to do, obtain, achieve, etc sth; attempt
The clubs combined to go a staggering 0-for-19 with runners in scoring position.
staggering---extremely great or surprising
Rodriguez spent most of his postgame media session deflecting attention to the starting pitchers, and with good reason -- it was the only time, A-Rod said, he had seen that many swings and misses in a single contest.
deflect--to do something to stop people paying attention to you, criticizing you etc
swings and misses -----揮棒落空
blacked-out names ---
make a windfall
If you're hoping to reach the mainstream, the best you can hope for is your app catches on fire and charts high enough for you to make a windfall," Ryu said. "Essentially you aim for the jackpot, and if you don't hit that, it's not going to make you a living.
2009年8月7日 星期五
No need to rehash the past
there was a degree of truth to his wisecrack
wisecrack ---a clever and funny remark or reply
No need to rehash the past on the eve of his next try against his team's archrival.
rehash---to use the same ideas again in a new form that is not really different or better - used to show disapproval
Now he'll have the chance to redeem himself on a grand stage, when he squares off with Boston ace Josh Beckett on Friday at Yankee Stadium.
square off---AmE to get ready to fight someone
But when Burnett takes the mound, he has to block those thoughts from his mind. Burnett believes his recent success is a product of keeping himself in the present. No matter how important Friday's start may seem, he will at least try to continue practicing what he has preached.
instead pitting the game as simply another start
mettle--courage and determination to do something even when it is very difficult
test/show/prove your mettle
the story couldn't change until they proved their mettle against the Red Sox.
wisecrack ---a clever and funny remark or reply
No need to rehash the past on the eve of his next try against his team's archrival.
rehash---to use the same ideas again in a new form that is not really different or better - used to show disapproval
Now he'll have the chance to redeem himself on a grand stage, when he squares off with Boston ace Josh Beckett on Friday at Yankee Stadium.
square off---AmE to get ready to fight someone
But when Burnett takes the mound, he has to block those thoughts from his mind. Burnett believes his recent success is a product of keeping himself in the present. No matter how important Friday's start may seem, he will at least try to continue practicing what he has preached.
instead pitting the game as simply another start
mettle--courage and determination to do something even when it is very difficult
test/show/prove your mettle
the story couldn't change until they proved their mettle against the Red Sox.
I'm not saying they aren't any good but some dvd roms don't like certain media. I've used memorex, maxell with no problems.
My biggest concern with LiteOn are the incompatibility issues with DVD-ROMs.
I have known that sometimes it's an issue when you buy a certain brand or type of blank DVD.
off the wall informal
very strange or unusual, often in an amusing way
it was quietly peddling some off-the-wall Mentor e-book reader based on a drab OEM model that every other no-name reader manufacturer uses.
Yeah but for the same price, you really better go with the Sony for look and quality. Text to speech is a hard to listen gimmick. If the other were 150$ I would not say but for the same price, go Sony.
I'm not too worried about the battery life. If I'm playing a game, I'll more than likely stay plugged into the wall.
My biggest concern with LiteOn are the incompatibility issues with DVD-ROMs.
I have known that sometimes it's an issue when you buy a certain brand or type of blank DVD.
off the wall informal
very strange or unusual, often in an amusing way
it was quietly peddling some off-the-wall Mentor e-book reader based on a drab OEM model that every other no-name reader manufacturer uses.
Yeah but for the same price, you really better go with the Sony for look and quality. Text to speech is a hard to listen gimmick. If the other were 150$ I would not say but for the same price, go Sony.
Astak's $199 EZ Reader Pocket PRO wants to give Kindle 'a run for its money
I'm not too worried about the battery life. If I'm playing a game, I'll more than likely stay plugged into the wall.
gas guzzler
Car shoppers caught up in the frenzy of the "cash-for-clunkers" program will have more time and 2 billion more reasons to trade in their old gas guzzlers.
clunker n [C] AmE informal
an old car or other machine that does not work well
If you say that a car is a gas guzzler you mean that it uses a lot of fuel and is not cheap to run. (AM INFORMAL)
with (one's) tongue in (one's) `cheek not intending to be taken seriously; with irony or humour
A tongue-in-cheek remark or attitude is not serious, although it may seem to be.
this comment was tongue in cheek
clunker n [C] AmE informal
an old car or other machine that does not work well
If you say that a car is a gas guzzler you mean that it uses a lot of fuel and is not cheap to run. (AM INFORMAL)
with (one's) tongue in (one's) `cheek not intending to be taken seriously; with irony or humour
A tongue-in-cheek remark or attitude is not serious, although it may seem to be.
this comment was tongue in cheek
cut your teeth (on sth)
to get your first experience of doing something and learn the basic skills
Both reporters cut their journalistic teeth on the same provincial newspaper.
cut in line
AmE to unfairly go in front of other people who are waiting to do something
cut the ...
spoken an impolite way of telling someone to stop doing something because it is annoying you
Cut the crap (=stop saying something that is not true)
cut your losses
to stop doing something that is failing, so that you do not waste any more money, time, or effort
cut a fine/strange etc figure
literary to have an impressive, strange etc appearance
(it) cuts both ways
spoken used to say that something has two effects, especially a good effect and a bad one
not cut it informal
to not be good enough to do something
Players who can't cut it soon quit the team.
cut in on
to interrupt someone who is speaking by saying something
Sorry to cut in on you, but there are one or two things I don't understand.
to suddenly drive in front of a moving car in a dangerous way
She cut in on a red Ford, forcing the driver to brake heavily.
A lot of donations that don't make the cut for the sale are donated to Goodwill.
make the cut----To meet or come up to a required standard
to get your first experience of doing something and learn the basic skills
Both reporters cut their journalistic teeth on the same provincial newspaper.
cut in line
AmE to unfairly go in front of other people who are waiting to do something
cut the ...
spoken an impolite way of telling someone to stop doing something because it is annoying you
Cut the crap (=stop saying something that is not true)
cut your losses
to stop doing something that is failing, so that you do not waste any more money, time, or effort
cut a fine/strange etc figure
literary to have an impressive, strange etc appearance
(it) cuts both ways
spoken used to say that something has two effects, especially a good effect and a bad one
not cut it informal
to not be good enough to do something
Players who can't cut it soon quit the team.
cut in on
to interrupt someone who is speaking by saying something
Sorry to cut in on you, but there are one or two things I don't understand.
to suddenly drive in front of a moving car in a dangerous way
She cut in on a red Ford, forcing the driver to brake heavily.
A lot of donations that don't make the cut for the sale are donated to Goodwill.
make the cut----To meet or come up to a required standard
to damage something by getting it stuck on something sharp
Oh no! I've snagged my stockings.
AmE informal to succeed in getting something, especially something difficult to get
I snagged a parking space in the last row.
Man Snags 1,062-Pound Blue Marlin In Ocean City
Town hall meeting turns into circus
circus[singular] informal
a situation in which there is too much excitement or noise
If I could prognosticate, it appears that there will be a civil suit
prognosticate ---To predict according to present indications or signs; foretell.
lock horns (with sb)
to argue or fight with someone
Since the parents are ponying up the dough to send their children to the school, for the most part, they're much more involved with their child's schooling.
ponying up the dough -----籌錢
pony up----to find or produce a particular amount of money
dough-----informal money
to damage something by getting it stuck on something sharp
Oh no! I've snagged my stockings.
AmE informal to succeed in getting something, especially something difficult to get
I snagged a parking space in the last row.
Man Snags 1,062-Pound Blue Marlin In Ocean City
Town hall meeting turns into circus
circus[singular] informal
a situation in which there is too much excitement or noise
If I could prognosticate, it appears that there will be a civil suit
prognosticate ---To predict according to present indications or signs; foretell.
lock horns (with sb)
to argue or fight with someone
Since the parents are ponying up the dough to send their children to the school, for the most part, they're much more involved with their child's schooling.
ponying up the dough -----籌錢
pony up----to find or produce a particular amount of money
dough-----informal money
spoilt ballot papers
studious--spending a lot of time studying and reading
a quiet, studious young man
Biggs' son, Michael Biggs, said his father was "over the moon" that he had been released on the eve of his 80th birthday.
over the moon---BrE informal very happy
Most of the gang, including Biggs, were soon picked up in a massive manhunt after police discovered fingerprints at a farmhouse hideout where the robbers had holed up to split their spoils.
spoils n stolen goods
The thieves divided up the spoils.
If someone spoils their vote, they write something illegal on their voting paper, usually as a protest about the election, and their vote is not accepted. (BRIT)
They had broadcast calls for voters to spoil their ballot papers...
= deface
spoiled ballot papers
Don't spoil your appetite by eating sweets between meals.
spoils system (esp US) system by which important public positions are given to supporters of the political party that wins power
a quiet, studious young man
Biggs' son, Michael Biggs, said his father was "over the moon" that he had been released on the eve of his 80th birthday.
over the moon---BrE informal very happy
Most of the gang, including Biggs, were soon picked up in a massive manhunt after police discovered fingerprints at a farmhouse hideout where the robbers had holed up to split their spoils.
spoils n stolen goods
The thieves divided up the spoils.
If someone spoils their vote, they write something illegal on their voting paper, usually as a protest about the election, and their vote is not accepted. (BRIT)
They had broadcast calls for voters to spoil their ballot papers...
= deface
spoiled ballot papers
deface v [Tn] spoil the appearance or legibility of (sth) by marking or damaging the surface
Don't deface library books.
Don't deface library books.
Don't spoil your appetite by eating sweets between meals.
spoils system (esp US) system by which important public positions are given to supporters of the political party that wins power
2009年8月5日 星期三
back tax
(CNN) -- American financier Robert Allen Stanford and his wife, Susan, owe back taxes, penalties and interest of at least $226.5 million, the IRS said in court documents filed in Dallas, Texas.
back tax---欠稅
The bank was facing a run on its deposits before regulators stepped in. 擠兌
So I am glad the globe will keep spinning on the roof and there will still be a P-I in Seattle even if it will be online only.
to describe a situation or information in a way that is intended to influence the way people think about it - used especially about what politicians or business people do
Supporters attempted to spin the bill's defeat to their advantage.
如果當名詞使用的話,可以用 put a spin(以前的筆記有)
back tax---欠稅
The bank was facing a run on its deposits before regulators stepped in. 擠兌
So I am glad the globe will keep spinning on the roof and there will still be a P-I in Seattle even if it will be online only.
to describe a situation or information in a way that is intended to influence the way people think about it - used especially about what politicians or business people do
Supporters attempted to spin the bill's defeat to their advantage.
如果當名詞使用的話,可以用 put a spin(以前的筆記有)
a fixture
If you describe someone or something as a fixture in a particular place or occasion, you mean that they always seem to be there.
He was a fixture," said Daniel Cook, general manager of Donegal's Pub, next door to the liquor store. "Singh was always there.
He was a fixture," said Daniel Cook, general manager of Donegal's Pub, next door to the liquor store. "Singh was always there.
a Good Samaritan
Hours after a Good Samaritan reportedly confronted a man for attempting to steal a bottle of vodka from a liquor store in Surrey, B.C., he was found dead.
good Samaritan
someone, especially a stranger, who helps you when you have problems or need something
good Samaritan
someone, especially a stranger, who helps you when you have problems or need something
unpaid furlough
unpaid leave
Back in 2003, Gulfstream's Savannah facility furloughed 1,000 employees over the summer.
AmE a period of time when workers are told not to work, especially because there is not enough money to pay them
workers forced to take a long, unpaid furlough (無薪假)
unpaid furlough
unpaid leave
/ ˋfəlo/ n [C, U] (permission for) absence from duty, esp that granted to civil servants, soldiers, etc working abroadBack in 2003, Gulfstream's Savannah facility furloughed 1,000 employees over the summer.
AmE a period of time when workers are told not to work, especially because there is not enough money to pay them
2009年8月4日 星期二
skinny dipping
a skimpy dress or skirt etc is very short and does not cover very much of a woman's body
not enough of something
skinny-.dipping n [U] informal
swimming with no clothes on
tone--technical how firm and strong your muscles or skin are
she was still tanned and toned.
exposing her tight abs
six pack abs---六塊肌
in tow
Under close guidance; in one's charge
I had to shift so that my boxers wouldn't tent.
scoot over phr v
to move to one side, especially in order to make room for someone or something else
She nuzzled into me.
to gently rub or press your nose or head against someone to show you like them
you'll find Prince Charming one of these days.
It was sorta the other way around
then looked down and saw his shaft clearly outlined.
Will you spot me?
orb-literary a bright ball-shaped object, especially the sun or the moon
celibate ---not married and not having sex, especially because of your religious beliefs
lilt /lɪlt/ n [singular] a pleasant pattern of rising and falling sound in someone's voice or in music
You can use dilettante to talk about someone who seems interested in a subject, especially in art, but who does not really know very much about it.
flaunt--to show your money, success, beauty etc so that other people notice it - used to show disapproval
Although the sun's glare was impeding my view, I could see Cindy wearing a very sexy bikini.
inordinate--far more than you would reasonably or normally expect
lithe--having a body that moves easily and gracefully
I was being neighborly.
agoraphobia---fear of crowds and open spaces
"Oh, you want a beaver shot, huh?" I giggled.
beaver ---Vulgar Slang. The female genitals
skinny-.dipping n [U] informal
swimming with no clothes on
Span·dex /ˈspændeks/ n [U] trademark
a material that stretches, used especially for making tight-fitting sports clothes
a material that stretches, used especially for making tight-fitting sports clothes
tone--technical how firm and strong your muscles or skin are
she was still tanned and toned.
exposing her tight abs
six pack abs---六塊肌
in tow
Under close guidance; in one's charge
boner n. Vulgar Slang---An erection of the penis.
a big boner is no way to greet your family.
hunk·y /ˈhʌŋki/ adj
a man who is hunky is sexually attractive and has a big strong body
She bounced across the room while I watched her braless tits stretch the thin material for all it was worth.
I opened my eye a slita big boner is no way to greet your family.
hunk·y /ˈhʌŋki/ adj
a man who is hunky is sexually attractive and has a big strong body
She bounced across the room while I watched her braless tits stretch the thin material for all it was worth.
I had to shift so that my boxers wouldn't tent.
scoot over phr v
to move to one side, especially in order to make room for someone or something else
She nuzzled into me.
to gently rub or press your nose or head against someone to show you like them
you'll find Prince Charming one of these days.
It was sorta the other way around
then looked down and saw his shaft clearly outlined.
Will you spot me?
orb-literary a bright ball-shaped object, especially the sun or the moon
celibate ---not married and not having sex, especially because of your religious beliefs
lilt /lɪlt/ n [singular] a pleasant pattern of rising and falling sound in someone's voice or in music
You can use dilettante to talk about someone who seems interested in a subject, especially in art, but who does not really know very much about it.
flaunt--to show your money, success, beauty etc so that other people notice it - used to show disapproval
Although the sun's glare was impeding my view, I could see Cindy wearing a very sexy bikini.
inordinate--far more than you would reasonably or normally expect
lithe--having a body that moves easily and gracefully
I was being neighborly.
agoraphobia---fear of crowds and open spaces
"Oh, you want a beaver shot, huh?" I giggled.
beaver ---Vulgar Slang. The female genitals
revel in
up·tick (ptĭk)
An increase, especially a small or incremental one
Martinez still goes to work every day. She still picks up her son at school, and makes sure he keeps his grades up. It wouldn't dawn on any passerby outside that she is homeless -- and she sees a powerful lesson in that.
The Democratic president poked fun at the Republican Party, saying it "does not qualify for a bailout" and conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh "doesn't count as a troubled asset."
revel in [revel in sth] phr v
to enjoy something very much
President Barack Obama isn't afraid to laugh at himself. In fact, he appears to revel in it.
miscreant----formal a bad person who causes trouble, hurts people etc
Indiscriminate mortar firing and planting of IEDs [improvised explosive devices] in the streets and roads by the miscreants in the populated areas of village Thana, Malakand and Mingora, resulted into civilian casualties
an indiscriminate action is done without thinking about what harm it might cause
The doctor put her on an intravenous drip Friday
A hospice is a special hospital for people who are dying, where their practical and emotional needs are dealt with as well as their medical needs.
flirt with [flirt with sth] phr v
to consider doing something, but not be very serious about it
He had flirted with the idea of emigrating.
to do something that is dangerous or could cause problems for you
Climbers enjoy flirting with danger .
An increase, especially a small or incremental one
Martinez still goes to work every day. She still picks up her son at school, and makes sure he keeps his grades up. It wouldn't dawn on any passerby outside that she is homeless -- and she sees a powerful lesson in that.
The Democratic president poked fun at the Republican Party, saying it "does not qualify for a bailout" and conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh "doesn't count as a troubled asset."
revel in [revel in sth] phr v
to enjoy something very much
President Barack Obama isn't afraid to laugh at himself. In fact, he appears to revel in it.
miscreant----formal a bad person who causes trouble, hurts people etc
Indiscriminate mortar firing and planting of IEDs [improvised explosive devices] in the streets and roads by the miscreants in the populated areas of village Thana, Malakand and Mingora, resulted into civilian casualties
an indiscriminate action is done without thinking about what harm it might cause
The doctor put her on an intravenous drip Friday
A hospice is a special hospital for people who are dying, where their practical and emotional needs are dealt with as well as their medical needs.
flirt with [flirt with sth] phr v
to consider doing something, but not be very serious about it
He had flirted with the idea of emigrating.
to do something that is dangerous or could cause problems for you
Climbers enjoy flirting with danger .
tough cookie
tough cookie---someone who is unemotional and are not easily hurt by what people say or do.
tough/smart cookie informal
someone who is clever and successful, and knows how to get what they want
Jigsaw 曾經說過Sally-Ann was one tough cookie.
Have you gone bonkers?--Are you crazy?
He had all the sympathy of a tarantula. ---(spider)
You use hard-boiled to describe someone who is tough and does not show much emotion.
Then it dawned on me.
if a fact dawns on you, you realize it for the first time
that's the way the cookie crumbles----said when something bad has happened and you must accept things the way they are, even though you do not want to
tough/smart cookie informal
someone who is clever and successful, and knows how to get what they want
Jigsaw 曾經說過Sally-Ann was one tough cookie.
Have you gone bonkers?--Are you crazy?
He had all the sympathy of a tarantula. ---(spider)
You use hard-boiled to describe someone who is tough and does not show much emotion.
Then it dawned on me.
if a fact dawns on you, you realize it for the first time
that's the way the cookie crumbles----said when something bad has happened and you must accept things the way they are, even though you do not want to
2009年8月2日 星期日
Put a sock in it
Put a sock in it----A request to be quiet.
This is a colloquial British phrase that originated in the early 20th century. It is generally used when someone is being so noisy as to annoy others. The imagery behind the phrases is that putting a sock in whatever was causing the noise would quieten it down. What that thing was isn't known. There are suggestions that this may have been the horn of an early gramophone or, more straightforwardly, the raucous person's mouth.
The earliest example of it in print that I can find is a definition of the term in the weekly literary review The Athenaeum 1919:
"The expression ‘Put a sock in it’, meaning 'Leave off talking, singing or shouting'."
The fact that an erudite publication saw fit to define the term suggests it was recently coined in 1919.
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